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标题 中国低碳试点城市的碳排放现状





    中图分类号 ?F293文献标识码A文章编号1002-2104(2015)01-0078-05doi:103969/jissn1002-2104201501011










     城市碳排放水平是城市低碳发展的前提和基石,清晰、准确地把握我国城市宏观层面碳排放特征对我国政府出台低碳发展规划决策和地方制定低碳城市战略具有非常重要的意义[6]。根据国家和各城市公布的2005-2010年的GDP数据、单位GDP能耗数据以及城市常住人口数据,“十一五”期间全国低碳试点城市的单位GDP CO2排放的平均水平为322 t CO2/万元,高于全国306 t CO2/万元平均水平;全国低碳试点城市的人均CO2排放的平均水平为996 t CO2/人,高于同期全国596 t CO2/人的平均水平。单位GDP的CO2排放平均水平和人均CO2排放量均高于全国平均水平。


    不同地区的城市有不同的资源禀赋和低碳发展情况,碳排放评估需考虑地区差异,与同类地区比较更具有参考价值。以2011年为例,对东中西部的低碳试点城市的单位GDP的CO2排放平均水平和人均CO2排放平均水平与同地区省份的平均水平进行比较(地区生产总值按2010年价格)。东中西部的低碳城市2011年单位GDP的CO2排放分别为196 t CO2/万元,282 t CO2/万元和327 t CO2/万元(见图1),均高于各低碳试点城市所在省份的平均水平。东中西部低碳试点城市的人均CO2排放2011年分别是1334 t CO2/人,1143 t CO2/人和1202 t CO2/人 (见图2),均高于各低碳试点城市所在省份的平均水平。同时可以看出,东中西部三个区域低碳试点城市的碳排放水平差异较大,从东部到西部逐渐升高。而这种情况的产生与我国当前的区域能源供需现状相关。东部地区能耗低的一个重要原因是东部地区进口了大量的隐含能。也就是说,中西部的能耗高是由于它们生产了大量的高能耗产品,而这些产品大部分是为东部地区服务的,从经济发达区域到经济落后的地区呈现“碳转移”现象[7]。


    根据世界银行2010年划分不同国家和地区的贫富程度标准(按2010年年平均汇率折合1人民币约等于667美元计算),人均收入小于28万元为低收入城市,大于等于28万元且小于86万元为中等收入城市,大于86万元为高等收入城市。可以看出,在人均GDP收入高中低的城市中均有低碳试点城市的分布,人均GDP收入高于全国平均水平(35万元/人)的低碳试点城市有26个,除景德镇人均CO2排放为667 t CO2/人和温州人均CO2为666 t CO2/人,其余24个城市的人均CO2排放均高于全国平均水平(72 tCO2/人)(图3)。


    Fig1CO2 emissions per unit of GDP of lowcarbon pilot cities in different regions in 2011


    Fig2CO2 emissions per capita of lowcarbon pilot cities in different regions in 2011


    Fig3CO2 emissions per capita in lowcarbon pilot cities


    2011 based on different income levels


     我国当前尚未对城市规模在立法层面有清晰的界定,根据《中国中小城市发展报告(2010):中国中小城市绿色发展之路》中对城市规模的分类,即城市常住人口在50万以下为小型城市,50-100万为中等城市,100-300万为大型城市,300-1 000万的为特大城市,1 000万以上的为巨大城市[8]。以2011年低碳试点城市常住人口数据划分城市规模,其中小型城市只有金昌,占低碳试点城市的28%,中等城市有大兴安岭和济源,占低碳试点城市的56%,大型城市包括池州和南平等共7个城市,占低碳试点城市的194%,特大城市包括秦皇岛和武汉等共18个城市,占低碳试点城市的50%,巨大城市包括深圳、北京和重庆等在内共8个城市,占低碳试点城市的222%(表1)。

    从表2可以看到,随着城市常住人口规模的增大,城市的单位GDP的CO2排放降低,小型城市的单位GDP的CO2排放均值最高,为464 t CO2/万元;巨大城市的单位GDP的CO2排放均值最低,为188 t CO2/万元。而城市的人均CO2排放却随着城市常住人口规模的增大呈U型分布。大型城市人均CO2排放水平达到最低值,为1021 t CO2/人。通过分析可以看到,城市的单位GDP CO2排放随着城市人口规模的扩大而减少,城市的人均CO2排放并没有随着城市人口的增加而降低。







    结合各城市“十二五”规划中对人口、城镇化、经济发展水平的目标设定,以2011年为基准年,计算2015年低碳试点城市单位GDP的CO2排放和人均CO2排放的情况。到2015年,低碳试点城市单位GDP的CO2排放平均水平为220 t CO2/万元,比2010年平均水平降低了063 t CO2/万元。所有低碳试点城市的单位GDP的CO2排放均较2010年有所下降。2015年36个低碳试点城市中北京、深圳、广州的单位GDP的CO2排放最低,分别为100 t CO2/万元,104 t CO2/万元和121 t CO2/万元,济源、乌鲁木齐和金昌的单位GDP的CO2排放最高,分别为438 t CO2/万元,429 t CO2/万元和371 t CO2/万元。

