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标题 中国畜牧业脱钩分析及影响因素研究

    陈瑶 尚杰

    摘要畜牧业已成为全球人为温室气体的主要排放源, 同时,畜禽粪便成为环境污染的重要源头。本文在测算我国畜牧业温室气体排放的基础上,基于脱钩理论分析了我国畜牧业温室气体排放与畜牧业产值之间的脱钩情况,并借助LMDI 模型对影响我国畜牧业温室气体排放的影响因素进行分解,结果表明:我国畜牧业CH4和N2O排放量分别由2001年的1 06840万t和3937万t变化到2011年的1 04181万t和4087万t,肠道发酵是CH4排放的最大贡献者,而粪便管理则是N2O排放的重要诱因;在肠道发酵CH4排放中,排放最多的是牛,其次是山羊和绵羊,最少的是兔子,在粪便管理CH4排放中,排放最多的是猪,最少的是骆驼;生猪和牛是粪便管理N2O排放的主要贡献者,而骆驼最少;2001-2011年期间我国畜牧业温室气体排放与畜牧业产值之间的脱钩状态主要分为强脱钩和弱脱钩两种状态,整体脱钩弹性值为-0004,呈强脱钩状态,脱钩稳定性系数为1428 7,脱钩稳定性较差;经济因素是影响我国畜牧业温室气体排放的最大因素,短期内效率因素是我国畜牧业低碳化发展的最主要诱因,而从长期来看劳动力因素是我国畜牧业低碳化发展的最主要因素。笔者认为,强化低碳养殖技术和粪便清洁处理技术的研发与应用,培育畜禽优良品种,提升畜牧业从业人员的专业素质,推动农村剩余劳动力转移就业,培育职业农民,促进畜牧养殖业的规模化、集约化经营,提升饲料转化效率,是我国畜牧业温室气体减排的关键和实现路径。



    工业革命以来,伴随大量化石燃料消耗而来的是全球生态环境危机和以全球变暖为主要特征的气候气象灾难,制约着人类社会的可持续发展[1]。若是无法有效应对全球变暖,未来十年由此而引起的气候变化将造成每年全球损失额达到GDP的5%-20%[2]。农业作为重要的产业部门,也是重要的温室气体排放源,而畜牧业在其中占据很大的比例。联合国粮农组织(FAO)在《牲畜的巨大阴影:环境问题与选择》中指出,每年牛、骆驼、羊、马、猪和家禽排放的温室气体排放量占全世界总排放量的18%,其中CH4和N2O分别占65%和37%,而CH4和N2O的“增温效应”却是CO2的21倍和310倍。《世界观察》在2009年刊登的《牲畜与气候变化》的报告,指出牲畜及其副产品排放的温室气体超过了32564亿t CO2当量,占世界温室气体总排放量的51%[3]。我国农业源CH4(动物反刍、动物粪便和稻田)和N2O(动物粪便和农田)排放量分别为排放当量分别为42亿t和30亿t CO2当量[4]。因此,如何推进畜牧业的温室气体减排进而实现畜牧业温室气体排放与其产值增加之间的脱钩日益受到相关学者乃至社会各界的强烈关注。




    陈瑶等:中国畜牧业脱钩分析及影响因素研究中国人口·资源与环境2014年第3期在畜牧业温室气体排放测算方法的选取上优先借鉴国内相关专家学者的研究成果。韦秀丽等采用国家发展和改革委员会办公厅在2011年发布的《关于印发省级温室气体清单编制指南( 试行) 的通知》中的方法测算了重庆市畜牧业的温室气体排放量,结果发现牛是最关键的排放源[9]。刘月仙等测算了北京地区畜禽温室气体排放的时空变化[10]。结合相关文献,本文选取奶牛、非奶牛、骆驼、骡、马、驴、生猪、山羊、绵羊、兔和家禽的相干数据,测算我国畜牧业的温室气体排放量为了便于统一标准,根据增热效应,将CH4和N2O转化成CO2当量。Ni表示第i种动物的平均饲养量,αi和βi表示第i种动物的CH4和N2O排放因子。由于各种动物的饲养周期不同,需要根据动物的出栏量和年末存栏量对平均饲养量进行调整,参考胡向东[8]提出的出栏率进行调整。当出栏率大于1时,其平均饲养量用出栏量除以365乘以其生命周期,主要有生猪、家禽和兔,其生命周期分别为200天[8]、55天[11]和105[8]天。对于出栏率小于1的动物,其平均饲养量由相邻两年年末存栏量的平均数表示。CH4的排放主要源于反刍动物的肠道发酵和动物粪便管理,N2O的排放主要源于动物的粪便管理。本文动物CH4的排放因子来源于2006年IPCC国家间温室气体排放指南[12],N2O的排放因子来源于胡向东[8],非奶牛是取黄牛和水牛的平均值。山羊和绵羊的数据来自韦秀丽[9],并取规模化饲养、农户散养和放牧饲养的均值。


