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标题 绿色农业产地环境的生态补偿政策绩效评价












    东西湖区隶属于湖北省武汉市,地处长江左岸,武汉市的西北部,汉江、汉北河及府环河汇合之处。东西湖区位于北纬30°34′-30°47′,东经113°53′-114°30′之间,是古云梦泽的一部分。1958年,由汉阳、黄陂、孝感、汉川部分地区组成。全境东西长38 km,南北宽22.5 km,总面积499.71 km2。东西湖区先后获得了省级农村党的建设“三级联创”先进区、省级“两型”社会改革试验示范区。东西湖区地貌属岗边湖积平原,四周高、中间低,状如盆碟,自西向东倾斜;属北亚热带季风气候区,光照充足,雨量充沛,水源丰富,四季分明。因此,东西湖区农业生产条件良好,是武汉市的重要农产品供应基地。2002年,东西湖区被确定为全国生态示范建设试点地区。2005年,东西湖区经国家发改委和环境保护部(当时为环保总局)批准,成为中国第一批循环经济试点之一。


    在绿色农业生态补偿政策和措施实施前,东西湖区的农业生产还存在诸多不足。武汉市卫生防疫站曾在市场购得小白菜样品53份进行检测,有机氯检出率达100%。菜农自主种植经营,控制农药污染的难度大大增加。有的菜农在经济利益驱动下,盲目加大使用化学农药的剂量,违章使用高毒、高残留农药,增加了病虫害的抗药性,使农药施用量不断加大,从而带来了严重后果。通过对东西湖区稻米中有机氯农药残留量进行监测分析,发现稻谷的六六六残留量最高,其平均值超过国家标准0.9倍,超标率达54%,样本最高达1.324 mg/kg,超过国家标准4.4倍。在东西湖区的农业生产中,有机肥仍受到冷落,施用量相对较低。有机肥施用的比例由20世纪60年代的9∶1下降到3∶7,土壤中有机质含量以6‰的速度递减,在化学肥料大量施用同时,放弃了有机肥的施用,每年大量宝贵的粪肥资源流失到江河湖泊,造成不同程度的水源污染。上述农业生态环境问题,给东西湖区绿色农业产地环境造成了一定影响,给消费者的食品安全也造成不同程度的危害。






    在生态农业工程方面,一是推广农业“三品”生产。目前,东西湖区已形成了无公害食品、绿色食品、有机食品三级基地建设网络。如慈惠农场有机蔬菜基地面积200亩,年产有机蔬菜300 t,并注册了“尚原堂”商标,建立了有机蔬菜包装二维条码产品质量追溯系统,提高了品牌意识和质量保障。二是建设生态农庄。如在东山建设了100亩生态农庄,2万头生猪养殖沼气工程,实现沼气、沼渣、沼液全部综合利用,形成“猪——沼——电——果——游”循环农业示范园,同时制定相关政策,给农民提供资金和技术等方面的补偿。三是倡导生态种植。推广“蛙——稻”、“鸭——稻”种植模式,形成“稻——虫——蛙(鸭)——稻”的天然食物链,既生产出无污染、高品质的农产品,又减少了农药的施用量,还可增加副产品的收入。四是发展生态养殖。推广健康(标准化)养殖、生态养殖、清洁养殖,设置养殖水源净化区、生态养殖区及养殖废水处理区等三个功能区,减少牲畜粪便对水环境的污染。




    在耕地保护工程方面,一是进行耕地数量保护。东西湖区人口较为密集,人均耕地数相对较少。近年来,武汉城市化进程加快发展,飞速扩张的工业用地挤占了大量的优质农田,农业耕地保护形势严峻。为此,东西湖区制定了基本农田保护区规划,以土地详查数为基础,全面完成划定基本农田保护区,以对城镇建设规模形成有效控制。在保证耕地数量不减少的同时,主动出击,设法增加耕地供应,实施“工业向园区集中,农民向集镇集中”战略。二是耕地质量保护。具体措施包括:①广辟有机肥源,增加土壤有机质投入。如大力发展健康畜牧养殖业,不仅可提供优质粪肥,还可开发利用菌菇渣肥,每亩增加菌渣肥1 t以上。②实行统测统配,合理施用化肥。在全区推广了测土配方施肥和平衡施肥技术,根据不同作物的生育特点和需肥规律以及不同土壤的供肥能力,实行化肥统测统配统供模式,改过去的单供氮肥为氮、磷、钾、锌、硼、硅等全面合理配比施用,使化肥总用量逐年下降,土壤营养元素逐步趋向平衡。























    为了保证应用层次分析法得到的结论合理化,还需要判断矩阵的一致性。这里引入一致性指标CI(Consistency Index)作为衡量不一致程度的数量标准。















    [1]崔元锋,屈志光.绿色农业产地生态环境安全与污染控制[J].中南财经政法大学学报,2008,(6):31-33.[Cui Yuanfeng, Qu Zhiguang. Environment Security and Pollution Control in Green Agricultural Producing Areas[J].Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2008,(6):31-33.]

