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标题 耕地保护经济补偿分区及财政转移支付


    摘要耕地保护不仅要确保耕地的数量不减少、而且要保证耕地的质量和生态功能不下降。本文综合考虑耕地的数量、质量和生态属性,采用加权求合法计算耕地的综合水平,并据此采用Jenks自然断裂点法将湖北省102个县(市、区)划分为耕地赤字区、耕地平衡区以及耕地盈余区,界定了县级层面耕地保护补偿关系。分区结果显示:全省共有56个耕地赤字区,28个耕地平衡区以及18个耕地盈余区,盈余区个数仅占总样本的18%,说明湖北省耕地资源综合水平偏低;省内耕地资源综合水平差异较大,综合水平值最高为0.209 9(钟祥市),最低为0(江汉区、武昌区和黄石港区),平均水平为0.083 8。此外,通过构建耕地资源综合水平与土地财政之间的定量关系,实行跨区域的财政转移支付,以均衡各区域的发展。研究结果表明:耕地资源综合水平每增长1个效用值,土地财政收入约减少115.811万元。结合分区结果和定量关系可知,18个受偿区中,耕地综合水平最高的钟祥市得到最高的补偿款(315.715 4万元);56个支付区中,江汉区、武昌区和黄石港区的耕地综合水平均为0,修正后三者的补偿款分别为203.580 2万元、89.371 0万元和135.452 7万元。此外,财政转移支付行为具有一定的现实可操作性,各个县(市、区)的转移支付额占当年地方财政收入的比例较低,约为0.007%~3.374%,均在政府可承受的范围之内。研究成果能为均衡湖北省各区域的发展提供依据,对于我国耕地保护的实施也具有重要的现实意义。


    中图分类号F301.21 文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2014)12-0014-09doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201412003











    笔者所关心的是耕地保护对土地财政是否有影响以及影响的程度有多大,其中,耕地保护水平采用前文计算的耕地资源综合水平来反映;土地财政收入包含土地出让金收入和土地相关税收收入,由于土地相关税收收入在土地财政收入中占的比重较小,吴群等[22] 指出耕地占用税和城市土地使用税之和仅占土地出让金不到10%,因此选用土地出让金收入代替土地财政收入。








    湖北省位于长江中游、洞庭湖以北,是华中地区较为发达的省份之一,且地势平坦,土壤肥沃,历来是我国重要的粮棉油生产基地。近年来,随着经济的快速发展,湖北省的耕地数量和质量呈现出减少和下降的趋势,耕地资源保护受到前所未有的严峻挑战,严重威胁到我国的粮食安全。1996-2010年间,耕地面积由1996年的494.954万hm2减少到2010年的481.225万hm2,粮食总产量由1996年的2 484.4万t减少到2010年的2 315.80万t。




    Repayment咸安区1.318 9罗田县2.854 6青山区88.066 8钟祥市315.715 4长阳土家族自治县1.292 4建始县2.620 4黄州区20.843 0监利县127.892 3华容区3.629 8通城县4.322 7西塞山区52.066 2曾都区223.327 8沙市区3.548 4英山县4.615 6下陆区48.088 7襄阳区252.820 4梁子区1.823 5咸丰县3.124 0铁山区47.211 7天门市184.986 8巴东县1.421 7保康县4.133 9五峰土家族自治县12.823 7枣阳市170.202 6鄂城区4.194 8宦恩县3.497 1兴山县22.562 9沙洋县156.563 3郧县1.009 8洪山区17.443 3鹤峰县10.760 7公安县83.170 7襄城区5.544 1丹江口市8.714 1猇亭区115.510 4潜扛市208.850 1竹山县1.377 8房县3.397 3点军区35.597 0仙桃市147.259 4掇刀区6.428 9竹溪县4.169 3伍家岗区79.198 6京山县99.662 7赤壁市5.039 3通山县5.299 2西陵区104.043 5宜城市55.212 7团风县2.039 1来风县4.829 8张湾区18.990 9麻城市27.458 7东西湖区16.850 1汉南区29.246 3茅箭区54.436 7汉川市47.164 4郧西县1.572 5秭归县8.450 0神农架林区22.983 0松滋市16.173 3樊城区16.159 8宜都市25.518 3江汉区203.580 2黄陂区15.433 6夷陵区8.151 9汉刚区52.473 2武昌区89.371 0广水市11.834 0远安县8.771 8江岸区34.255 8黄石港区135.452 7洪湖市7.973 6崇阳县3.825 8硚口区43.771 3(1)湖北省耕地资源综合水平偏低。102个样本中,大部分样本集中在耕地综合水平亏损区,约占总样本的55%。湖北省粮棉油生产基地的地位开始动摇,严重威胁着我国的粮食安全。该研究结论与前人的研究结论基本一致,曲福田等[26]通过分析不同粮食分区的耕地占用动态得出,自2002年开始,湖北省的人均粮食生产水平已经低于全国人均粮食生产水平,也就是说湖北省已经由一个传统的粮食主产区变成了粮食主销区。

