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单词 totally
释义 totallycompletely彻底;完全;非常◆his behaviour is totally unacceptable.他的行为是完全不能接受的。◆i'm still not totally convinced that he's right.我仍然不完全相信他是对的。◆ (especially name, informal, spoken) the flight was totally awesome!那次飞行真是棒极了!◆ (especially name, informal, spoken) 'she's so cute!' 'totally (= i agree)!'“她真是精明过人!”“一点不假!”ⓘ the informal examples of totally are typical of the speech of young people. * totally 的这种非正式用法是典型的年轻人用语。  ➡ see also total → complete , total → whole totally/ˈtəʊtəli ||; ˈtotḷɪ/adv completely 完全: ◇i totally agree with you. 我完全同意你的看法。 totallysee ⇨ completely 1 tot·al·ly /`totḷɪ; ˈtəʊtl-i/advcompletely 完全地,彻底地:◇i totally agree with you. 我完全赞同你的观点。◇the whole thing was totally unfair. 这整件事极不公平。 ☞ totally




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