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单词 conviction
释义 conviction noun¹ 1for a crime罪行adjective | verb + conviction | conviction + verb | conviction + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤earlier, previous, prior (name) 先前的判罪;前科▸➤spent (bre) 失效的判决◆you are not obliged to acknowledge spent convictions.你没有义务承认已经失效的判决。➤successful (especially bre) 成功的定罪▸➤unsafe, wrongful依据不可靠证据所作的/不公正的判决◆keeping this information from the jury could result in a wrongful conviction.对陪审团隐瞒这一信息会导致错误的判决。➤criminal刑事定罪▸➤drug, murder, etc.毒品罪、谋杀罪等verb + conviction➤have被判罪◆he has three criminal convictions.他曾 3 次被判刑事罪。➤lead to导致定罪◆a reward is offered for information leading to the conviction of the attacker.悬赏寻找可将攻击者定罪的信息。➤obtain, secure, win得以定罪◆they need strong evidence to secure a conviction.要想定罪,他们需要强有力的证据。➤escape逃脱定罪◆he believes that too many defendants are escaping conviction by claiming that they are insane.他认为有很多被告通过声称精神失常而逃脱定罪。➤appeal, appeal against (bre) 不服判决而提起上诉◆he appealed against his conviction for murder.他不服谋杀的判决,提起上诉。◆her lawyer said that she plans to appeal her conviction.她的律师说,她打算就针对她的判决提起上诉。➤overturn, quash, reverse (name) 推翻原判;撤销判决▸➤affirm, uphold维持原判conviction + verb➤be based on定罪依据⋯◆a conviction based on very slim evidence证据不足的情况下作出的定罪conviction + noun➤rate定罪率◆the conviction rate for rape is low.强奸的定罪率较低。preposition➤on conviction一经定罪◆his sentence on conviction would be life imprisonment.他一经定罪,将被判无期徒刑。➤conviction against对⋯的判决◆the court overturned the conviction against her.法院推翻了对她的判决。➤conviction for判以⋯罪◆a conviction for murder判以谋杀罪phrases➤the rate of conviction定罪率conviction noun² 2belief/appearance of belief信念adjective | verb + conviction | conviction + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤absolute, complete, total, unshakable, utter绝对深信;完全确信;不可动摇的信念▸➤deep, deeply held, firm, fundamental, great, passionate, real, strong深信;不可动摇的信念;基本的信念;伟大的信仰;强烈的信念◆it is my firm conviction that nothing will change until we address the root causes of the problem.我坚信,除非我们治理问题的根源,否则什么也不会改变。◆there was no great conviction in his voice.他的声音显示出他的信念并不坚定。➤growing越来越强的信念▸➤personal个人的信念▸➤inner内心的信念▸➤ideological, moral, political, religious, theological意识形态的/道德/政治/宗教/神学信仰▸➤catholic, christian,、基督教等信仰verb + conviction➤have, hold深信◆she had this absolute conviction that what she liked others would like.她绝对相信只要她喜欢的别人也会喜欢。➤share有相同的信念◆they share a deep conviction that their views on world matters are still vitally important.他们都坚信他们对世界大事的看法依然极其重要。➤express表达信念➤carry具有说服力◆her explanation failed to carry conviction (= failed to sound convincing) in the face of the facts.在事实面前,她的解释没有说服力。➤reflect反映信念◆the american constitution reflects certain religious convictions.美国宪法反映了某些宗教信念。➤shake动摇信念◆nothing could shake her conviction that she could not be beaten.她深信自己不会被打败,什么都不能动摇她的这一信念。➤reinforce, strengthen加强信念◆these experiences reinforced my conviction that music helps learning.这些经历增强了我的信念:音乐有助于学习。➤lack缺乏说服力◆her arguments lacked conviction.她的论据缺乏说服力。conviction + noun➤politics (bre) 基于个人信念的政治◆the demise of consensus and the rise of conviction politics共识政治的终结与基于个人信念的政治的兴起preposition➤with conviction, without conviction确信;不确信◆'not true!' she said with conviction.“这不是真的!”她深信不疑地说。➤conviction about对⋯的确信◆he had a strong personal conviction about the power of the printed word.他个人坚信印刷文字的力量。phrases➤have the courage of your convictions (= to be brave enough to do what you feel to be right) 有勇气做自己认为对的事 conviction /kənvɪkʃn/ [uncountable] the feeling or appearance of believing sth strongly and of being sure about it深信;坚信;肯定◆'not true!' she said with conviction.“不真实!”她肯定地说道。◆the leader's speech in defence of the policy didn't carry much conviction.那位领导人为政策辩护的讲话不是很有说服力。 conviction /kənvɪkʃn/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) a strong opinion or belief坚定的看法(或信念)◆we were sustained by the conviction that all would be well in the end.那时候是最终一切都会好起来的坚定信念给了我们力量。◆she was motivated by deep religious conviction.她的行动是出于虔诚的宗教信仰。conviction/kənˈvɪkʃn ||; kənˈvɪkʃən/noun1. [c,u] the action of finding sb guilty of a crime in a court of law 定罪;判罪: ◇he has several previous convictions for burglary. 他曾经多次被判犯了盗窃罪。 2. [c] a very strong opinion or belief 坚定的立场或信念: ◇religious convictions 坚定的宗教信念 3. [u] the feeling of being certain about what you are doing 坚定: ◇he played without conviction and lost easily. 他信心不足,在比赛中轻易地就输了。 con·vic·tion /kən`vɪkʃən; kənˈvɪkʃən/n 1. [c] when someone is convicted of a crime 判罪; 定罪:◇bradley had two previous convictions for drug offences. 布雷迪以前曾两次因毒品犯罪被判刑。 2. [c,u] a very strong belief or opinion 坚信,深信:◇religious convictions 坚定的宗教信仰→ opposite 反义词 acquittal




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