     根据低碳试点城市“十二五”国民经济发展规划,预测2015年单位GDP的CO2排放情况。到2015年,同“十一五”期间城市本身的单位GDP的CO2排放相比均有下降。结合各低碳试点城市的“十二五”发展规划以及城镇化速度,在国家战略统筹GDP年增长率为7%的速度下,2015年低碳试点城市的人均CO2排放均上升。尽管各低碳试点城市的单位GDP的CO2排放逐步下降,但是由于经济总量保持上升趋势,人均CO2排放仍呈上升趋势。低碳试点城市2015年人均CO2排放平均水平从2010年的1157 t CO2/人增长到1358 t CO2/人,其中赣州、广元和大兴安岭人均CO2排放在36个城市中最低,分别为291 t CO2/人,479 t CO2/人和640 t CO2/人,济源、乌鲁木齐和苏州人均CO2排放在36个城市中最高,分别为2453 tCO2/人,2848 t CO2/人和3037 t CO2/人。





    [1]庄贵阳.低碳试点城市低碳发展指标比较[J].中国建设信息,2010,(21):36-39.[Zhuang Guiyang Comparison of Low Carbon Pilot City Low Carbon Development Indicators in Carbon Pilot Cities[J] Information of China Construction, 2010,(21): 36-39]

    [2]丁丁,杨秀.我国低碳发展试点工作进展分析及政策建议[J].经济研究参考,2013,(43):92-96.[Ding Ding, Yang Xiu Analysis on Chinas Lowcarbon Pilot Cities Development and Policy Recommendations[J] Economic Research Reference, 2013,(43): 92-96]

    [3]刘竹,耿涌,薛冰,等.中国低碳试点省份经济增长与碳排放关系研究[J].资源科学,2011,(4):620-625.[Liu Zhu, Geng Yong, Xue Bing, et al Relationships between Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions for Lowcarbon Pilot Provinces in China[J] Resources Science, 2011,(4): 620-625]

    [4]刘健,王润,孙艳伟,等.中国低碳试点省份发展路径研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(3):56-62.[Liu Jian, Wang Run, Sun Yanwei, et al Analysis of Development Path for Lowcarbon Pilot Provinces in China[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012(03): 56-62]

    [5]曹桂香.低碳试点城市的绿色GDP核算研究[D]. 北京:中国地质大学(北京),2013.[Cao Guixiang Research on Green GDP Accounting of Lowcarbon Pilot Cities[D]Beijing: China University of Geosciences (Beijing),2013]

    [6]谭峰.低碳城市规划:中国城市低碳发展的探索[J].环境经济,2011,(6):68-69.[Tan Feng Lowcarbon City Planning: Exploration of Chinas Lowcarbon Cities Development[J] Environmental Economy, 2011,(6): 68-69]

    [7]Qi Y, Li H, Wu T Interpreting Chinas Carbon Flows[J] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2013, 110(28): 11122-11221

    [8]中小城市绿皮书·中国中小城市发展报告(2010):中小城市绿色发展之路[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010.[Annual Report on Development of Small and Mediumsized Cities in China(2010)[M]Beijing:Social Science Academic Press, 2010]

    Study on Present Status of Carbon Emissions in Chinas Lowcarbon Pilot Cities

    SONG QijiaoWANG YufeiQI Ye

    (School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

    AbstractIn this study, we investigated CO2 emissions levels in 36 cities, which are national pilot cities for lowcarbon development announced by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Based on CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita data during 2005-2011, we summarized the carbon emissions level of the lowcarbon pilot cities and evaluated the carbon emissions from the perspective of regional distribution, economic development and urban population scale Their decrease range of CO2 emission reduction during the ‘11th Five Year Plan Period and future targets of CO2 emission reduction during the ‘12th Five Year Plan Period was compared with provinces where the cities locate Furthermore, the paper measured the CO2 emission levels of lowcarbon pilot cities in 2015 Results reveal that CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita of lowcarbon pilot cities were both higher than those of the national average level during the ‘11th Five Year Plan Period Lowcarbon pilot cities CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita in 2011 were both higher than those of their comparable areas and the CO2 emissions per unit of GDP gradually rises from east to west 92% of the lowcarbon pilot cities whose per capita income were higher than the national average, have a higher CO2 emissions per capita than the national average With the increase of urban resident population scale, pilot cities CO2 emissions per unit of GDP gradually reduced, nevertheless, their CO2 emissions per capita was ‘Utype distribution at the lowest point in large scale cities Results show that pilot cities lowcarbon performances and future carbon reduction targets are better than their belonged provinces Expect 4 Municipalities, there are 28 pilot cities whose decrease range of CO2 emission reduction and future targets of CO2 emission reduction in 2010-2011 were higher than their provinces This paper also measured the CO2 emission levels of lowcarbon pilot cities in 2015 based on the population, urbanization and economy development goals in the “12th Five Year Plan” Period, with 2001 as the base year The result shows that with the growth of urbanization and economy, CO2 emissions per unit of GDP of lowcarbon pilot cities would decrease, but CO2 emissions per capita levels are still on the rise It still has a challenge that those lowcarbon cities would undergone a high CO2 emission process

