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单词 payroll
释义 payroll /peɪrəʊl; name -roʊl/ noun (accounting 会计; hr 人力资源) 1. [countable] a list of people employed by a company showing the amount of money to be paid to each of them 职工工资名册;工资单◆we have 500 on the payroll. 我们的在编员工有 500 人。◆a payroll assistant 薪资专员助理2. [countable, usually singular] the total amount paid in wages by a company (公司应付)工资总额◆the firm is growing fast with a monthly payroll of $1 million. 这家企业快速成长,月度工资总额达到了 100 万元。3. [uncountable] the activity of managing a company's payroll 薪资管理◆we are trying to improve our support services, including legal, human resources and payroll. 我们正在努力改进法律、人力资源和薪资管理等支援服务。◆the cost of payroll training 薪资管理培训的成本☞ payrollpayroll/ˈpeɪrəʊl ||; ˈpeˌrol/noun1. [c] a list of people employed by a company showing the amount of money to be paid to each of them 工资表: ◇there are 70 people on the payroll. 工资表上有70人。 2. [usu.sing] the total amount paid by a company to its employees 发放工资总额 payroll• ⇨ be on the payroll pay·roll /`peˏrol; ˈpeɪrəʊl/n [c]a list of people who are employed by a company, or the total amount of money that the company spends on their wages [公司的]在职人员名单; 发薪总额:◇be on the payroll (=be employed by a company) 受雇用




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