    [2]王艳秀,王洪会.促进绿色农业发展的对策:基于生态补偿视角[J].江南论坛,2012,(6):14-15.[Wang Yanxiu, Wang Honghui. Countermeasures to Promote the Development of Green Agriculture: Based on the Perspective of Ecological Compensation [J]. Jiangnan Forum, 2012,(6):14-15.]

    [3]王欧,宋洪远.建立农业生态补偿机制的探讨[J].农业经济问题,2005,(6):22-28.[Wang Ou, Song Hongyuan. Discussion on the Compensation Mechanism of Agriculture [J]. Issues in Agricultural Economy, 2005,(6): 22-28.]

    [4]孙才志,马国栋,汤玮佳.基于虚拟资源—生态要素流动视角的中国农业生态补偿机制研究[J].水利经济,2013,31(6):1-12.[Sun Caizhi, Ma Guodong, Tang Weijia. Chinas Agricultural Ecological Compensation Mechanism from Perspective of Virtual Resources and Ecological Factor Flows [J]. Journal of Economics of Water Resources, 2013, 31(6): 1-12.]

    [5]Robert Home, Oliver Balmer, Ingrid Jahrl, Matthias Stolze, Lukas Pfiffner. Motivations for Implementation of Ecological Compensation Areas on Swiss Lowland Farms[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2014, 34: 26-36.

    [6]汪霞,南忠仁,郭奇.干旱区绿洲农田土壤污染生态补偿标准测算[J].干旱区资源与环境,2012,26(12):46-52 [Wang Xia, Nan Zhongren, Guo Qi. Calculation of the Compensation Criteria for Ecological Restoration of the Contaminated Arid Oasis Soil [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2012, 26(12): 46-52.]

    [7]庞爱萍,孙涛.基于生态需水保障的农业生态补偿标准[J].生态学报,2012,32(8):2550-2560.[Pang Aiping, Sun Tao.A Method of Determining Standards for Ecological Compensation in Agricultural AreasGiving Priority to Environmental Flows in Water Allocation[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(8): 2550-2560.]

    [8]严立冬,田苗,何栋材,等.农业生态补偿研究进展与展望[J].中国农业科学,2013,46(17):3615-3625.[Yan Lidong, Tian Miao,He Dengcai et al. Progress and Prospect in Research of Ecological Compensation for Agriculture [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(17): 3615-3625]

    [9]严立冬,邓远建,乔长涛,等.湖北省环境保护与生态补偿政策研究[M].武汉:湖北人民出版社,2013.[Yan Lidong, Deng Yuanjian, Qiao Changtao, et al. Research on the Environmental Protection and Ecological Compensation Policies in Hubei Province [M]. Wuhan:Hubei Peoples Press, 2013]

    [10]Marie A. Brown, Bruce D. Clarkson, Barry J. Barton, Chaitanya Joshi. Ecological Compensation: An Evaluation of Regulatory Compliance in New Zealand [J]. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2013, 31 (1): 34-44.

    [11]严立冬,邓远建,屈志光.绿色农业生态资本积累机制与政策研究[J].中国农业科学,2011,44(5):1046-1055.[Yan Lidong, Deng Yuanjian, Qu Zhiguang. Research on the Mechanism and Policies of the Green Agroecological Capital Accumulation [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2011, 44(5): 1046-1055.]

    [12]IShin Chang, Jing Wu, Yanxia Yang, Mingmin Shi, Xiaochun Li. Ecological Compensation for Natural Resource Utilization in China [J]. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2014, 57 (2): 273-296.

    Research on the Evaluation of Ecological Compensation Policies of

    Green Agricultural Producing Areas: a Case in Dongxihu District in Wuhan

    DENG YuanjianXIAO RuiYAN Lidong

    (School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073,China)

    AbstractThe security environment of the place of origin laid a good foundation for the green production and green agricultural sustainable development, and it is the source to ensure the consumers food safety. Agricultural ecological compensation is a system which charges for the negative externality behaviors of individuals and organizations which pollute agricultural ecological environment and agricultural ecology, and give economic compensation to those positive externalities behaviors of individuals and organizations which contribute to restoring, maintaining and strengthening the service function of agricultural ecosystem by using administrative, legal, economic means and other means comprehensively. To have a better understanding of these policies in green agriculture producing area, a case contains the big agricultural production and supply base in Dongxihu District is selected to evaluate the performance of these policies. With ecological value, economic value and social value as the value orientation, this paper applies AHP and fuzzy comprehensive analysis methods to build an evaluation system of the performances which contains three standards of function index, efficiency index and potential index on level 1, 10 standards on level 2 and 39 indexes on level 3. The conclusion is that the evaluation score of the performances raises almost 30 ranging from the minimum 31.24 to the maximum 59.75 with the adopting of the policies in the research area. Among them, the change of policy goal design, strategic planning, policy feedback index, economic effectiveness, ecological effectiveness, social effectiveness and the construction of administrative organization value is above 50; the change of policy management index, resource utilization, agricultural ecological compensation technology values is more than 30. Therefore, the ecological compensation policies do work effectively and an improving promotion is further needed. Relevant departments ought to strengthen the implementation management of environmental ecological compensation policy, improve the ecological capital using efficiency and enhance the level of ecological compensation of agricultural technology in green agricultural areas.

