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单词 omen
释义 omen nounadjective | verb + omen | preposition adjective➤good好兆头▸➤bad, evil, ill不祥之兆;凶兆◆they took the storm as a bad omen.他们把那场暴风雨看作不祥的预兆。verb + omen➤take sth as视⋯为兆头preposition➤omen for⋯的征兆◆the smiling faces were a good omen for the future of the restaurant.那些满带微笑的脸预示了这家餐厅美好的未来。➤omen of预示⋯的兆头◆an omen of death死亡的预兆omen/ˈəʊmən ||; ˈomən/noun [c] a sign of sth that will happen in the future 预兆;征兆;兆头: ◇a good/bad omen for the future 对未来的好╱坏兆头 omensee ⇨ sign 5 o·men /`omən; ˈəʊmən/n [c]a sign of what will happen in the future 前兆,预兆,兆头:◇a good omen 好兆头




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