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单词 more
释义 more¹/mɔ:(r) ||; mɔr/det pronouna larger number or amount of people or things; sth extra as well as what you have 较大;更多;更大: ◇there were more people thani expected. 人比我预料的要多。◇we had more time than we thought. 时间比我原先想象的充裕。◇there's room for three more people. 还有地方再容纳三个人。◇i couldn't eat any more. 我再也吃不下了。◇i can't stand much more of this. 这种情况我再也忍受不了。◇tell me more about your job. 再告诉我一些有关你工作的情况。 [opp] less or fewer 反义词为less或fewermore and more an increasing amount or number 越来越多: ◇there are more and more cars on the road. 路上的汽车越来越多。 what's more (used for adding another fact) also; in addition (用于引入新的事实)而且,此外,更有甚者: ◇the hotel was awful and what's more it was miles from the beach. 这旅馆极差,离开海滩又远。 more²/mɔ:(r) ||; mɔr/adv1. (used to form the comparative of many adjectives and adverbs (用于构成许多形容词和副词的比较级)更) ◇she was far/much more intelligent thanher sister. 她比她的姐姐聪明得多。◇a course for more advanced students 一门为更高级的学生开设的课程◇please write more carefully. 请用心点书写。 [opp] less 反义词为less 2. to a greater degree than usual or than sth else 更大程度地;更加: ◇i like him far/much more than his wife. 他这个人比起他的妻子来,我喜欢得多。 [opp] less 反义词为lessnot any more not any longer 不再: ◇she doesn't live here any more. 她不再住在这里。 more or less approximately; almost 大约;差不多: ◇we are more or less the same age. 我们年纪差不多。 moremore/another1 more of the same thing, or another one of the same thingsmore than a number or amount2 more than a number, amount, age etc3 to be more than a particular number or amountmore than before4 more than before5 to become stronger, angrier etc than beforemore than somebody/something else6 more than someone or something elserelated wordsoppositeless,see alsoincrease,add,most,1. more of the same thing, or another one of the same things 更多的或额外的同样的东西 more /mɔːʳ/ [quantifier] more of the same thing 更多的 i gave him $200 last week, and he's already asking for more. 上周我给了他200美元,他现在又问我要更多的钱。 there were more riots in the capital last night when protestors clashed with police. 昨晚在首都再次发生骚乱,抗议者与警察发生了冲突。more of those interested in seeing more of the sculptor's work can visit the sacre monte museum. 要是想看到这位雕塑家更多的作品可以去参观萨克雷·蒙特博物馆。three more/100 more etc some of the students arrived today, and about 20 more will be here tomorrow. 有些学生今天到了,还有约20名学生明天到。 i might buy a couple more of those scarves. 我也许会多买几条那种围巾。some more/any more/no more is there any more beer in the fridge? 冰箱里还有啤酒吗? why don't you go upstairs and do some more homework? 你为什么不上楼去再做些功课? officials are satisfied that no more bodies are buried in the ruins. 官员相信没有更多的尸体埋在残骸里。a few more can you give me a few more minutes? 你能再给我几分钟时间吗?one more the last of several 又一个[指最后一个] i'll just have one more drink before i go. 我走之前再喝一杯就行了。a bit more british /a little (bit) more american sally read a bit more of her book to keep her mind off things. 萨莉又读了一会书,使自己不去想什么。 another /əˈnʌðəʳ/ [determiner/pronoun] one more thing, person, or amount of the same kind 另一个 would you like another drink? 你要再来一杯吗? look, your glass is cracked. i'll get you another. 看,你的杯子破了。我给你另拿一个。another of still to come on channel west, another of our special reports from florida. 请继续收看西部频道,下面是来自佛罗里达的特别报道。another ten minutes/five miles/two gallons etc add the pasta and heat the soup for another ten minutes. 加入面食,把汤再热十分钟。 for another 80 bucks, you could have a wide-screen tv with internet access. 再花80元你就可以买一台可以联接互联网的宽屏幕电视机了。another one pass me another one of those folders. 