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标题 GEO?LEO双基地SAR成像算法研究
范文 董众+徐卓异+张善从
摘 要: 提出一种基于多普勒贡献比加权的GEO?LEO星载双基地SAR二维频谱求解方法,与现有的频谱求解方法不同,该方法根据加权因子的物理意义,并利用GEO?LEO的轨道参数推导其相应的解析表达式,在没有引入误差的情况下,解决了GEO?LEO双基地SAR的二维频谱表达式求解问题。并与二维尺度变换逆FFT成像算法结合,实现了GEO?LEO双基地SAR对地面目标的精确成像。仿真实验结果表明了算法的优越性。
关键词: GEO?LEO; 双基地SAR; 二维频谱; 驻相原理; 多普勒贡献比
中图分类号: TN951?34 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1004?373X(2014)16?0098?06
GEO?LEO BI?SAR imaging algorithm
DONG Zhong1, XU Zhuo?yi2, ZHANG Shan?cong1
(1. Technology and Engineering Center for Space Utilization, Chinese Academy of Science, Beijing 100094, China;
2. Space Star Technology Co., Ltd, Beijing 100083, China)
Abstract: A Doppler distribution weighted method is proposed to solve the two?dimensional spectrum of GEO?LEO Bi?SAR imaging system. Different from the existing methods, this method deduces the corresponding analytical expression according to the physical significance of weight factor and the orbital parameters of GEO?LEO satellites. The solution difficulty of the two?dimensional spectrum expression was overcome without any introducing errors. In combination with an Inverse Scaled Fast Fourier Transformation algorithm, the accurate ground target imaging of GEO?LEO Bi?SAR was realized. The simulation results show the advantages of the imaging method proposed in the paper.
Keywords: GEO?LEO; BI?SAR; two?dimensional spectrum; principle of stationary phase; Doppler contribution ratio
0 引 言
由如图1所示的GEO?LEO双基地成像系统,可以看出由于LEO卫星的波束覆盖范围比GEO小很多,且其运动速度要快,因此GEO?LEO的合成孔径时间长度主要由LEO决定,对于一般的LEO卫星,其值在5 s左右,与GEO大于500 s的合成孔径时间相比,在这段时间内GEO和LEO卫星的运动轨迹均完全可以当成直线运动计算。因此GEO?LEO双基地SAR成像建模为轨道不同,运动方向不同,速度不同的移变双基地成像系统。同时由于发射GEO卫星的波束覆盖范围较LEO卫星大,在合成孔径时间内,GEO卫星不一定经过其离场景的最近点(距离为[RT0]处)。如图1所示,不妨假设[t=0]时刻,LEO达到与场景中心的最近距离[RR0],而此时GEO卫星距离最近点距离为[ΔX=VTΔT,][0≤ΔT
图1 GEO?LEO双基地成像系统

图2 GEO?LEO双基地SAR距离历史模型
[RT(tm)=R20T+(VT(tm-ΔT)-xp)2] (1)
[RR(tm)=R20R+(VRtm-xp)2] (2)
[s(t,tm)=pt-RT(tm)+RR(tm)cwa(tm)exp-j2πRT(tm)+RR(tm)λ] (3)
[S(f,fd)=P(f)wa(tm)exp-j2π(f+fc)RT(tm)+RR(tm)c+fatmdtm] (4)
2 基于多普勒贡献比加权的二维频谱求解
[φBi=2π(fr+fc)R(tm)c+2πfatm =2π(fr+fc)RT(tm)c+α2πfatm+ 2π(fr+fc)RR(tm)c+(1-α)2πfatm =φT(tm,fa)+φR(tm,fa) ] (5)
在上式中,引入瞬时多普勒贡献比,则可得信号的多普勒频率为:[fa(tm)=ddtm1λR20T+(VT(tm-ΔT)-xp)2+1λR20R+(VRtm-xp)2 =V2T(tm-ΔT)-VTxpλR20T+(VTtm-VTΔT-xp)2+V2Rtm-VRxpλR20R+(VRtm-xp)2 =faT(tm)+faR(tm) ] (6)
[t*T=ΔT+xpVT-αfaR0Tfc+frc2-α2faVT2] (7)
[t*R=xpVR-(1-α)faR0Tfc+frc2-(1-α)2faVR2] (8)
[αfaR0Tfc+frc2-α2faVT2-(1-α)faR0Tfc+frc2-(1-α)2faVR2=ΔT+xpVT-xpVR] (9)
[α=ΔT+xpVT-xpVRKaTKaR+faKaTKaT+KaRfa] (10)
[?T(tm)=?T(t*T)+12?T″(t*T)(tm-t*T)2] (11)
[?R(tm)=?R(t*R)+12?R″(t*R)(tm-t*R)2] (12)
(1) [α]取0.5即可得到经典的LBF二维频谱。该方法认为在任一时刻两平台对系统的多普勒频率贡献相当,然而对于GEO?LEO这种速度差异较大的移变双基地系统,收发雷达对回波多普勒频率的贡献比存在较大的差异,因此采用该方法求得到的二维频谱必然存在较大的误差。
(2) 当[ΔT+xpVT=xpVR]时,用收、发雷达的多普勒调频率的差异进行加权,即为ELBF方法。该条件只有在GEO和LEO卫星同时经过其运行轨迹离目标最近点的时候,即两者零多普勒时刻相等的情况下才能精确满足,当两者的差异越大,该方法的性能就越差。而由于GEO和LEO波束覆盖范围存在很大的差异,具体的成像场景很难满足这一条件,因此ELBF方法在GEO?LEO双基地SAR系统中也往往是存在较大误差的。
3 仿真实验
图3,图4分别给出了GEO和LEO经过目标最近点时刻差值为0和为20 s情况下的相位误差随目标位置的变化情况。

