标题 | 国际原油价格波动对我国宏观经济增长的影响 |
范文 | 摘要:基于Brent现货价格以及我国实际GDP增长率的季度数据,本文利用向量自回归(VAR)模型构建与估计、Granger因果关系检验,以及冲击响应函数估计方法检验国际原油价格波动与我国宏观经济增长之间的关联性问题。研究表明:在不同滞后阶数的情况下,Brent现货价格自身的影响作用发生了显著的改变,对我国实际GDP增长率的影响作用也都发生了显著改变;在不同滞后阶数的情况下,我国实际GDP增长率对Brent现货价格的影响作用发生了显著改变,Brent现货价格对我国实际GDP增长率的影响作用也都发生了显著改变;在Brent现货价格与我国实际GDP增长率序列之间存在较为显著的单向Granger影响关系,即Brent现货价格能够显著影响我国实际GDP增长率,Brent现货价格正向冲击会对我国实际GDP增长率产生显著影响。 关键词:国际原油价格;中国实际GDP增长率;向量自回归模型 中图分类号:F2240 文献标识码:A 收稿日期:2013-07-09 作者简介:杨波(1979-),男,吉林省吉林人,吉林大学商学院博士研究生,研究方向:数量经济。 目前,国际原油价格的波动对世界各国的宏观经济运行产生了不同程度的影响,国际原油价格的波动也对我国宏观经济稳健增长产生了重要影响。基于向量自回归(VAR)模型构建与估计、Granger因果关系检验、冲击响应函数估计方法,本文具体检验国际原油价格波动与我国宏观经济增长之间的关联性问题,并提出相应的政策启示。 一、国际原油价格序列与我国宏观经济增长率序列的选取和描述 由于中国的国内石油价格是在1998年开始才真正实现了与国际市场中原油价格全方位地并轨,自1998年起在国际范围内石油价格的作用机制以及传导机制的影响之下,国际范围内石油价格的波动特征能够较为直接地影响到我国国内的原油价格和成品油价格。在目前的国际原油交易过程中主要是以WTI、Brent以及Dubi原油价格作为最重要的借鉴和参考基础,有50%左右的原油贸易又都集中于借鉴和参照Brent原油的具体实际定价,Brent原油价格与WTI以及Dubi原油价格相比较,具有更鲜明的代表性。本文选取1998年第1季度至2013年第1季度区间范围内的Brent现货价格的季度数据,具体度量国际原油价格,通过对Brent现货价格取自然对数后,用BRENT表示。本文选取1998年第1季度至2013年第1季度区间范围内我国实际GDP增长率的季度数据,具体度量我国宏观经济增长,用GDP表示。本文所研究的具体数据来自于中经网(http://db.cei.gov.cn)数据库、锐思(RESSET)金融研究数据库,以及美国能源情报署网站(http://www.eia.doe.gov)。本文在图1和图2中给出了Brent现货价格对数时间序列图和我国GDP增长率时间序列图。 观察表1中所给出的具体计算结果,发现滞后一阶的Brent现货价格对Brent现货价格自身呈现出一定程度的正向影响,滞后二阶的Brent现货价格对Brent现货价格自身呈现较弱的负向影响,而滞后三阶的Brent现货价格对Brent现货价格自身再一次呈现出微弱的正向影响。另外,滞后一阶的Brent现货价格对我国实际GDP增长率呈现出一定程度的正向影响,滞后二阶的Brent现货价格对我国实际GDP增长率呈现更强的负向影响,而滞后三阶的Brent现货价格对我国实际GDP增长率再一次呈现出微弱的正向影响。 观察表1中所给出的具体计算结果还能够发现滞后一阶的我国实际GDP增长率对Brent现货价格呈现出微弱的负向影响,滞后二阶的我国实际GDP增长率对Brent现货价格呈现出微弱的正向影响,而滞后三阶的我国实际GDP增长率对Brent现货价格自身再一次呈现出微弱的负向影响。滞后一阶的我国实际GDP增长率对我国实际GDP增长率自身呈现出一定程度的正向影响,滞后二阶的我国实际GDP增长率对我国实际GDP增长率自身呈现出微弱的正向影响,而滞后三阶的我国实际GDP增长率对我国实际GDP增长率自身却呈现出微弱的负向影响。 三、基本结论及政策启示 本文基于向量自回归(VAR)模型构建与估计、Granger因果关系检验、冲击响应函数估计方法,具体检验国际原油价格波动与我国宏观经济增长之间的关联性问题,最终获得了如下几方面的重要结论: 首先,基于二元向量自回归(VAR) 模型的实证检验结果,表明Brent现货价格在滞后一阶、二阶以及三阶的情况下,不仅对Brent现货价格自身的影响都发生了显著的改变,而且对我国实际GDP增长率的影响也都发生了显著的改变。此外,我国实际GDP增长率在滞后一阶、二阶以及三阶的情况下,不仅对Brent现货价格的影响都发生了显著的改变,而且对我国实际GDP增长率自身的影响也都发生了显著的改变。 其次,基于经典Granger因果关系检验方法的实证结果,表明在95%的显著性水平下,Brent现货价格能够显著影响我国实际GDP增长率。我们无法获得支持我国实际GDP增长率能够显著影响Brent现货价格的可靠证据,即在Brent现货价格与我国实际GDP增长率序列之间存在较为显著的单向Granger影响关系。 最后,基于冲击反应函数估计的实证结果,表明当Brent现货价格发生1标准单位正向冲击以后,我国实际GDP增长率在该冲击发生的第1个季度就达到正向反应水平,随后不断攀升,并在第2个季度达到正向最大值,该冲击响应在此之后逐渐缓慢减弱,并自第9个季度起,我国实际GDP增长率的冲击影响方向发生改变,即变为负向。但是,在第9个季度至第12个季度的时间范围内,我国实际GDP增长率序列对Brent现货价格的正向冲击影响的反应一直维持在较低的负向水平。因此,国际原油价格的上升对我国宏观经济增长所产生的抑制作用并不十分显著。究其原因,主要是因为我国坚持对国内成品油价格进行积极的财政补贴,使得成品油价格长期处于较低的水平。所以,我国在进一步理顺成品油价格以及天然气价格的同时,应积极推动和健全石油价格的改革机制,健全和完善石油期货市场,以有效阻断由于国际原油价格的剧烈波动而引发我国国内宏观经济增长所产生的抑制作用。此外,我国还应该尽快构建和完备我国的石油战略储备系统,通过多种途径积极吸引民间资本能够参与我国石油战略储备的长期建设;同时,应该不断放开石油市场,并且应该引入竞争机制作为保障。当然,我国还应该大力推广有效的节能技术,并不断培养节能意识,真正实现能源的多元化战略。 参考文献: [1] 韩民春,樊琦.国际油价价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究[J].数量经济技术经济,2007(2). [2] 翁非.石油价格冲击与中国经济增长:基于三变量VAR模型的研究[J].统计与决策,2006(11). [3] Hamilton, J.D.Oil and the macroeconomy since World War II[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,91:228-248. [4] Hamilton, J.D. This is what happened to the oil price?macroeconomy relationship[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1996,38:215-220. [5] Hamilton, J. D. What is an oil shock?