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单词 reappraisal
释义 reappraisal nounadjective | verb + reappraisal adjective➤fundamental, major, radical从根本上重新估计;主要的重新评价;重大的重新评价▸➤complete完全的重新评价➤critical批判性的重新评价◆a critical reappraisal of existing ideas and social institutions对当今思潮和社会制度的批判性重新评价verb + reappraisal➤force, prompt, trigger强迫/促使/引发重新评价◆this research has prompted a reappraisal of his legacy.这项研究促使人们重新评价他留下的遗产。◆their reappraisal was triggered by new evidence.新证据的出现引发他们重新进行评价。➤lead to导致重新评价◆her theory is that disillusionment with employment leads to reappraisal of career goals.她的理论是求职失败会导致对职业目标的重新定位。reappraisal/ˌri:əˈpreɪzl ||; ˌriəˈprezḷ/noun [c,u] the new examination of a situation, way of doing sth, etc in order to decide if any changes are necessary 重新评估或研究 re·ap·prais·al /ˏriə`prezḷ; ˌriːəˈpreɪzəl/n [c,u]formal careful thought about something to decide whether you should change your opinion of it 【正式】 重新估计,重新评价




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