再递给我一个那种文件夹。 extra /ˈekstrə/ [adjective/adverb] more of something, in addition to the usual or standard amount or number 额外的;另外的 residents may use the hotel swimming pool at no extra charge. 住客不必另外付费,即可使用酒店内的游泳池。extra ten minutes/three pounds/four gallons etc you get an extra 5% discount if you buy your software on-line. 如果在线购买软件,就可以享有额外的5%折扣。 the voting booths stayed open for an extra two hours in some states. 在一些州,投票站开放时间另外延长两小时。be/cost/charge etc extra to be, cost, charge etc extra money 另计;另外收费 dinner costs $15, but wine is extra. 晚餐花费15美元,但酒费另计。 most small providers offer their customers free web space, but larger providers often charge extra. 大部分小供应商为客户提供免费网络空间,但大供应商则通常要另外收费。 additional /əˈdɪʃənəl/ [adjective only before noun] more than the amount or number that was agreed or expected at the beginning of something 附加的;另加的;追加的 our own car broke down, so we had the additional expense of renting a car. 我们自己的车坏了,所以我们另花了钱租一辆车。an additional £10/10 miles/10 minutes etc judge mathes sentenced her first to a year and later to an additional three months in jail for contempt. 马西斯法官先判她一年监禁,后来又因她蔑视法庭再加判了三个月。 further /ˈfɜːʳðəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] formal more, in addition to what there is already or what has happened already 【正式】更多的;进一步的 the doctors are keeping her in hospital to do further tests. 医生让她留院做进一步检查。 for further information, contact the help line. 要了解更多信息可拨打帮助热线。a further £10/10 miles/10 minutes etc strike action will continue for a further 24 hours. 罢工将延长24小时。 added /ˈædɪd, ˈædəd/ [adjective only before noun] added advantage/benefit/protection etc another advantage or more of something that makes something better or more effective 附加的优势/好处/保护等 the new computer is as good as the old one, with the added advantage of being smaller. 新的电脑和旧的一样好,另外还具有体积较小的优点。 buy a high-factor sun lotion, and wear a hat for added protection. 买一瓶高系数防晒霜,再戴一顶帽子作为附加的防护措施。 spare /speəʳ/ [adjective only before noun] a spare tyre, key, room etc is one that you have in addition to the ones you normally use, so that it is available if another one is needed 备用的[轮胎、钥匙、房间等] we carried ros upstairs and laid her on the spare bed. 我们把罗斯抬到楼上,把她放在备用的床上。 pauline keeps a spare key hanging in the closet upstairs. 保利娜保留了一把备用钥匙,挂在楼上的壁橱里。 supplementary /ˌsʌplɪˈmentəri◂, ˌsʌpləˈmentəri◂/ [adjective] provided in addition to what already exists, in order to help people or improve something 补充的 some supplementary finance is available in the form of grants or loans. 可以得到以补助金或贷款形式提供的某种补充资助。 the investment business gazettes offer very useful supplementary information. 《商业投资报》提供非常有用的补充信息。2. more than a number, amount, age etc 比某一数目、数量多的,比某一年龄大的等等 more /mɔːʳ/ [quantifier] more than a number or amount 较…多,比…多 more than i've been working here for more than fifteen years. 我在此地工作已超过了十五年。 more than 50,000 people attended the concert, which was held in central park. 50,000多人去欣赏了在中央公园举行的音乐会。much more/far more/a lot more/even more rented accommodation costs much more in new york. 纽约的房租要贵得多。 sales executives earn about $200,000 a year, and those higher up the ladder can earn a lot more. 销售主管一年大约挣20万美元,那些职位更高的人可以挣更多。no more than/not more than the discussion lasted no more than 30 minutes. 讨论进行了不到30分钟。10/100/$50 etc more it's a better hotel, but it costs about £50 more than the other one. 这家旅馆更好些,但比另一家要贵大约50英镑。or more he could receive a prison sentence of five years or more. 他可能被判五年或五年以上徒刑。 