图3 [ΔT=0]时各算法相位误差

图4 [ΔT=20]时各算法相位误差

图5 [ΔT=0]时多普勒贡献比加权法成像结果

图6 [ΔT=20]时多普勒贡献比加权法成像结果

图7 [ΔT=0]时ELBF成像结果

图8 [ΔT=20]时ELBF成像结果
4 结 论

图9 [ΔT=0]时LBF成像结果

图10 [ΔT=20]时LBF成像结果
(1) GEO?LEO双基地SAR的成像可建模为轨道不同,运动方向不同,速度不同的移变双基地成像系统,在距离向和方位向均具有较强的移变特性。
(2) 二维频谱估计是GEO?LEO双基地成像的关键,而多普勒贡献比加权的二维频谱求解方法具有比LBF和ELBF高的精度。
(3) 采用多普勒贡献比加权?ISFFT的成像方法能很好地实现GEO?LEO双基地SAR成像,且其计算量与LBF和ELBF相比没有增加,具有较高的实际使用价值。
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[11] HUAN L, JIANXIONG Z, QIANG F. Bistatic forward?looking SAR imaging based on an improved two dimension spectrum [C]// IET 2012 International Conference on Radar Systems. [S.l.]: IET, 2012: 1?4.
[12] NEO Y L. A two?dimensional spectrum for bistatic SAR processing using series reversion [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2007, 4(1):93?96.
[13] NEO Y L, WONG F H, CUMMING I G. A comparison of point target spectra derived for bistatic SAR processing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008, 46(9):2481?2492.
[14] CHEN S, XING M, ZHOU S, et al. Focusing of tandem bistatic SAR data using the chirp?scaling algorithm [J]. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2013, 2013(1): 1?13.
[15] LOFFELD O, SCHNEIDER F, HEIN A. Focusing SAR images by inverse scaled Fourier transformation [C]// Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Process. Las Palmas, Spain: [s.n.], 1998, 2: 630?632.
[16] WU J, LI Z, HUANG Y, et al. Processing one?stationary bistatic SAR data using inverse scaled Fourier transform [J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2012, 129: 143?159.
[6] 赵秉吉,齐向阳,宋红军,等.基于椭圆轨道的 Geo?SAR 精确多普勒参数解析计算方法[J].电子与信息学报,2012,34(11):2642?2647.
[7] OTMAR L, NIES H, PETERS V, et al. Models and useful relations for bistatic SAR processing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2004, 42(10): 2031?2038.
[8] ZARE A, MASNADI?SHIRAZI M A, SAMADI S. Range?Doppler algorithm for processing bistatic SAR data based on the LBF in the constant?offset constellation [C]// 2012 IEEE Radar Conference (RADAR). [S.l.]: IEEE, 2012: 0017?0021.
[9] UL?ANN Q, LOFFELD O, NIES H, et al. A point target reference spectrum based on Loffelds Bistatic Formula (LBF) for hybrid configurations [C]// Proceedings of International Conference on Emerging Technologies. Pakistan: [s.n.], 2008: 74?77.
[10] UL?ANN Q, LOFFELD O, NIES H, et al. Optimizing the individual azimuth contribution of transmitter and receiver phase terms in Loffeld's bistatic formula (LBF) for bistatic SAR processing [C]// International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposimu. [S.l.]: IGARSS, 2008:455?458.
[11] HUAN L, JIANXIONG Z, QIANG F. Bistatic forward?looking SAR imaging based on an improved two dimension spectrum [C]// IET 2012 International Conference on Radar Systems. [S.l.]: IET, 2012: 1?4.
[12] NEO Y L. A two?dimensional spectrum for bistatic SAR processing using series reversion [J]. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2007, 4(1):93?96.
[13] NEO Y L, WONG F H, CUMMING I G. A comparison of point target spectra derived for bistatic SAR processing [J]. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2008, 46(9):2481?2492.
[14] CHEN S, XING M, ZHOU S, et al. Focusing of tandem bistatic SAR data using the chirp?scaling algorithm [J]. EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, 2013, 2013(1): 1?13.
[15] LOFFELD O, SCHNEIDER F, HEIN A. Focusing SAR images by inverse scaled Fourier transformation [C]// Proceedings of International Conference on Signal Process. Las Palmas, Spain: [s.n.], 1998, 2: 630?632.
[16] WU J, LI Z, HUANG Y, et al. Processing one?stationary bistatic SAR data using inverse scaled Fourier transform [J]. Progress in Electromagnetics Research, 2012, 129: 143?159.




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