    根据公式(2)测算我国畜牧业温室气体排放与其产值之间脱钩状态的稳定状态,稳定指数为1428 7,变化率远远超过1,这说明我国畜牧业温室气体排放与其产值之间脱钩状态的稳定性较差,很可能出现反复。这主要是因为农民为了追求畜牧业的高产出,就会过度的投入饲料等畜牧业物资,同时随着经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,对肉类的需求必然会快速增加,使得畜牧业成为农业部门中有利可图的部门,其规模就会水涨船高,进而使得畜牧业温室气体排放迅速增加。



    经济因素是影响我国畜牧业温室气体排放的最大诱因。2001-2011年期间,经济因素对我国畜牧业温室气体排放都呈现正相关,除了2001年和2003年,其余年份经济因素对我国畜牧业温室气体排放的贡献都超过了2 000万t CO2当量,最多的为2004年的3 00302万t CO2当量。这主要是因为,随着我国近年来经济的快速发展,温饱问题逐步得到解决,人们生活水平迅速提高,人们对优质农产品的需求迅速增加,尤其是会大量增加对肉类的需求,这就要求我国畜牧业不得不扩大养殖规模以满足人们日益增长的肉类需求,进而致使我国畜牧业温室气体排放不断增加。因此,不难预测未来很长一段时间内,伴随我国经济的继续平稳发展和人们收入倍增计划的实施并得到实现,经济因素仍将是影响我国畜牧业温室气体排放的最主要的因素。

    结构因素是影响我国畜牧业温室气体排放的第二大因素。2001-2011年期间,2001-2003年、2005年、2006年和2007年结构因素对我国畜牧业温室气体排放呈现正相关,对我国畜牧业温室气体排放贡献最多的为2003年的1 07175万t CO2当量,这也体现在农业结果的变化中,以2000年为价格基准年折算为实际产值可以看出,2003年我国畜牧业产值占到了农业总产值的3155%,比2002年增加097个百分点,增幅最大。而2011年,结构因素对我国畜牧业温室气体排放的负向影响最大,达到-92854万t CO2当量,反应在产值上,2011年畜牧业产值占农业总产值的3124%,比2010年降低084个百分点,降幅最大。随着我国肉类需求量的增加,畜牧业在我国农业产业结构中的地位将会得到一定的提升,这就使得结构因素在短期内仍是影响我国畜牧业温室气体排放的重要因素。

    效率因素是我国畜牧业低碳化发展的最主要贡献者。2001-2011年期间,2001年贡献最大,效率因素减排达到了2 60194万t CO2当量,但是在此之后呈波动下降的趋势,2011年最少为88804万t CO2当量,只有2001年的三分之一左右。这主要因为随着畜牧业的规模化、集约化发展、饲料改良和良种选育等方式在短期内获得较高的温室气体减排效益,但是长期内,这些养殖方式和养殖技术趋于稳定,其减排效应就迅速减弱,甚至成为温室气体的排放源。因此,在短期内效率因素仍是我国畜牧业温室气体减排的最大影响因素,但是长期来看其减排能力将会不断削弱,这就需要加大畜牧业温室气体减排的技术创新和管理模式创新的力度。

    劳动力因素是影响我国畜牧业温室气体减排的重要因素,且影响力呈上升趋势。2001-2011年期间,劳动力因素对我国畜牧业温室气体减排的影响呈现正相关,其影响力还在波动上升,最多的为2010年的92935万t CO2当量。随着我国城市化和工业化的不断推进,农业从业人员必然会不断减少,而随着我国畜牧业的养殖规模化发展和养殖管理模式的不断创新,畜牧业单位从业人员的负担就会大大减轻,同时畜牧业从业人员的自身素质不断提高使得其工作能力得到提升,进而转移出更多的畜牧业从业人员,单个从业人员的产出就会大大增加,促进畜牧业温室气体的减排。因此,在未来劳动力因素仍将是我国畜牧业温室气体减排的重要因素,且减排能力将会不断提升。





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    [18]徐国泉, 刘则渊, 姜照华中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004[J]中国人口·资源与环境,2006, 16(6): 158-161[Xu Guoquan, Liuzeyuan, Jiang Zhaohua Decomposition Model and Empirical Study of Carbon Emissions for China,1995-2004[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006, 16(6): 158-161]

    [19]Sommer S G, Petern S O, Sogaard H T. Greenhouse Gas Emission from Stored Livestock Slurry [J]. Environ Qual, 2000,29:744-751.