over /ˈəʊvəʳ/ [preposition/adverb] more than that number or amount - use this especially when it is not important to say exactly how much more 超过,更多 i had to wait over half an hour for the train this morning. 今天早上我等火车等了半个多小时。 we receive over 2,000 applications a year. 我们每年收到2,000多份申请。 it's hot out there - i'd say it's over 90. 外面很热,我觉得有90多度。just over slightly over 仅仅超过 she weighs just over 180 pounds. 她重180磅多一点。well over/way over a lot more 【非正式】远远超过 informal well over 30 schools took part in the fund-raising walk. 有30多所学校参加了步行筹款活动。 she was driving way over the speed limit. 她开车的速度远远超出了车速限制。3/10/12 etc and over including and over a particular age 3岁/10岁/12岁等或以上 nci recommends that women aged 40 years and over are checked every two years. 全国癌症研究所建议40岁或40岁以上的女性每两年做一次检查。 above /əˈbʌv/ [preposition/adverb] more than a number or level on a scale that can be exactly measured 在…之上;以上[指在刻度表上] the temperature is about 2 degrees above zero. 气温约为零上2度。just above slightly above 稍微高于 high speed trains average just above 150 mph. 高速列车的平均速度为每小时150英里多一点儿。well/way above a lot more 【非正式】远在…之上 informal the government promised to increase teachers’ pay well above the rate of inflation. 政府答应把教师的工资提高到远远超出通胀的幅度。above average more than usual 高于平均 all the students in the group were found to have above average iq scores. 这组中所有学生的智商被发现高于平均数。3/10/12 etc and above including and above a particular figure 3/10/12等或以上 a score of 70 and above indicates good spatial and map-reading skills. 70或70以上的得分表示拥有良好的空间感和看地图的技巧。 greater than /ˈgreɪtəʳ ðən/ [preposition] formal more than a particular number or amount, especially a number 【正式】大于,超过[尤指多于某数字] scientists have discovered eight craters on venus with diameters greater than 100 km. 科学家在金星上发现了八个直径超过100公里的环形山。 imagine a device that could send a signal at a speed greater than the speed of light. 想象一下有一种能够以大于光速的速度发出信号的装置。be greater than economic growth this year is predicted to be greater than 1.5%. 今年的经济增长预计超过1.5%。be much/far/even greater than by the 1940s, the volume of domestic trade was much greater than trade with other countries. 到了20世纪40年代,国内贸易额已大大超过了国际贸易额。 beyond /bɪˈjɒndǁbɪˈjɑːnd/ [preposition/adverb] more than another number, amount, age etc - use this especially when the other number etc is a particular level or limit 超出,超过[某水平、限度等] inflation has now risen beyond the acceptable level of 5%. 通货膨胀现在已超出可以接受的5%的水平。 in a number of professions, it is possible to continue working beyond retirement age. 有一些职业允许人们在过了退休年龄后继续工作。 in excess of /ɪn ɪkˈses ɒv/ [preposition] formal more than an amount or number - used especially in official documents, instructions, or reports 【正式】超过,高于[尤用于官方文件、指示或报告] the cyclone was travelling at speeds in excess of 21 mph. 旋风正在以高于每小时21英里的速度移动。be in excess of the population is now estimated to be in excess of 40 million. 估计人口已超过4000万。well in excess of a lot more 【非正式】远远超过 informal the fire has caused well in excess of $500,000 worth of damage. 这场火灾已造成远远大于50万美金的损失。 upwards of also upward of american /ˈʌpwəʳd(z) ɒv/ [preposition] use this when the number or amount you mention is the lower limit, and there is possibly even more than that 以上,多于 the reynolds collection is valued at upward of $20 million. 雷诺兹收藏的估价已超过2,000万美元。10/$300/5 years etc and upwards the performance is suitable for children of 7 years and upwards. 该演出适合7岁及以上儿童观看。 plus /plʌs/ [] 10/100/1,500 etc plus at least 10, 100 etc and more than that 多于[超过]10/100/1,500等 the drugs have a street value of $30,000 plus. 