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单词 table
释义 table noun¹ 1piece of furniture家具adjective | verb + table | table + verb | table + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤big, high, huge, large, long大桌;高桌;巨型桌;长桌▸➤little, low, small小桌;矮桌▸➤circular, oval, rectangular, round, square圆桌;椭圆桌;长方桌;方桌▸➤coffee, folding, side, trestle (especially bre) 茶几;折叠桌;边桌;搁板桌◆we arranged the party food on a trestle table on the patio.我们把聚会的食物摆放在露台上的搁板桌上。➤candlelit, glass-topped, white-clothed点着蜡烛的/玻璃面的/铺着白桌布的桌子▸➤glass, mahogany, marble, metal, oak, oaken, plastic, steel, wooden玻璃桌;红木桌;大理石桌;金属桌;橡木桌;塑料桌;钢桌;木桌▸➤polished, scrubbed光亮的/擦洗干净的桌子▸➤rickety, rough快散架的/粗陋的桌子▸➤empty空桌◆we found an empty table at the back of the restaurant.我们在餐厅后部找到了一张空桌。➤bare光秃秃的桌子▸➤dining, dining-room, kitchen餐桌;厨桌◆she often does her homework at the kitchen table.她经常在餐桌上做功课。➤breakfast, dinner, lunch早餐桌;餐桌;午餐桌◆we never discuss politics at the breakfast table.我们从来不在早餐时讨论政治。➤banquet, buffet, picnic, refreshment宴会桌;自助餐餐枱;野餐桌;茶点桌▸➤cafe, cafeteria, restaurant咖啡桌;自助餐厅餐桌;餐馆餐桌▸➤corner, end, window角几;边几;临窗的桌子◆we'll take the corner table near the bar, please.我们坐那张靠吧枱的角桌吧。➤bedside, dressing, night (name) 床头几;梳妆枱;床头柜▸➤writing写字枱▸➤bargaining, conference, drafting, negotiating洽谈桌;会议桌;绘图桌;谈判桌◆they spent hours around the negotiating table.他们花了数小时进行谈判。➤examination, name) , examining, massage, operating检查枱;按摩枱;手术枱▸➤air-hockey, billiard, foosball™, ping-pong/ping-pong™, pool, snooker, table-tennis (bre) 桌上冰球桌;枱球枱;足球游戏桌;乒乓球枱;落袋枱球枱;斯诺克球枱▸➤blackjack, card, gaming, roulette二十一点牌桌;牌桌;赌枱;轮盘赌枱▸➤makeshift临时凑合的桌子◆we turned the box upside down and used it as a makeshift table.我们把箱子倒过来当桌子用。verb + table➤be seated around, be seated at, be seated round, occupy, sit around, sit (down) at, sit round (especially bre) 坐在桌子周围;入座(就餐)◆they were all five of them sitting around the kitchen table.他们五个围坐在餐桌边。➤lean across, lean over, reach across(身体)探过/伸过桌子▸➤get up from, leave起身离桌;离桌◆he left the table in a hurry.他匆匆离席。➤lay, set摆餐具;摆桌◆please set the table for six.请摆好 6 个人的餐桌。➤clear, wipe清理餐桌;擦桌子◆you clear the table and i'll wash the dishes.你收拾桌子,我来洗碗。➤book, reserve订桌;预订餐位◆we booked a table at the restaurant for 8 p.m.我们在餐馆预订了晚上 8 点的位子。➤overturn推翻桌子➤wait tables (name) 伺候(用餐);在餐厅当服务员table + verb➤be piled with sth, be strewn with sth在桌上堆满⋯/放满⋯table + noun➤decorations桌饰▸➤edge, leg桌边;桌腿▸➤mat (bre) 桌垫▸➤cloth (usually tablecloth) , linen, napkin桌布;餐巾▸➤lamp枱灯▸➤manners餐桌礼仪preposition➤across the table横越桌子◆she leaned across the table and kissed him.她隔着桌探过身去吻了他。➤around the table, round the table (especially bre) 在桌子周围◆we gathered around the table to hear his news.我们围着桌子听他的消息。➤at the table在桌旁◆to sit down at the table在桌旁坐下➤on the table在桌上◆she put the vase on the table.她把花瓶放在桌上。➤out from under the table从桌下出来◆james crawled out from under the table.詹姆斯从桌子下面爬了出来。➤over the table在餐桌上◆they flirted over the dinner table.他们在餐桌上打情骂俏。➤under the table在桌下◆the potato rolled under the table.