    [20]赵胜男,崔胜辉,等.福建省有机废弃物资源化利用碳减排潜力研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20(9):30-35.[Zhao Shengnan, Cui Shenghui, et al. Research on Carbon Mitigation Potential of Organic Waste Reutilization in Fujian Province[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2010,20(9):30-35.]

    [21]IPCC. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Volume 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use[R]. Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2006:37-54.

    [22]杨湘华. 中国生猪业生产的效率及其影响因素分析[D].南京:南京农业大学,2008.[Yang Xianghua. An Anslysis of the Productive Efficiency and the Influencing Factors of Chinas Live Pig Industry[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Agricultural University,2008.]

    AbstractAnimal husbandry has become the main source of global greenhouse gas emissions Meanwhile, the poultry manure becomes an important source of environmental pollution Based on the calculation of China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and the decoupling theory, the paper analyzed the decoupling situation between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value, and by using the LMDI model, we carried on the analysis on the factors affecting the development of China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions The result showed that: the amount of CH4 and N2O emissions of China animal husbandry increased from 1 06840 tons and 3937 tons of 2001 to 1 04181 tons and 4087 tons of 2011 Enteric fermentation is the biggest contributor to CH4 emissions, however, manure management is an important cause of N2O emissions; in enteric fermentation CH4 emission, the most emission is cattle, followed by goats and sheep, and the least is the rabbit, in manure management CH4 emission, the largest emission is pig, and the least is the camel; pig and cattle manure management is the main contribution of N2O emission, and camels are the least; 2001-2011 decoupling state between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value was divided into strong and weak, and the overall separation elasticity value was -0004, which showed the strong decoupling state; there is a strong decoupling state between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value, and the decoupling stability coefficient was 14287, which showed poor stability; the economic factor was the biggest factor affecting China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions; the shortterm efficiency factor was the main inducement of lowcarbon development of animal husbandry in China, but in the long run the labor factor is the main factor of lowcarbon development of animal husbandry in China The author thought the key ways to reduce China animal husbandry of greenhouse gas emission were to strengthen the research and development of the application of lowcarbon farming technology and fecal cleaning technology, breed fine varieties of livestock and poultry husbandry, improve the professional quality of employees; promote the transfer of rural surplus labor force employment, cultivate the occupation of farmers, promote the animal husbandry industry scale and intensive management, and improve feed conversion efficiency

    Key wordsanimal husbandry; greenhouse gas emissions; decoupling theory; LMDI model

    [17]齐静,陈彬城市工业部门脱钩分析[J]中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(8):102-106[Qi Jing, Chen Bin Decoupling Analysis for Urban Industrial Sectors: A Case Study of Chongqing[J] Population, Resources and Environment, 2012,22(8):102-106]

    [18]徐国泉, 刘则渊, 姜照华中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004[J]中国人口·资源与环境,2006, 16(6): 158-161[Xu Guoquan, Liuzeyuan, Jiang Zhaohua Decomposition Model and Empirical Study of Carbon Emissions for China,1995-2004[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006, 16(6): 158-161]

    [19]Sommer S G, Petern S O, Sogaard H T. Greenhouse Gas Emission from Stored Livestock Slurry [J]. Environ Qual, 2000,29:744-751.

    [20]赵胜男,崔胜辉,等.福建省有机废弃物资源化利用碳减排潜力研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20(9):30-35.[Zhao Shengnan, Cui Shenghui, et al. Research on Carbon Mitigation Potential of Organic Waste Reutilization in Fujian Province[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2010,20(9):30-35.]

    [21]IPCC. 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. Volume 4: Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use[R]. Kanagawa: Institute for Global Environmental Strategies, 2006:37-54.

    [22]杨湘华. 中国生猪业生产的效率及其影响因素分析[D].南京:南京农业大学,2008.[Yang Xianghua. An Anslysis of the Productive Efficiency and the Influencing Factors of Chinas Live Pig Industry[D]. Nanjing: Nanjing Agricultural University,2008.]