    (2)省内耕地综合水平差异明显。其中,综合水平值最高为0.209 9(钟祥市),最低为0(江汉区、武昌区和黄石港区),平均水平为0.083 8。低分值区域大部分为12个省辖市的城市辖区,其中武汉市的大部分辖区分值均较低;高分值区域主要是湖北省的粮食生产大县和粮棉油生产基地,如钟祥、监利、仙桃、天门和潜江等。

    (3)结合分区结果和定量关系知,全省共有18个县(市、区)可以获得耕地保护经济补偿款,其中耕地综合水平最高的钟祥市得到最高的补偿款(315.715 4万元);同时,共有56个县(市、区)需要支付补偿款,其中,江汉区、武昌区和黄石港区的综合水平均为0,修正后,三者的补偿款分别为203.580 2万元、89.371 0万元和135.452 7万元。






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    [28]施开放,刁承泰,孙秀峰,等.基于耕地生态足迹的重庆市耕地生态承载力供需平衡研究[J].生态学报,2013,33(6):1872-1879.[Shi Kaifang, Diao Chengtai, Sun Xiufeng, et al. Ecological Balance Between Supply and Demand in Chongqing City Based on Cultivated Land Ecological Footprint Method[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33(6): 1872-1879.]

    Economic Compensation Partition for Cultivated Land Protection and

    Fiscal Transfer Payment: Take Hubei Province as Example

    CAO RuifenZHANG AnluCAI Yinying

    (College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070, China)

    AbstractThe target of cultivated land protection is to ensure not only the quantity but also the quality and ecological function of arable land. With considering the quantity, quality and ecological attribute of arable land, this study calculates the comprehensive level of cultivated land by employing weight sum method, and on this basis, divides 102 counties (cities, districts) of Hubei Province into the deficit area, balance area, and surplus area of cultivated land with method of Jenks natural breaks optimization, thus defining the compensation relations among counties. Zoning results in 56 counties of deficit area, 28 counties of balance area, and 18 counties of surplus area. Only 18% of counties are surplus area, which indicates that the comprehensive level of cultivated land in Hubei Province is low. And the interprovincial difference of comprehensive level of cultivated land is large, for example, Zhongxiang has the highest value of 0.209 9; on the contrary, Jianghan, Wuchang and Huangshigang have the lowest value of 0. Besides, the average is 0.083 8. Furthermore, we measure the amounts of fiscal transfer payment among regions to equalize the regional development through estimating the quantitative relationship between comprehensive level of arable land and land financial revenue. The results indicate that, land financial revenue reduces 115.811 million yuan with a unit increment of utility value. Lastly, combined with the partition result and quantitative relationship, it shows that, among the 18 repayment districts, Zhongxiang which has the highest comprehensive level of cultivated land gets the highest compensation of 315.715 4 million yuan; among the 56 payments areas, Jianghan, Wuchang and Huangshigang which have the lowest comprehensive level about 0, need give compensation of RMB 2 035 802, 893 710 and 1 354 527, respectively. In addition, the amount of transfer payment in each county (city, district) only accounts for a small proportion of the local government revenue, about 0.007 to 3.374%, and all are within the governments affordable range, so it is realistic to implement the transfers payment. It is concluded that cultivated land protection zones and fiscal transfer payments will provide a basis of equalizing the development of each region in Hubei Province, and have an important practical significance for the cultivated land protection in China.

    Key wordscultivated land protection; compensation partition; fiscal transfer payment; comprehensive evaluation; Jenks natural breaks optimization

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    [24]王克强,胡海生,刘红梅.中国地方土地财政收入增长影响因素实证研究:基于1995-2008年中国省际面板数据的分析[J].财经研究,2012,38(4):112-121.[Wang Keqiang, Hu Haisheng, Liu Hongmei. Empirical Study on Influential Factors of Local Land Financial Revenue Growth in China: Analysis Based on InterProvince Panel Data from 1995 to 2008[J]. Journal of Finance and Economics, 2012, 38(4): 112-121.]

    [25]曲福田,陈江龙,陈雯.农地非农化经济驱动机制的理论分析与实证研究[J].自然资源学报,2005,20(2):231-239.[Qu Futian, Chen Jianglong, Chen Wen. Theoretical and Empirical Study on the Land Conversion Economic Driving Forces[J]. Journal of Natural Resources, 2005, 20(2): 231-240.]

    [26]曲福田,朱新华.不同粮食分区耕地占用动态与区域差异分析[J].中国土地科学,2008,22(3):34-40.[Qu Futian, Zhu Huaxin. A Study of the Conversion of Cultivated Land in Various Grain Areas and Regional Difference[J]. China Land Science, 2008, 22(3): 35-40.]

    [27]崔理想,陈兴鹏,许新宇,等.高台县所辖乡镇耕地生态足迹动态分析[J].干旱地区农业研究,2012,30(4):213-216.[Cui Lixiang, Chen Xingpeng, Xu Xinyu, et al. Dynamic Analysis of Ecological Footprint of Cultivated Land in Gaotais Towns[J]. Agricultural Research in the Arid Areas, 2012, 30(4): 213-216.]