土豆滚到了桌子底下。phrases➤the centre/center of the table, the middle of the table桌子中央/中间◆my father always sits at the head of the table.我父亲总坐在桌首。➤the edge of the table, the end of the table, the head of the table桌边;桌尾;桌首table noun² 2list of facts/figures细目;数字表adjective | verb + table | table + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤statistical统计表▸➤league (bre) 联赛积分榜◆the league table shows the danish team in first place with eight points.联赛积分榜显示丹麦队以 8 分排名榜首。◆school league tables (bre) 学校联赛排行榜➤multiplication, periodic乘法表;周期表verb + table➤compile编制表格▸➤consult, see查阅/参见图表◆see table xii for population figures.参见表 12 中的人口数字。table + verb➤show sth图表显示⋯preposition➤in a/the table在图表中◆he showed the price fluctuations in a statistical table.他用统计表呈现价格的波动情况。phrases➤the bottom of the table, the top of the table榜尾;榜首table /teɪbl/ noun [countable] a list of facts or numbers arranged in a special order, usually in rows and columns 表格◆the table shows sales in each main market over the last five years. 这张表显示了过去五年中各主要市场的销售情况。 ●on the table (bre) (about a plan, suggestion, etc.) offered to people so that they can consider or discuss it (将计划、建议等)供考虑或讨论◆management have put several new proposals on the table. 管理层已经提交了若干新建议供讨论。 (especially name) (about a plan, suggestion, etc.) not going to be discussed or considered until a future date (将计划、建议等)搁置◆the issue is on the table for future negotiations. 这个问题将来再商谈。 life tables ◇ negotiating table ◇ round table table /teɪbl/ verb [transitive] (bre) to present sth formally for discussion 把…列入议事日程;提交讨论◆the firm tabled a motion to shareholders to reduce the number of board members. 这家企业将一项旨在减少董事会成员数目的动议提交给股东讨论。 (especially name) to leave an idea, a proposal, etc. to be discussed at a later date (将主意、建议等)搁置◆they voted to table the proposal until the following meeting. 他们投票决定把这项提议留待下次会议讨论。☞ table☞ tabletable [countable] a list of facts or numbers arranged in a special order, usually in rows and columns表;一览表◆a table of contents (= a list of the main points or information in a book, usually at the front of the book) 目录◆table 2 shows how prices and earnings have increased over the last 20 years.表 2 所示为过去 20 年来价格和收入的增长情况。  ➡ see also chart → diagram table/ˈteɪbl ||; ˈtebḷ/noun[c] 1. a piece of furniture with a flat top supported by legs 桌子;台子: ◇a dining/bedside/coffee/kitchen table 餐桌;床头几;茶几;厨房用桌◇could you lay / set the tablefor lunch? (= put the knives, forks, plates, etc on it) 你摆餐具准备用午餐好吗?◇let me help you clear the table (= remove the dirty plates, etc at the end of a meal). 我来帮你收拾餐桌。 ☞we put things on the table but we sit at the table (= around the table). 把东西放在桌子上说put things on the table,坐在桌子旁用sit at the table。 ☞picture on page c7 见c7页插图 2. a list of facts or figures, usually arranged in rows and columns down a page 一览表: ◇table 3 shows the results. 表3列出结果。 table• ⇨ put/lay your cards on the table☞ table¹☞ table²




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