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单词 shadow
释义 shadow nounadjective | verb + shadow | shadow + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤dark, deep, dense, strong浓重的阴影;幽深的阴影◆the house lay in dark shadow.房子处于浓重的阴影之中。➤black黑色阴影➤faint, pale (figurative) 淡淡的阴影◆the industry is a pale shadow of its former self.这个行业已今非昔比。➤giant, long巨大的/长长的影子▸➤eerie, sinister, strange, terrible恐怖的/不祥的/怪异的/骇人的阴影▸➤dancing, flickering摇曳的/晃动的影子◆the flickering shadows of the flames火焰跳动的光影verb + shadow➤cast, create, make, produce, throw投下影子;产生阴影;形成影子◆the boat's sail cast a shadow on the water.船帆在水上投下倒影。◆use a desk light to produce a strong shadow.用台灯营造一个浓重的暗影。◆the candles on the table threw huge flickering shadows against the wall.桌子上的蜡烛在墙上投下巨大而跳动的影子。➤fill sth with shadows令⋯满是影子◆the streets were now filled with terrible shadows.街上到处都是可怕的黑影。➤emerge from, move out of, step out from, step out of从阴影中出现;从阴影中走出◆suddenly a large figure emerged from the shadows.突然一个巨大的人影从暗处闪现出来。➤move into, shrink into, slip into进入暗处;缩回阴影里;潜到暗处◆she shrank back into the shadows as the footsteps approached.脚步声逼近时,她缩回到暗处。➤lurk in, wait in, watch from潜伏在暗处;等在暗处;在暗处观察◆criminals lurking in the shadows潜伏在暗处的罪犯shadow + verb➤fall, lie暮色降临;阴影位于◆the evening shadows were beginning to fall.暮色开始降临。◆deep shadows lay across the small clearing where they sat.浓重的阴影落在他们坐的那小块空地上。➤get longer, grow longer, lengthen影子变长;暮色加重◆as the shadows lengthened, the men drifted home.暮色渐沉,男人们便遛达着回家了。➤creep, move, pass影子爬动/移动/经过◆the shadows of the clouds passed over us.云朵的影子从我们头上掠过。➤loom影子赫然出现◆a dark shadow loomed over her.一个黑影赫然向她逼近。➤dance, flicker, leap影子跳跃;影子闪动◆a dark shadow leaped out of nowhere.一个黑影不知从哪儿跳了出来。preposition➤among the shadows在阴影中◆an odd shape among the shadows黑暗处怪异的身影➤in the shadows在暗处◆i could just make out a figure in the shadows.我只能隐约辨认出暗处有一个人影。➤into the shadows进入阴影◆i backed into the shadows until the car had passed.我躲回到暗处,直到那辆车开走。➤in shadow在暗处◆his face was in shadow.他的脸在暗处。➤into shadow进入阴影◆the storm clouds threw the mountains into deep shadow.暴风雨来临时的乌云把山峰笼罩在浓重的阴影之中。➤from the shadows, out of the shadows从暗处◆a huge figure stepped out of the shadows.一个巨大的身影从暗处走了出来。➤through the shadows穿过阴影◆the fears that kept crowding in on her as she hurried through the shadows她匆忙穿过阴暗处时不断涌入心中的恐惧phrases➤live in the shadow of sb/sth (figurative) 生活在⋯的阴影中◆she had always lived in the shadow of her older sister.她一直生活在她姐姐的阴影下。 shadow /ʃædəʊ; name -doʊ/ verb [transitive] (hr 人力资源) to be with sb who is doing a particular job, so that you can learn about it 跟随;实地学习◆new employees shadow other members of the department as part of their training. 新员工跟随部门内部其他成员实地学习是他们的一项培训内容。 behave, move, etc. in the same way as sb/sth else 追随◆the company's success has shadowed the rise in popularity of the internet. 公司的成功与互联网的逐步普及密不可分。☞ shadowshadow [uncountable] (also shadows [plural]) darkness in a place or on sth, especially so that you cannot easily see who or what is there昏暗处;阴暗处◆his face was deep in shadow, turned away from her.他别过脸面向暗处,背对着她。◆i thought i saw a figure standing in the shadows.我好像看见阴暗处站着一个人。 ➡ see also shadow → shape noun shadow [countable] a dark shape that sb/sth's form makes on a surface, for example on the ground, when they are between the light and the surface阴影;影子◆the children were having fun, chasing each other's shadows.孩子们追逐着彼此的影子,玩得很开心。◆the ship's sail cast a shadow on the water.船帆在水面上投下一片影子。◆the shadows lengthened as the sun went down.随着太阳西下,影子越拉越长。 ➡ see also shadow → darkness shadow¹/ˈʃædəʊ ||; ˈʃædo/noun1. [c] a dark shape on a surface that is caused by sth being between the light and that surface 影子;阴影: ◇the dog was chasing its own shadow. 那只狗在追逐自己的影子。◇the shadows lengthened as the sun went down. 太阳下山的时候,影子越拉越长。 ☞look at penumbra and umbra. 参看penumbra及umbra。 ☞picture at shade 见shade插图 2. [u] an area that is dark because sth prevents direct light from reaching it 阴暗的地方: ◇his face was in shadow. 他的脸落在阴影里。 3. [sing] a very small amount of sth 微量;少许: ◇i know without a shadow of doubt that he's lying. 毫无疑问,我知道他在说谎。 cast a shadow (across/over sth)→cast¹shadow²/ˈʃædəʊ ||; ˈʃædo/verb [t] to follow and watch sb's actions 跟踪,监视(某人的行动): ◇the police shadowed the suspect for three days. 警方跟踪那个疑犯已有三日了。 shadow³/ˈʃædəʊ ||; ˈʃædo/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) (in british politics) belonging to the biggest political party that is not in power, with special responsibility for a particular subject, for example education or defence. shadow ministers would probably become government ministers if their party won the next election. (英国政治)影子内阁的(指在野党的部份成员,各自负责某方面的事务,如教育、国防等。在野党如在下次大选中获胜,这些影子大臣便可能成为内阁大臣): ◇the shadow cabinet 影子内阁 shadowsee ⇨ follow 2     • • •• ⇨ beyond a shadow of a doubt• ⇨ cast a shadow over☞ shadow¹☞ shadow²




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