    [28]施开放,刁承泰,孙秀峰,等.基于耕地生态足迹的重庆市耕地生态承载力供需平衡研究[J].生态学报,2013,33(6):1872-1879.[Shi Kaifang, Diao Chengtai, Sun Xiufeng, et al. Ecological Balance Between Supply and Demand in Chongqing City Based on Cultivated Land Ecological Footprint Method[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2013, 33(6): 1872-1879.]

    Economic Compensation Partition for Cultivated Land Protection and

    Fiscal Transfer Payment: Take Hubei Province as Example

    CAO RuifenZHANG AnluCAI Yinying

    (College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070, China)

    AbstractThe target of cultivated land protection is to ensure not only the quantity but also the quality and ecological function of arable land. With considering the quantity, quality and ecological attribute of arable land, this study calculates the comprehensive level of cultivated land by employing weight sum method, and on this basis, divides 102 counties (cities, districts) of Hubei Province into the deficit area, balance area, and surplus area of cultivated land with method of Jenks natural breaks optimization, thus defining the compensation relations among counties. Zoning results in 56 counties of deficit area, 28 counties of balance area, and 18 counties of surplus area. Only 18% of counties are surplus area, which indicates that the comprehensive level of cultivated land in Hubei Province is low. And the interprovincial difference of comprehensive level of cultivated land is large, for example, Zhongxiang has the highest value of 0.209 9; on the contrary, Jianghan, Wuchang and Huangshigang have the lowest value of 0. Besides, the average is 0.083 8. Furthermore, we measure the amounts of fiscal transfer payment among regions to equalize the regional development through estimating the quantitative relationship between comprehensive level of arable land and land financial revenue. The results indicate that, land financial revenue reduces 115.811 million yuan with a unit increment of utility value. Lastly, combined with the partition result and quantitative relationship, it shows that, among the 18 repayment districts, Zhongxiang which has the highest comprehensive level of cultivated land gets the highest compensation of 315.715 4 million yuan; among the 56 payments areas, Jianghan, Wuchang and Huangshigang which have the lowest comprehensive level about 0, need give compensation of RMB 2 035 802, 893 710 and 1 354 527, respectively. In addition, the amount of transfer payment in each county (city, district) only accounts for a small proportion of the local government revenue, about 0.007 to 3.374%, and all are within the governments affordable range, so it is realistic to implement the transfers payment. It is concluded that cultivated land protection zones and fiscal transfer payments will provide a basis of equalizing the development of each region in Hubei Province, and have an important practical significance for the cultivated land protection in China.

    Key wordscultivated land protection; compensation partition; fiscal transfer payment; comprehensive evaluation; Jenks natural breaks optimization

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    Economic Compensation Partition for Cultivated Land Protection and

    Fiscal Transfer Payment: Take Hubei Province as Example

    CAO RuifenZHANG AnluCAI Yinying

    (College of Land Management, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan Hubei 430070, China)

    AbstractThe target of cultivated land protection is to ensure not only the quantity but also the quality and ecological function of arable land. With considering the quantity, quality and ecological attribute of arable land, this study calculates the comprehensive level of cultivated land by employing weight sum method, and on this basis, divides 102 counties (cities, districts) of Hubei Province into the deficit area, balance area, and surplus area of cultivated land with method of Jenks natural breaks optimization, thus defining the compensation relations among counties. Zoning results in 56 counties of deficit area, 28 counties of balance area, and 18 counties of surplus area. Only 18% of counties are surplus area, which indicates that the comprehensive level of cultivated land in Hubei Province is low. And the interprovincial difference of comprehensive level of cultivated land is large, for example, Zhongxiang has the highest value of 0.209 9; on the contrary, Jianghan, Wuchang and Huangshigang have the lowest value of 0. Besides, the average is 0.083 8. Furthermore, we measure the amounts of fiscal transfer payment among regions to equalize the regional development through estimating the quantitative relationship between comprehensive level of arable land and land financial revenue. The results indicate that, land financial revenue reduces 115.811 million yuan with a unit increment of utility value. Lastly, combined with the partition result and quantitative relationship, it shows that, among the 18 repayment districts, Zhongxiang which has the highest comprehensive level of cultivated land gets the highest compensation of 315.715 4 million yuan; among the 56 payments areas, Jianghan, Wuchang and Huangshigang which have the lowest comprehensive level about 0, need give compensation of RMB 2 035 802, 893 710 and 1 354 527, respectively. In addition, the amount of transfer payment in each county (city, district) only accounts for a small proportion of the local government revenue, about 0.007 to 3.374%, and all are within the governments affordable range, so it is realistic to implement the transfers payment. It is concluded that cultivated land protection zones and fiscal transfer payments will provide a basis of equalizing the development of each region in Hubei Province, and have an important practical significance for the cultivated land protection in China.

    Key wordscultivated land protection; compensation partition; fiscal transfer payment; comprehensive evaluation; Jenks natural breaks optimization





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