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单词 mecca
释义 mecca/ˈmekə ||; ˈmɛkə/noun1. [sing] the city in saudi arabia where muhammad was born, which is the centre of islam 麦加(沙特阿拉伯城市,穆罕默德诞生地,伊斯兰教圣地) 2. mecca [c] [usu.sing] a place that many people wish to visit because of a particular interest 很多人渴望去的地方;(旅游)胜地: ◇italy is a mecca for art lovers. 意大利是艺术爱好者神往的地方。 mec·ca /`mɛkə; ˈmekə/n [singular 单数] 1. a place that many people want to visit for a particular reason 众人想去的地方; 胜地:◇florence is a mecca for art students. 佛罗伦斯是学艺术的学生向往的胜地。 2. mecca a city in saudi arabia which is a holy place for muslims 麦加[沙特阿拉伯一城市,是穆斯林的圣地]




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