[J].Journal of Econometrics,2003,113:363-398. [6] Jiménez-Rodríguez.The impact of oil price shocks: Evidence from the industries of six OECD countries[J].Energy Economics,2008,30:3095-3108. [7] Rong-Gang Cong, Yi-Ming Wei, Jian-Lin Jiao,Ying Fan, Relationships between oil price shocks and stock market: An empirical analysis from China[J].Energy Policy,2008,36:3544-3553. [8] Sandrine Lardic, Valerie Mignon, Oil price and economic activity: An asymmetric cointegration approach[J].Energy Economics, 2008, 30:847-855. [9] Soytas, U., Sari, R.The relationship between energy and production: evidence from the Turkish manufacturing industry[J].Energy Economics, forthcoming,2006. Abstract:Based on the Brent spot price and quarterly data of real GDP growth rate, this article uses vector auto regression (VAR) model building and estimation, Granger causality test and impulse response function estimation method to test the relationship between international crude oil price volatility and China′s macroeconomic growth. Research shows that: in the case of different lag orders, Brent spot price itself influences the occurrence of a significant change, the influence on China′s real GDP growth rate has also undergone a significant change. In the case of different lag orders, the influence of China′s real GDP growth rate on the Brent spot price has undergone a significant change, Brent spot price influence on China′s real GDP growth has also undergone a significant change; there is a more significant one-way Granger causality relationship between the Brent spot price time series and real GDP growth rate sequence, namely, Brent spot price can significantly affect our real GDP growth rate,and Brent spot price positive impact has significant effects on China′s real GDP growth rate. Key words: international crude oil price;China′s real GDP growth rate; vector autoregressive model (责任编辑:关立新) 参考文献: [1] 韩民春,樊琦.国际油价价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究[J].数量经济技术经济,2007(2). [2] 翁非.石油价格冲击与中国经济增长:基于三变量VAR模型的研究[J].统计与决策,2006(11). [3] Hamilton, J.D.Oil and the macroeconomy since World War II[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,91:228-248. [4] Hamilton, J.D. This is what happened to the oil price?macroeconomy relationship[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1996,38:215-220. [5] Hamilton, J. D. What is an oil shock?[J].Journal of Econometrics,2003,113:363-398. [6] Jiménez-Rodríguez.The impact of oil price shocks: Evidence from the industries of six OECD countries[J].Energy Economics,2008,30:3095-3108. [7] Rong-Gang Cong, Yi-Ming Wei, Jian-Lin Jiao,Ying Fan, Relationships between oil price shocks and stock market: An empirical analysis from China[J].Energy Policy,2008,36:3544-3553. [8] Sandrine Lardic, Valerie Mignon, Oil price and economic activity: An asymmetric cointegration approach[J].Energy Economics, 2008, 30:847-855. [9] Soytas, U., Sari, R.The relationship between energy and production: evidence from the Turkish manufacturing industry[J].Energy Economics, forthcoming,2006. Abstract:Based on the Brent spot price and quarterly data of real GDP growth rate, this article uses vector auto regression (VAR) model building and estimation, Granger causality test and impulse response function estimation method to test the relationship between international crude oil price volatility