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单词 check¹
释义 check¹ /tʃɛk; tʃek/v 1. [i,t] to do something in order to make sure that everything is correct or the way you expect it 检查,检验:◇"did barry lock the back door?" "i don't know, i'll check." “巴里锁好后门了吗?”“我不知道,我会去检查一下。”◇+ (that) please check that you have handed in your homework before you leave. 在你离开之前请检查一下是否把作业交了。◇+ for check the eggs for cracks before you buy them. 在买鸡蛋之前,检查一下蛋有没有裂缝。◇+ whether/if can you check whether we have any milk? 你能否查看一下我们有没有牛奶?◇double check (=check something twice) 检查两遍,再次检查 2. [i] to ask permission to do something or to ask whether something is possible 征求[允许]; 询问[可能性]:◇+ with i'll just check with mom to see if i can come over to your house. 我要问一下妈妈,看我能否到你家去。◇+ whether/if you'll have to check if there's room in the car for you first. 你必须先询问一下车里是否能容得下你。 3. [t] to stop something bad from getting worse 阻止; 抑制:◇we hope the new drug will help check the spread of the disease. 我们希望这种新药有助于抑制疾病的传播。 4. [t] ame to put someone's bags, coat etc in a special place where they can be kept safe 【美】 寄放[物品]:◇can i check that for you, sir? 我能帮你寄放它吗,先生?check into go to the desk at a hotel, airport etc and say that you have arrived [在旅馆、机场等]登记,报到:◇passengers should check in an hour before departure. 乘客必须在飞机起飞前一小时办理登机手续。check sth ↔ offto put a mark next to something on a list to show that you have finished dealing with it 在…上打勾[表示检查过]:◇check their names off the list as they arrive. 他们到达时在名单上他们的名字旁打勾。check on sb/sthalso 又作 check up on to make sure that someone is doing what they are supposed to be doing, or that something is how it should be 检查; 察看:◇i'll just go check on dinner. 我这就去看一下晚餐是否准备好。mom is always checking up on me. 妈妈总是在监督我。check out1 [t check sth ↔ out] informal to make sure that something is true, correct, or acceptable 【非正式】 查证,核实:◇you should check out his story before you print it. 你应该在刊印之前核实他的说法。2 [i] to pay the bill and leave a hotel [在旅馆]办理退房手续,结账退房:◇we have to check out by 12 o'clock. 我们必须在十二点之前退房。3 [t check sth ↔ out] especially ame to borrow books from a library 【尤美】 [从图书馆]借出[书]




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