    Key wordslowcarbon pilot cities; CO2 emissions; CO2 per unit GDP; CO2 per capita





    [1]庄贵阳.低碳试点城市低碳发展指标比较[J].中国建设信息,2010,(21):36-39.[Zhuang Guiyang Comparison of Low Carbon Pilot City Low Carbon Development Indicators in Carbon Pilot Cities[J] Information of China Construction, 2010,(21): 36-39]

    [2]丁丁,杨秀.我国低碳发展试点工作进展分析及政策建议[J].经济研究参考,2013,(43):92-96.[Ding Ding, Yang Xiu Analysis on Chinas Lowcarbon Pilot Cities Development and Policy Recommendations[J] Economic Research Reference, 2013,(43): 92-96]

    [3]刘竹,耿涌,薛冰,等.中国低碳试点省份经济增长与碳排放关系研究[J].资源科学,2011,(4):620-625.[Liu Zhu, Geng Yong, Xue Bing, et al Relationships between Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions for Lowcarbon Pilot Provinces in China[J] Resources Science, 2011,(4): 620-625]

    [4]刘健,王润,孙艳伟,等.中国低碳试点省份发展路径研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(3):56-62.[Liu Jian, Wang Run, Sun Yanwei, et al Analysis of Development Path for Lowcarbon Pilot Provinces in China[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012(03): 56-62]

    [5]曹桂香.低碳试点城市的绿色GDP核算研究[D]. 北京:中国地质大学(北京),2013.[Cao Guixiang Research on Green GDP Accounting of Lowcarbon Pilot Cities[D]Beijing: China University of Geosciences (Beijing),2013]

    [6]谭峰.低碳城市规划:中国城市低碳发展的探索[J].环境经济,2011,(6):68-69.[Tan Feng Lowcarbon City Planning: Exploration of Chinas Lowcarbon Cities Development[J] Environmental Economy, 2011,(6): 68-69]

    [7]Qi Y, Li H, Wu T Interpreting Chinas Carbon Flows[J] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2013, 110(28): 11122-11221

    [8]中小城市绿皮书·中国中小城市发展报告(2010):中小城市绿色发展之路[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010.[Annual Report on Development of Small and Mediumsized Cities in China(2010)[M]Beijing:Social Science Academic Press, 2010]

    Study on Present Status of Carbon Emissions in Chinas Lowcarbon Pilot Cities

    SONG QijiaoWANG YufeiQI Ye

    (School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

    AbstractIn this study, we investigated CO2 emissions levels in 36 cities, which are national pilot cities for lowcarbon development announced by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Based on CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita data during 2005-2011, we summarized the carbon emissions level of the lowcarbon pilot cities and evaluated the carbon emissions from the perspective of regional distribution, economic development and urban population scale Their decrease range of CO2 emission reduction during the ‘11th Five Year Plan Period and future targets of CO2 emission reduction during the ‘12th Five Year Plan Period was compared with provinces where the cities locate Furthermore, the paper measured the CO2 emission levels of lowcarbon pilot cities in 2015 Results reveal that CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita of lowcarbon pilot cities were both higher than those of the national average level during the ‘11th Five Year Plan Period Lowcarbon pilot cities CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita in 2011 were both higher than those of their comparable areas and the CO2 emissions per unit of GDP gradually rises from east to west 92% of the lowcarbon pilot cities whose per capita income were higher than the national average, have a higher CO2 emissions per capita than the national average With the increase of urban resident population scale, pilot cities CO2 emissions per unit of GDP gradually reduced, nevertheless, their CO2 emissions per capita was ‘Utype distribution at the lowest point in large scale cities Results show that pilot cities lowcarbon performances and future carbon reduction targets are better than their belonged provinces Expect 4 Municipalities, there are 28 pilot cities whose decrease range of CO2 emission reduction and future targets of CO2 emission reduction in 2010-2011 were higher than their provinces This paper also measured the CO2 emission levels of lowcarbon pilot cities in 2015 based on the population, urbanization and economy development goals in the “12th Five Year Plan” Period, with 2001 as the base year The result shows that with the growth of urbanization and economy, CO2 emissions per unit of GDP of lowcarbon pilot cities would decrease, but CO2 emissions per capita levels are still on the rise It still has a challenge that those lowcarbon cities would undergone a high CO2 emission process