and China′s macroeconomic growth. Research shows that: in the case of different lag orders, Brent spot price itself influences the occurrence of a significant change, the influence on China′s real GDP growth rate has also undergone a significant change. In the case of different lag orders, the influence of China′s real GDP growth rate on the Brent spot price has undergone a significant change, Brent spot price influence on China′s real GDP growth has also undergone a significant change; there is a more significant one-way Granger causality relationship between the Brent spot price time series and real GDP growth rate sequence, namely, Brent spot price can significantly affect our real GDP growth rate,and Brent spot price positive impact has significant effects on China′s real GDP growth rate. Key words: international crude oil price;China′s real GDP growth rate; vector autoregressive model (责任编辑:关立新) 参考文献: [1] 韩民春,樊琦.国际油价价格波动与我国工业制成品出口的相关关系研究[J].数量经济技术经济,2007(2). [2] 翁非.石油价格冲击与中国经济增长:基于三变量VAR模型的研究[J].统计与决策,2006(11). [3] Hamilton, J.D.Oil and the macroeconomy since World War II[J].Journal of Political Economy,1983,91:228-248. [4] Hamilton, J.D. This is what happened to the oil price?macroeconomy relationship[J].Journal of Monetary Economics,1996,38:215-220. [5] Hamilton, J. D. What is an oil shock?[J].Journal of Econometrics,2003,113:363-398. [6] Jiménez-Rodríguez.The impact of oil price shocks: Evidence from the industries of six OECD countries[J].Energy Economics,2008,30:3095-3108. [7] Rong-Gang Cong, Yi-Ming Wei, Jian-Lin Jiao,Ying Fan, Relationships between oil price shocks and stock market: An empirical analysis from China[J].Energy Policy,2008,36:3544-3553. [8] Sandrine Lardic, Valerie Mignon, Oil price and economic activity: An asymmetric cointegration approach[J].Energy Economics, 2008, 30:847-855. [9] Soytas, U., Sari, R.The relationship between energy and production: evidence from the Turkish manufacturing industry[J].Energy Economics, forthcoming,2006. Abstract:Based on the Brent spot price and quarterly data of real GDP growth rate, this article uses vector auto regression (VAR) model building and estimation, Granger causality test and impulse response function estimation method to test the relationship between international crude oil price volatility and China′s macroeconomic growth. Research shows that: in the case of different lag orders, Brent spot price itself influences the occurrence of a significant change, the influence on China′s real GDP growth rate has also undergone a significant change. In the case of different lag orders, the influence of China′s real GDP growth rate on the Brent spot price has undergone a significant change, Brent spot price influence on China′s real GDP growth has also undergone a significant change; there is a more significant one-way Granger causality relationship between the Brent spot price time series and real GDP growth rate sequence, namely, Brent spot price can significantly affect our real GDP growth rate,and Brent spot price positive impact has significant effects on China′s real GDP growth rate. Key words: international crude oil price;China′s real GDP growth rate; vector autoregressive model (责任编辑:关立新) |
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