这些毒品的市价超过30,000美元。 it took me three hours to back up the computer's 400-plus megabyte memory. 给电脑中400多兆字节的储存信息做备份花了我三小时。3. to be more than a particular number or amount 多于某一数目或数量 be more than /biː ˈmɔːʳ ðən/ [verb phrase] the annual revenue is more than $15 billion. 年度收入超过150亿美元。 new haven's school drop-out rate is more than double the statewide average. 纽黑文市学校的辍学率比州平均数高出一倍多。much/many more than a young woman who didn't look to be much more than 20 看上去年龄20岁出头的年轻女人 many cases still go undetected -- many more than are treated. 许多患者仍未被检查出来,其人数远远高于已接受治疗者。 exceed /ɪkˈsiːd/ [transitive verb] formal to be more than a number or amount, especially a fixed number or limit - used especially in official reports or documents 【正式】超过,超出[尤指某固定数目或限度;尤用于正式报告或文件] legal requirements state that working hours must not exceed 42 hours a week. 法律规定,工作时间每周不得超过42小时。 in the far east, home computer ownership is expected to exceed that of the us and europe combined. 在远东,家庭电脑的拥有量估计超过美国和欧洲的总和。exceed something by something births exceeded deaths by a ratio of 3 to 1. 出生人数以3:1的比率超出死亡人数。far exceed metcalf has achieved 49 touchdowns, far exceeding even those of his famous father. 梅特卡夫取得了49次触地得分的成绩,甚至远远超出他闻名遐迩的父亲。 outnumber /aʊtˈnʌmbəʳ/ [transitive verb] if one type of person or thing outnumbers another, there are more of the first type than of the second [一群人]在数目上超过,多于 women teachers outnumber their male colleagues by two to one. there are twice as many women 女教师以二比一的人数多于男教师。greatly/far outnumber a city where bicycles greatly outnumber cars 自行车远远多于汽车的城市 be up /biː ˈʌp/ [verb phrase] if profits, sales, income etc are up they are larger than at a time in the past [利润、销量、收入等]超过[过去的情况] most retailers expect sales to be up slightly compared with last year. 大部分零售商预期销售额稍稍高于去年。 the american stock exchange was up 0.6% at 551.63. 美国证券交易所指数上涨了0.6%,报收551.63点。be up by support for the president was up by an astonishing 15% in the south. 南部地区对总统的支持率令人吃惊地上升了15%。be 10%/12 points etc up germany's steel output was 3% up at 11.7 million tons. 德国的钢产量为1,170万吨,增加了3%。 pass /pɑːsǁpæs/ [transitive verb] if a number or total passes an amount, especially one that you have been trying to reach, it is more than that amount and will probably continue to increase [数目或总数]超过 if he stays injury-free, stumpel should pass his personal best of 76 points. 如果斯通佩尔保持不受伤的话,他应该能够超过自己76分的最佳个人记录。pass the £100/1million etc mark visits to our website passed the 100,000 mark in april. 我们网址的访问次数4月份超出了10万次。4. more than before 超过以前 more /mɔːʳ/ [quantifier] the new airport will just mean more noise, more traffic problems and higher land prices. 新机场只意味着噪音将会更大,交通问题会更严重,而且地价会更为昂贵。more than i'm sure i weigh more than last year. 我的体重肯定超过了去年。more something than there are far more game shows on tv than there used to be. 如今的电视游戏节目比以前更多了。much more/a lot more/a little more etc derek earns a lot more now than he did in his previous job. 德里克现在挣的钱比他以前的工作所挣的多了许多。more and more in a number or degree that steadily increases 越来越多 more and more people are retiring early. 提早退休的人越来越多。 it became more and more obvious that the boy was using drugs. 情况越来越明显,那男孩在吸毒。 more /mɔːʳ/ [adverb] people are using mobile phones more because they are cheaper. 人们正更多地使用手机,因为手机更便宜了。more than visitors to the centre complained about the service more than last year. 去该中心的人对服务质量的投诉比去年更多了。more than ever before our future competitiveness and prosperity depend more than ever before on technology and industry. 我们未来的竞争力和繁荣比以往任何时候都更取决于技术和工业。