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标题 改良截石位在妇科腹腔镜手术中的摆放和护理




    【[摘要] 目的 分析女性患者接受腹腔鏡手术中采取改良截石位摆放护理干预的临床效果。方法 该次研究方便选取2018年1月—2019年5月于该院接受妇科腹腔镜手术治疗的患者120例作为观察对象,根据抽签结果分为观察组与对照组,对照组患者术中采取传统膀胱截石位摆放护理干预,观察组患者术中采取改良截石位摆放护理干预,评估并对比两组患者相关指标差异,统计并计算各组患者出现并发症的概率。结果 观察组患者舒适度评分(8.52±1.22)分、术野暴露评分(8.95±1.04)分明显优于对照组,同时手术平均用时(2.2±0.5)h、术后首次下床时间(1.02±0.56)d短于对照组(t=9.47、9.04、4.79、7.04,P<0.05)。观察组患者术后出现并发症的概率(1.67%)较对照组(20.00%)相比更低(χ2=10.44,P<0.05)。结论 妇科腹腔镜手术期间辅以改良截石位摆放护理干预效果更佳,可提高术野质量与患者舒适度,降低术后并发症。

    [关键词] 改良截石位;妇科;腹腔镜手术;摆放;护理

    [中图分类号] R766? ? ? ? ? [文献标识码] A? ? ? ? ? [文章编号] 1674-0742(2020)03(a)-0163-03

    Placement and Nursing of Improved Lithotomy Position in Gynecological Laparoscopic Surgery

    FU Shi-yu

    Operating Room of Xuyu People's Hospital, Huai'an, Jiangsu Province, 211700 China

    [Abstract] Objective To analyze the clinical effect of nursing interventions for female patients with improved lithotomy position during laparoscopic surgery. Methods In this study, 120 patients who underwent gynecological laparoscopic surgery in the hospital from January 2018 to May 2019 were convenient selected as observation objects. They were divided into observation group and control group according to the results of the draw. The control group adopted nursing intervention for lithotomy position placement. Patients in the observation group were treated with modified lithotomy placement nursing intervention during the operation. The differences in relevant indicators between the two groups of patients were evaluated and compared, and the probability of complications in each group was calculated. Results The comfort score (8.52±1.22)points and the field exposure score (8.95±1.04)points of the observation group were significantly better than those of the control group. At the same time, the average operation time (2.2±0.5) h and the first time to get out of bed (1.02±0.56) d was shorter than the control group (t=9.47, 9.04, 4.79, 7.04, P<0.05). The probability of postoperative complications in the observation group (1.67%) was lower than that in the control group (20.00%)(χ2=10.44, P<0.05). Conclusion Nursing intervention with improved lithotomy placement during gynecological laparoscopic surgery is more effective, it can improve the quality of the surgical field and patient comfort, reduce postoperative complications, and is worth promoting vigorously.

    [Key words] Improved lithotomy position; Gynecology; Laparoscopic surgery; Placement; Nursing




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