    Key wordslowcarbon pilot cities; CO2 emissions; CO2 per unit GDP; CO2 per capita





    [1]庄贵阳.低碳试点城市低碳发展指标比较[J].中国建设信息,2010,(21):36-39.[Zhuang Guiyang Comparison of Low Carbon Pilot City Low Carbon Development Indicators in Carbon Pilot Cities[J] Information of China Construction, 2010,(21): 36-39]

    [2]丁丁,杨秀.我国低碳发展试点工作进展分析及政策建议[J].经济研究参考,2013,(43):92-96.[Ding Ding, Yang Xiu Analysis on Chinas Lowcarbon Pilot Cities Development and Policy Recommendations[J] Economic Research Reference, 2013,(43): 92-96]

    [3]刘竹,耿涌,薛冰,等.中国低碳试点省份经济增长与碳排放关系研究[J].资源科学,2011,(4):620-625.[Liu Zhu, Geng Yong, Xue Bing, et al Relationships between Economic Growth and CO2 Emissions for Lowcarbon Pilot Provinces in China[J] Resources Science, 2011,(4): 620-625]

    [4]刘健,王润,孙艳伟,等.中国低碳试点省份发展路径研究[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2012,22(3):56-62.[Liu Jian, Wang Run, Sun Yanwei, et al Analysis of Development Path for Lowcarbon Pilot Provinces in China[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2012(03): 56-62]

    [5]曹桂香.低碳试点城市的绿色GDP核算研究[D]. 北京:中国地质大学(北京),2013.[Cao Guixiang Research on Green GDP Accounting of Lowcarbon Pilot Cities[D]Beijing: China University of Geosciences (Beijing),2013]

    [6]谭峰.低碳城市规划:中国城市低碳发展的探索[J].环境经济,2011,(6):68-69.[Tan Feng Lowcarbon City Planning: Exploration of Chinas Lowcarbon Cities Development[J] Environmental Economy, 2011,(6): 68-69]

    [7]Qi Y, Li H, Wu T Interpreting Chinas Carbon Flows[J] Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 2013, 110(28): 11122-11221

    [8]中小城市绿皮书·中国中小城市发展报告(2010):中小城市绿色发展之路[M].北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010.[Annual Report on Development of Small and Mediumsized Cities in China(2010)[M]Beijing:Social Science Academic Press, 2010]

    Study on Present Status of Carbon Emissions in Chinas Lowcarbon Pilot Cities

    SONG QijiaoWANG YufeiQI Ye

    (School of Public Policy and Management, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China)

    AbstractIn this study, we investigated CO2 emissions levels in 36 cities, which are national pilot cities for lowcarbon development announced by the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) Based on CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita data during 2005-2011, we summarized the carbon emissions level of the lowcarbon pilot cities and evaluated the carbon emissions from the perspective of regional distribution, economic development and urban population scale Their decrease range of CO2 emission reduction during the ‘11th Five Year Plan Period and future targets of CO2 emission reduction during the ‘12th Five Year Plan Period was compared with provinces where the cities locate Furthermore, the paper measured the CO2 emission levels of lowcarbon pilot cities in 2015 Results reveal that CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita of lowcarbon pilot cities were both higher than those of the national average level during the ‘11th Five Year Plan Period Lowcarbon pilot cities CO2 emissions per unit of GDP and CO2 emissions per capita in 2011 were both higher than those of their comparable areas and the CO2 emissions per unit of GDP gradually rises from east to west 92% of the lowcarbon pilot cities whose per capita income were higher than the national average, have a higher CO2 emissions per capita than the national average With the increase of urban resident population scale, pilot cities CO2 emissions per unit of GDP gradually reduced, nevertheless, their CO2 emissions per capita was ‘Utype distribution at the lowest point in large scale cities Results show that pilot cities lowcarbon performances and future carbon reduction targets are better than their belonged provinces Expect 4 Municipalities, there are 28 pilot cities whose decrease range of CO2 emission reduction and future targets of CO2 emission reduction in 2010-2011 were higher than their provinces This paper also measured the CO2 emission levels of lowcarbon pilot cities in 2015 based on the population, urbanization and economy development goals in the “12th Five Year Plan” Period, with 2001 as the base year The result shows that with the growth of urbanization and economy, CO2 emissions per unit of GDP of lowcarbon pilot cities would decrease, but CO2 emissions per capita levels are still on the rise It still has a challenge that those lowcarbon cities would undergone a high CO2 emission process

    Key wordslowcarbon pilot cities; CO2 emissions; CO2 per unit GDP; CO2 per capita





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