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单词 salesman
释义 salesman nounadjective➤good, successful有经验的/成功的推销员▸➤door-to-door, travelling/traveling上门/旅行推销员▸➤car, computer, double-glazing, insurance, used-car汽车/电脑/双层玻璃装配/保险/二手车推销员➤snake-oil (= a person who sells sth that is not effective or useful) (informal, especially name) 劣质品的推销员  ➡ note at job salesman /seɪlzmən/ , saleswoman /seɪlzwʊmən/ noun [countable] (plural salesmen /-mən/, saleswomen /-wɪmɪn/) a man or woman whose job is to sell goods, for example, in a shop/store 推销员◆a car salesman 汽车推销员◆an insurance salesman 保险推销员◆one of the company's top salesmen 公司最佳推销员之一  ➡  salesperson  ➡  see note at chairman ☞ salesman salesman nounsalesman/saleswoman/salesperson ♦︎ rep ♦︎ representative ♦︎ auctioneer ♦︎ assistant ♦︎ clerkthese are all words for a person whose job is to sell goods.这些词均表示售货员、推销员。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a sales rep / representative / assistant / clerk◆a company rep / representative◆a car / computer salesman / saleswoman / salesperson◆a salesman / a saleswoman / a salesperson / a rep / a representative / an auctioneer / an assistant / a clerk sells sth■ salesman ■ saleswoman ■ salesperson [countable] a person whose job is to sell goods, either in a shop or by travelling around visiting companies, organizations or people's houses(店内或上门的)售货员,推销员◆he began his career as an insurance salesman.他的职业生涯是从当保险推销员开始的。◆a travelling salesman销售代表◆a saleswoman came out from behind the counter and asked if she could help.一名女售货员从柜枱后面走出来询问是否需要帮助。◆the salesperson should adopt a question-and-listen procedure.售货员应采取先问后听的工作程序。ⓘ the term salesperson is used especially in training material for people whose job is to sell goods. although a salesperson may be either a man or a woman, it is less often used to refer to a particular man or woman whose job is to sell things, for which the words salesman or (less frequently) saleswoman are still used. * salesperson 尤用于销售人员的培训材料中。尽管该词可兼指男女两种性别,但指特定的男或女售货员时较少使用,而仍用 salesman 或较少用的 saleswoman◆he began his career as an insurance salesperson. ◆a salesperson came out from behind the counter. ■ rep (also sales rep) [countable] (rather informal) a person who works for a company and travels around selling its products销售代表◆she's a sales rep for a recording company.她是一家音像公司的销售代表。■ representative /reprɪzentətɪv/ [countable] (formal) a sales rep销售代表◆he works as a sales representative for an insurance company.他担任一家保险公司的销售代表。◆she's our representative in france.她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表。  ➡ see also representative → spokesman ■ auctioneer /ɔːkʃənɪə(r), ɒkʃənɪə(r); name ɔːkʃənɪr/ [countable] a person whose job is to direct an auction and sell the goods拍卖人;拍卖师ⓘ an auction is a public event at which things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them. * auction 指拍卖会◆'yours for £200,' said the auctioneer.“您出价 200 英镑,这是您的了。”拍卖师说。■ assistant (also shop assistant, sales assistant) [countable] (bre) a person whose job is to serve customers in a shop售货员;店员◆she's a sales assistant in a department store.她是一家百货公司的售货员。◆maybe one of our assistants can help you make your choice?也许我们的售货员能帮您挑选?note 辨析 salesman/woman/person or assistant? salesman/woman/person is usually used to talk about a person who is more highly trained in the job, or has more specialized knowledge of the goods that they are selling than an assistant or shop/sales assistant.与 assistant 或 shop/sales assistant 相比,salesman、saleswoman 或 salesperson 通常受过更好的培训,或者对所售商品更加精通。■ clerk /klɑːk; name klɜːrk/ (also sales clerk) [countable] (name) a shop assistant售货员;店员◆the sales clerk answered all our questions.那售货员回答了我们所有的问题。salesman/ˈseɪlzmən ||; ˈselzmən/noun [c] (plural -men /-men ||; -mɛn/) a man whose job is selling things to people 售货员;推销员salesman• ⇨ snake-oil salesman/peddler sales·man /`selzmən; ˈseɪlzmən/n [c]a man whose job is to sell things 男推销员,男售货员:◇a car salesman 汽车推销员




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