    Key wordsenvironment in green agricultural producing areas; ecological compensation policies; evaluation of the policy performance; Dongxihu District

    [5]Robert Home, Oliver Balmer, Ingrid Jahrl, Matthias Stolze, Lukas Pfiffner. Motivations for Implementation of Ecological Compensation Areas on Swiss Lowland Farms[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2014, 34: 26-36.

    [6]汪霞,南忠仁,郭奇.干旱区绿洲农田土壤污染生态补偿标准测算[J].干旱区资源与环境,2012,26(12):46-52 [Wang Xia, Nan Zhongren, Guo Qi. Calculation of the Compensation Criteria for Ecological Restoration of the Contaminated Arid Oasis Soil [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2012, 26(12): 46-52.]

    [7]庞爱萍,孙涛.基于生态需水保障的农业生态补偿标准[J].生态学报,2012,32(8):2550-2560.[Pang Aiping, Sun Tao.A Method of Determining Standards for Ecological Compensation in Agricultural AreasGiving Priority to Environmental Flows in Water Allocation[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(8): 2550-2560.]

    [8]严立冬,田苗,何栋材,等.农业生态补偿研究进展与展望[J].中国农业科学,2013,46(17):3615-3625.[Yan Lidong, Tian Miao,He Dengcai et al. Progress and Prospect in Research of Ecological Compensation for Agriculture [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(17): 3615-3625]

    [9]严立冬,邓远建,乔长涛,等.湖北省环境保护与生态补偿政策研究[M].武汉:湖北人民出版社,2013.[Yan Lidong, Deng Yuanjian, Qiao Changtao, et al. Research on the Environmental Protection and Ecological Compensation Policies in Hubei Province [M]. Wuhan:Hubei Peoples Press, 2013]

    [10]Marie A. Brown, Bruce D. Clarkson, Barry J. Barton, Chaitanya Joshi. Ecological Compensation: An Evaluation of Regulatory Compliance in New Zealand [J]. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2013, 31 (1): 34-44.

    [11]严立冬,邓远建,屈志光.绿色农业生态资本积累机制与政策研究[J].中国农业科学,2011,44(5):1046-1055.[Yan Lidong, Deng Yuanjian, Qu Zhiguang. Research on the Mechanism and Policies of the Green Agroecological Capital Accumulation [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2011, 44(5): 1046-1055.]

    [12]IShin Chang, Jing Wu, Yanxia Yang, Mingmin Shi, Xiaochun Li. Ecological Compensation for Natural Resource Utilization in China [J]. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2014, 57 (2): 273-296.

    Research on the Evaluation of Ecological Compensation Policies of

    Green Agricultural Producing Areas: a Case in Dongxihu District in Wuhan

    DENG YuanjianXIAO RuiYAN Lidong

    (School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073,China)

    AbstractThe security environment of the place of origin laid a good foundation for the green production and green agricultural sustainable development, and it is the source to ensure the consumers food safety. Agricultural ecological compensation is a system which charges for the negative externality behaviors of individuals and organizations which pollute agricultural ecological environment and agricultural ecology, and give economic compensation to those positive externalities behaviors of individuals and organizations which contribute to restoring, maintaining and strengthening the service function of agricultural ecosystem by using administrative, legal, economic means and other means comprehensively. To have a better understanding of these policies in green agriculture producing area, a case contains the big agricultural production and supply base in Dongxihu District is selected to evaluate the performance of these policies. With ecological value, economic value and social value as the value orientation, this paper applies AHP and fuzzy comprehensive analysis methods to build an evaluation system of the performances which contains three standards of function index, efficiency index and potential index on level 1, 10 standards on level 2 and 39 indexes on level 3. The conclusion is that the evaluation score of the performances raises almost 30 ranging from the minimum 31.24 to the maximum 59.75 with the adopting of the policies in the research area. Among them, the change of policy goal design, strategic planning, policy feedback index, economic effectiveness, ecological effectiveness, social effectiveness and the construction of administrative organization value is above 50; the change of policy management index, resource utilization, agricultural ecological compensation technology values is more than 30. Therefore, the ecological compensation policies do work effectively and an improving promotion is further needed. Relevant departments ought to strengthen the implementation management of environmental ecological compensation policy, improve the ecological capital using efficiency and enhance the level of ecological compensation of agricultural technology in green agricultural areas.

