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单词 omit
释义 omit verbadverb | preposition adverb➤altogether, completely, entirely完全忽略◆this scene is usually cut down or omitted altogether.这种场景通常被剪掉或删除。➤accidentally, inadvertently无意中遗漏◆the acknowledgements were inadvertently omitted from the article.因疏忽文章中遗漏了致谢词。➤deliberately有意漏掉▸➤conveniently出于方便考虑而忽略◆this fact had been conveniently omitted from his account of events.出于方便考虑,他在讲述事件经过时略去了这一事实。➤conspicuously明显忽略preposition➤from从⋯中漏掉◆some important details were deliberately omitted from the report.报告中故意漏掉了一些重要的细节。omit /əmɪt/ (-tt-) [intransitive] (especially bre, formal) to fail to do sth不做;未能做◆she omitted to mention that they were staying the night.她没说他们当晚要留宿的事。note 辨析 neglect or omit? neglect can suggest that you think the person simply forgot or did not bother to carry out the necessary action; omit can suggest that not doing or saying sth was deliberate. omit is used most often with speech-related verbs such as ask, disclose, inform, mention, say and tell. * neglect 暗指只是因一时大意或图省事而没有做该做的事; omit 暗指故意不做或不说某事。omit 最常跟与说话相关的动词连用,如 ask、disclose、inform、mention、say 和 tell。omit /əmɪt/ (-tt-) [transitive] (formal) to leave sb/sth out漏掉;不包括◆if you are a student, you can omit questions 16-18.学生可以免做 16 至 18 题。◆people were surprised that smith was omitted from the team.人们感到很惊讶,史密斯竟未列入该队。  ➡ see also omission → mistake noun 1 note 辨析 leave sb/sth out or omit?use leave sb out when you are talking about not including sb in an argument or social situation; omit is only used in formal contexts, whether written or spoken. * leave sb out 指不把某人牵扯进争吵或社交场合,omit 则仅用于正式的书面或口语语境。omit/əˈmɪt ||; əˈmɪt/verb [t] (omitting;omitted) 1. to not include sth; to leave sth out 省略;遗漏;删除: ◇several verses of the song can be omitted. 那首歌有好几句歌词可以省略。 2. (formal 正式)omit to do sth to forget or choose not to do sth 忘记,不愿(做某事)omitsee ⇨ include/not include 6 o·mit /o`mɪt; əʊˈmɪt/v [t] -tted, -tting to not include someone or something 省去,略去; 遗漏:◇several important details had been omitted. 一些重要的细节被略去了。




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