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标题 供应链上游段分散协调型VMI&TPL模式利益分配机制研究









    自20世纪80年代沃尔玛和宝洁实施VMI(Vendor-Managed Inventory, VMI)成功后,VMI便得到国内外企业(如Dell、K-mart、联想、华为等)的青睐。虽然实施VMI具有提高制造商的生产和配送效率[1]、降低需求不确定性[2]、削弱牛鞭效应[3]等优势,但供应商物流能力的不足将直接影响到VMI的实施效果。而TPL (Third Part Logistics, TPL)因其专业性的优势,解决了供应商物流能力不足的问题。因此,许多供应商开始与TPL合作,如Dell与联想均选择伯灵顿为其实施VMI。TPL参与以制造商为核心的VMI供应链可以分为两种模式:一是由供应商、TPL与制造商组成的供应链上游段VMI&TPL模式;另一种是由制造商、TPL以及分销商组成的供应链下游段VMI&TPL模式。如何建立合适的利益分配机制是成功实施供应链上游段VMI&TPL模式的关键。

    目前,关于VMI利益协调的研究主要围绕收益共享契约和价格契约进行的。收益共享方面,对于单供应商、单零售商组成的供应链,在Stackelberg模型中,Gerchak和Khmelnitsky[4](2004)研究了供应商处于领导地位,供应商和零售商通过收益共享形式分配利润的情形;而Wang Yunzeng等[5](2004)研究了当零售商处在领导地位的时候,假设外部需求是价格的函数,基于收益共享契约的VMI系统绩效;同样,刘鹏飞等[6](2008)基于收益共享契约,也对零售商处于领导地位的由一个供应商和一个零售商组成的两级VMI供应链进行了研究;相似的,赵道致和吕昕[7](2012)研究了由一个批发商和一个生产商组成的供应链,在批发商占优、产出与需求都随机的情况下,基于风险共享,建立了VMI供应链模型。可以看出,以上文献的研究都没有考虑TPL参与时供应链的协调,而刘阳等[8](2012)研究了单供应商、单TPL和单零售商组成的集中控制型VMI&TPL供应链,得出基于不对称Nash协商的风险共担型RS契约能够实现集中控制型VMI&TPL供应链完美协调的结论。价格契约方面,唐桂凤等[9](2005)研究了由1个供应商和1个零售商组成的供应链,在随机需求且允许缺货的情况下,提出了协议价格分配机制;钟磊钢等[10](2006)针对单零售商和单供应商,在确定需求下考虑有初始库存和库存短缺的情况,研究一种畅销商品的价格折扣契约协调供应链。对于1个供应商和多个零售商的情况,Bernstein等[11](2006)认为VMI模式下通过价格折扣就可实现供应链完全协调;Yu Gang等[12](2006)建立了Stackelberg博弈,分析了两者的定价策略。上述文献研究的都是供应链下游段,而对于供应链上游段,李雷和杨怀珍[13](2012)依据Stackelberg博弈以及纳什均衡理论,分别讨论了供应商占优、制造商占优以及地位平等等三种情况下的基于价格契约的利益分配机制。


















    [1]Cottrill, K. Reforging the supply chain[J].Journal of Business Strategy, 1997, 18(6): 35-39.

    [2]Waller, M., Johnson, M.E., Davis, T. Vendor-managed inventory in the retail supply chain [J].Journal of Business Logistics, 1999, 20(1): 183-203.

    [3]Disney, S.M., Towill, D.R. The effect of vendor managed inventory (VMI) dynamics on the Bullwhip Effect in supply chains[J]. International Journal of Production Economics, 2003, 85(2): 199-215.

    [4]Gerchak Y, Khmelnitsky E. A consignment system where suppliers cannot verify retailer′s sales reports[J]. International Journal of Production Economics,2003,83(1):37-43.

    [5]Wang Yunzeng, Guo Min & Janet Efstathion. A game theoretical cooperative mechanism design for a tow-echelon decentralized supply chain[J]. European Journal of Operational Research, 2004(157):372-388.