    Key wordsenvironment in green agricultural producing areas; ecological compensation policies; evaluation of the policy performance; Dongxihu District

    [5]Robert Home, Oliver Balmer, Ingrid Jahrl, Matthias Stolze, Lukas Pfiffner. Motivations for Implementation of Ecological Compensation Areas on Swiss Lowland Farms[J]. Journal of Rural Studies, 2014, 34: 26-36.

    [6]汪霞,南忠仁,郭奇.干旱区绿洲农田土壤污染生态补偿标准测算[J].干旱区资源与环境,2012,26(12):46-52 [Wang Xia, Nan Zhongren, Guo Qi. Calculation of the Compensation Criteria for Ecological Restoration of the Contaminated Arid Oasis Soil [J]. Journal of Arid Land Resources and Environment, 2012, 26(12): 46-52.]

    [7]庞爱萍,孙涛.基于生态需水保障的农业生态补偿标准[J].生态学报,2012,32(8):2550-2560.[Pang Aiping, Sun Tao.A Method of Determining Standards for Ecological Compensation in Agricultural AreasGiving Priority to Environmental Flows in Water Allocation[J]. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2012, 32(8): 2550-2560.]

    [8]严立冬,田苗,何栋材,等.农业生态补偿研究进展与展望[J].中国农业科学,2013,46(17):3615-3625.[Yan Lidong, Tian Miao,He Dengcai et al. Progress and Prospect in Research of Ecological Compensation for Agriculture [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2013, 46(17): 3615-3625]

    [9]严立冬,邓远建,乔长涛,等.湖北省环境保护与生态补偿政策研究[M].武汉:湖北人民出版社,2013.[Yan Lidong, Deng Yuanjian, Qiao Changtao, et al. Research on the Environmental Protection and Ecological Compensation Policies in Hubei Province [M]. Wuhan:Hubei Peoples Press, 2013]

    [10]Marie A. Brown, Bruce D. Clarkson, Barry J. Barton, Chaitanya Joshi. Ecological Compensation: An Evaluation of Regulatory Compliance in New Zealand [J]. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 2013, 31 (1): 34-44.

    [11]严立冬,邓远建,屈志光.绿色农业生态资本积累机制与政策研究[J].中国农业科学,2011,44(5):1046-1055.[Yan Lidong, Deng Yuanjian, Qu Zhiguang. Research on the Mechanism and Policies of the Green Agroecological Capital Accumulation [J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2011, 44(5): 1046-1055.]

    [12]IShin Chang, Jing Wu, Yanxia Yang, Mingmin Shi, Xiaochun Li. Ecological Compensation for Natural Resource Utilization in China [J]. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 2014, 57 (2): 273-296.

    Research on the Evaluation of Ecological Compensation Policies of

    Green Agricultural Producing Areas: a Case in Dongxihu District in Wuhan

    DENG YuanjianXIAO RuiYAN Lidong

    (School of Business Administration, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, Wuhan Hubei 430073,China)

    AbstractThe security environment of the place of origin laid a good foundation for the green production and green agricultural sustainable development, and it is the source to ensure the consumers food safety. Agricultural ecological compensation is a system which charges for the negative externality behaviors of individuals and organizations which pollute agricultural ecological environment and agricultural ecology, and give economic compensation to those positive externalities behaviors of individuals and organizations which contribute to restoring, maintaining and strengthening the service function of agricultural ecosystem by using administrative, legal, economic means and other means comprehensively. To have a better understanding of these policies in green agriculture producing area, a case contains the big agricultural production and supply base in Dongxihu District is selected to evaluate the performance of these policies. With ecological value, economic value and social value as the value orientation, this paper applies AHP and fuzzy comprehensive analysis methods to build an evaluation system of the performances which contains three standards of function index, efficiency index and potential index on level 1, 10 standards on level 2 and 39 indexes on level 3. The conclusion is that the evaluation score of the performances raises almost 30 ranging from the minimum 31.24 to the maximum 59.75 with the adopting of the policies in the research area. Among them, the change of policy goal design, strategic planning, policy feedback index, economic effectiveness, ecological effectiveness, social effectiveness and the construction of administrative organization value is above 50; the change of policy management index, resource utilization, agricultural ecological compensation technology values is more than 30. Therefore, the ecological compensation policies do work effectively and an improving promotion is further needed. Relevant departments ought to strengthen the implementation management of environmental ecological compensation policy, improve the ecological capital using efficiency and enhance the level of ecological compensation of agricultural technology in green agricultural areas.

    Key wordsenvironment in green agricultural producing areas; ecological compensation policies; evaluation of the policy performance; Dongxihu District





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