    AbstractAnimal husbandry has become the main source of global greenhouse gas emissions Meanwhile, the poultry manure becomes an important source of environmental pollution Based on the calculation of China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and the decoupling theory, the paper analyzed the decoupling situation between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value, and by using the LMDI model, we carried on the analysis on the factors affecting the development of China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions The result showed that: the amount of CH4 and N2O emissions of China animal husbandry increased from 1 06840 tons and 3937 tons of 2001 to 1 04181 tons and 4087 tons of 2011 Enteric fermentation is the biggest contributor to CH4 emissions, however, manure management is an important cause of N2O emissions; in enteric fermentation CH4 emission, the most emission is cattle, followed by goats and sheep, and the least is the rabbit, in manure management CH4 emission, the largest emission is pig, and the least is the camel; pig and cattle manure management is the main contribution of N2O emission, and camels are the least; 2001-2011 decoupling state between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value was divided into strong and weak, and the overall separation elasticity value was -0004, which showed the strong decoupling state; there is a strong decoupling state between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value, and the decoupling stability coefficient was 14287, which showed poor stability; the economic factor was the biggest factor affecting China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions; the shortterm efficiency factor was the main inducement of lowcarbon development of animal husbandry in China, but in the long run the labor factor is the main factor of lowcarbon development of animal husbandry in China The author thought the key ways to reduce China animal husbandry of greenhouse gas emission were to strengthen the research and development of the application of lowcarbon farming technology and fecal cleaning technology, breed fine varieties of livestock and poultry husbandry, improve the professional quality of employees; promote the transfer of rural surplus labor force employment, cultivate the occupation of farmers, promote the animal husbandry industry scale and intensive management, and improve feed conversion efficiency

    Key wordsanimal husbandry; greenhouse gas emissions; decoupling theory; LMDI model

    [17]齐静,陈彬城市工业部门脱钩分析[J]中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(8):102-106[Qi Jing, Chen Bin Decoupling Analysis for Urban Industrial Sectors: A Case Study of Chongqing[J] Population, Resources and Environment, 2012,22(8):102-106]

    [18]徐国泉, 刘则渊, 姜照华中国碳排放的因素分解模型及实证分析:1995-2004[J]中国人口·资源与环境,2006, 16(6): 158-161[Xu Guoquan, Liuzeyuan, Jiang Zhaohua Decomposition Model and Empirical Study of Carbon Emissions for China,1995-2004[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2006, 16(6): 158-161]

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    AbstractAnimal husbandry has become the main source of global greenhouse gas emissions Meanwhile, the poultry manure becomes an important source of environmental pollution Based on the calculation of China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and the decoupling theory, the paper analyzed the decoupling situation between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value, and by using the LMDI model, we carried on the analysis on the factors affecting the development of China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions The result showed that: the amount of CH4 and N2O emissions of China animal husbandry increased from 1 06840 tons and 3937 tons of 2001 to 1 04181 tons and 4087 tons of 2011 Enteric fermentation is the biggest contributor to CH4 emissions, however, manure management is an important cause of N2O emissions; in enteric fermentation CH4 emission, the most emission is cattle, followed by goats and sheep, and the least is the rabbit, in manure management CH4 emission, the largest emission is pig, and the least is the camel; pig and cattle manure management is the main contribution of N2O emission, and camels are the least; 2001-2011 decoupling state between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value was divided into strong and weak, and the overall separation elasticity value was -0004, which showed the strong decoupling state; there is a strong decoupling state between China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions and animal husbandry output value, and the decoupling stability coefficient was 14287, which showed poor stability; the economic factor was the biggest factor affecting China animal husbandry greenhouse gas emissions; the shortterm efficiency factor was the main inducement of lowcarbon development of animal husbandry in China, but in the long run the labor factor is the main factor of lowcarbon development of animal husbandry in China The author thought the key ways to reduce China animal husbandry of greenhouse gas emission were to strengthen the research and development of the application of lowcarbon farming technology and fecal cleaning technology, breed fine varieties of livestock and poultry husbandry, improve the professional quality of employees; promote the transfer of rural surplus labor force employment, cultivate the occupation of farmers, promote the animal husbandry industry scale and intensive management, and improve feed conversion efficiency

    Key wordsanimal husbandry; greenhouse gas emissions; decoupling theory; LMDI model





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