    [11]Bernstein F, Chen F & Federgruen A. Coordinating supply chains with simple pricing schemes: the role of vendor-managed inventories[J]. Management Science,2006,52(10):1483-1492.

    [12]Yugang Y, Liang L, Huang G Q. Leader-follower game in vendor-managed inventory system with limited production capacity considering wholesale and retail prices[J]. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 2006, 9(4): 335-350.


    Profit Distribution Mechanism of Upstream Segment for Distributed-coordinating

    VMI &TPL Supply Chain

    YANG Huai-zhen, FENG Zhong-wei, DONG Ying

    (School of Business, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004,China)

    Abstract:On the basis of revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract, the coordination is studied about upstream segment for the distributed-coordinating VMI&TPL supply chain. Because of the contract fails to coordinate the supply chain. The revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract with risk-sharing is put forward. However, the contract cannot ensure the profit implementation attain to optimal Pareto about the member enterprises of supply chain. Finally, the contract is further extended to the revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract of risk-sharing based on asymmetric Nash negotiation,which can not only ensure the profit of the whole supply chain to achieve optimal Pareto, but also can achieve the optimal Pareto of revenue about every enterprise in the supply chain.

    Key words:supply chain; vendor managed inventory; third-party logistics; revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract; asymmetric Nash negotiation




    [11]Bernstein F, Chen F & Federgruen A. Coordinating supply chains with simple pricing schemes: the role of vendor-managed inventories[J]. Management Science,2006,52(10):1483-1492.

    [12]Yugang Y, Liang L, Huang G Q. Leader-follower game in vendor-managed inventory system with limited production capacity considering wholesale and retail prices[J]. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 2006, 9(4): 335-350.


    Profit Distribution Mechanism of Upstream Segment for Distributed-coordinating

    VMI &TPL Supply Chain

    YANG Huai-zhen, FENG Zhong-wei, DONG Ying

    (School of Business, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004,China)

    Abstract:On the basis of revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract, the coordination is studied about upstream segment for the distributed-coordinating VMI&TPL supply chain. Because of the contract fails to coordinate the supply chain. The revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract with risk-sharing is put forward. However, the contract cannot ensure the profit implementation attain to optimal Pareto about the member enterprises of supply chain. Finally, the contract is further extended to the revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract of risk-sharing based on asymmetric Nash negotiation,which can not only ensure the profit of the whole supply chain to achieve optimal Pareto, but also can achieve the optimal Pareto of revenue about every enterprise in the supply chain.

    Key words:supply chain; vendor managed inventory; third-party logistics; revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract; asymmetric Nash negotiation




    [11]Bernstein F, Chen F & Federgruen A. Coordinating supply chains with simple pricing schemes: the role of vendor-managed inventories[J]. Management Science,2006,52(10):1483-1492.

    [12]Yugang Y, Liang L, Huang G Q. Leader-follower game in vendor-managed inventory system with limited production capacity considering wholesale and retail prices[J]. International Journal of Logistics: Research and Applications, 2006, 9(4): 335-350.


    Profit Distribution Mechanism of Upstream Segment for Distributed-coordinating

    VMI &TPL Supply Chain

    YANG Huai-zhen, FENG Zhong-wei, DONG Ying

    (School of Business, Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004,China)

    Abstract:On the basis of revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract, the coordination is studied about upstream segment for the distributed-coordinating VMI&TPL supply chain. Because of the contract fails to coordinate the supply chain. The revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract with risk-sharing is put forward. However, the contract cannot ensure the profit implementation attain to optimal Pareto about the member enterprises of supply chain. Finally, the contract is further extended to the revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract of risk-sharing based on asymmetric Nash negotiation,which can not only ensure the profit of the whole supply chain to achieve optimal Pareto, but also can achieve the optimal Pareto of revenue about every enterprise in the supply chain.

    Key words:supply chain; vendor managed inventory; third-party logistics; revenue sharing (RS)-wholesale price contract; asymmetric Nash negotiation






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