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单词 dismissal
释义 dismissal noun¹ 1from a job工作adjective | verb + dismissal | preposition | phrases adjective➤automatic, immediate, instant, summary自动免职;即刻解雇;马上开除◆his attack on the manager led to his instant dismissal.他攻击经理使他当即丢了工作。➤constructive, unfair, wrongful推定/无理/非法解雇◆she won her claim for constructive dismissal because she had been pressured into resigning.由于是被迫辞职,她赢得了推定解雇赔偿的申诉。◆an employee claim for unfair dismissal雇员对无理解雇提出索赔verb + dismissal➤lead to导致解雇▸➤call for要求解雇◆crash victims are calling for the dismissal of the bus driver.撞车事故受害者要求解雇公交车司机。➤be faced with, be threatened with, face, risk面临解雇;有遭解雇的危险◆they were warned that they risked dismissal if the strike continued.他们被警告说如果继续罢工就有遭解雇的危险。➤warrant成为解雇的理由◆these mistakes were not nearly serious enough to warrant his dismissal.这些错误远没有严重到将他解雇的程度。➤appeal, appeal against, claim就解雇进行上诉;声称遭⋯解雇◆cooke, who was with the firm 30 years, claims unfair dismissal.库克在这家公司工作已 30 年,他诉称自己是被无理解雇的。➤uphold (especially name) 维持解雇决定◆the court upheld the dismissal.法院支持解雇决定。preposition➤dismissal for由于⋯的解雇◆his dismissal for poor performance他由于表现不好而遭解雇➤dismissal on the grounds of以⋯为理由的解雇◆she is now faced with dismissal on the grounds of misconduct.由于渎职她现在面临被解雇。phrases➤grounds for dismissal, reason for dismissal解雇的理由dismissal noun² 2refusing to consider sth拒绝考虑adjective | preposition adjective➤arrogant, casual, cavalier, easy傲慢的/随便的/草率的/轻易的打发➤abrupt, curt, offhand突然的/草率的/不假思索的解雇➤outright, wholesale断然/全盘否定◆his wholesale dismissal of women composers is indefensible.他对女作曲家的全盘否定是站不住脚的。preposition➤dismissal of对⋯的不予考虑◆his callous dismissal of her father's illness他对她父亲的病麻木不仁,不闻不问dismissal /dɪsmɪsl/ noun [uncountable, countable] (hr 人力资源) the act of removing an employee from their job; an example of this 解雇;免职◆six employees face possible dismissal. 有六位员工可能面临被解雇。◆the dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman. 这些解雇事件发生在董事长辞职以后。◆going over budget can be grounds for dismissal. 预算超支可能成为被解雇的理由。◆dismissal with/without notice 通知/即时解雇 (law 法律) the act of not allowing a trial or legal case to continue, usually because there is not enough evidence (审判、官司等的)被驳回,拒绝受理◆the dismissal of the appeal 上诉被驳回 constructive dismissal ◇ unfair dismissal ◇ wrongful dismissal ☞ dismissaldismissal [uncountable, countable] (rather formal or law法律) the act of officially removing sb from their job; an example of this解雇;开除;撤职◆he still hopes to win his claim against unfair dismissal.他仍然希望赢得遭到无理解雇的赔偿。◆the dismissals followed the resignation of the chairman.董事长辞职后紧接着就是裁员。  ➡ see also dismiss → fire verb dismissalnoun [uncountable] ◆her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible.她对这些威胁漫不经心,不予理会,好像很不负责任。dismissalnoun [uncountable] ◆her casual dismissal of the threats seemed irresponsible.她对这些威胁漫不经心,不予理会,好像很不负责任。 dismissaln [c,u]




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