more and more continuously increasing 越来越多 more and more, we are finding that students lack basic skills when they enter college. 我们越来越多地发现学生进入大学时缺乏基本技能。 a growing number/an increasing number /ə ˌgrəʊɪŋ ˈnʌmbəʳ, ən ɪnˌkriːsɪŋ ˈnʌmbəʳ/ [quantifier] use this when the number of people that are doing something is not yet very large, but is increasing all the time 越来越多的[指现在的数目还不非常大但一直在增加] a growing number/an increasing number of hong kong was having to provide for a growing number of refugees. 香港当时不得不收容越来越多的难民。 milo is one of a growing number of politicians who have become dissatisfied with the current government. 越来越多的政治家对现政府不满意,米洛就是其中之一。an ever-increasing/ever-growing number of a number that is increasing all the time 不断增多的… the islanders are trying to protect their environment from the ever-increasing number of australian tourists. 岛上的居民正尽力保护环境,使其免遭日渐增多的澳大利亚游客的破坏。in growing/increasing numbers ‘suite’ hotels -- with full kitchens and sitting rooms -- are dotting the roadside in increasing numbers. 配有全套厨房和起居室的“套间”旅馆以不断增长的数量在公路两旁出现。 increasingly /ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli/ [adverb] continuing to happen more often than before - use this when something is becoming more common but still does not happen all the time 渐增地,越来越多地 as the years passed, celia became increasingly lonely and withdrawn. 随着时间的推移,西莉亚变得越来越孤单和离群索居。 increasingly, people are relying on interactive media for a variety of services. 越来越多的人依赖互动式媒体享受各种服务。 greater /ˈgreɪtəʳ/ [adjective] formal use this about a feeling or condition that is stronger or more noticeable than it was before 【正式】[感觉或情况更加的;更多的 after the war, the country began to enjoy greater prosperity. 战后该国开始出现更加繁荣的局面。 the new legislation gave girls greater access to sports in schools. 该项新法律使学校里的女生能更多地参加体育运动。greater than the need for people with computing skills is greater than ever before. 对掌握计算机技术的人的需求超过了以往任何时候。 higher /ˈhaɪəʳ/ [adjective] use this about prices, speeds, or amounts that are bigger than they were before 更高的[价格、速度或数量] there is now a higher proportion of women in management jobs. 如今在管理岗位上的女性比例增加了。 by focusing on quality rather than price, bangalore's firms hope to secure higher profit margins. 班加罗尔市的公司从质量而不从价格着眼,希望获得更高的利润。higher than the cost of student accommodation is higher than it was a year ago. 学生的住宿费比一年前贵了。 increased /ɪnˈkriːst/ [adjective only before noun] greater than in the past 增加的 after childbirth there is always an increased risk of back trouble. 分娩后,总是更容易得腰背部疾病。 increased interest in healthy foods and the environment has led to greater consumer influence. 对健康食品和环境的日益关注已经形成了更强大的消费者影响力。 gain ground /ˌgeɪn ˈgraʊnd/ [verb phrase] if a belief, idea etc is gaining ground, more and more people believe it, do it etc [信仰、观点等]越来越为人们所接受 an approach which is gaining ground in schools 在学校里越来越为大家所接受的一项举措 evangelical christianity has been gaining ground since the second world war. 自第二次世界大战以来,基督教福音派的影响越来越大。 laurent died in 1853, but his ideas slowly gained ground over the next ten years. 劳伦特于1853年去世,但他的观点在以后十年里逐渐为更多人所接受。5. to become stronger, angrier etc than before 变得比以前更强、更生气等 get/become /get, bɪˈkʌm/ [verb] as the days passed, martha became more worried. 随着日子一天天过去,玛莎变得更加担心了。 as you get older, your joints and muscles tend to get weaker. 随着年龄变老,你的关节和肌肉会变得越来越虚弱。 i knew that if i resisted, he would get even angrier. 我知道如果我反对的话,他会更加愤怒的。 the mysterious phone calls were becoming more frequent. 神秘的电话来得更加频繁了。 grow in/gain in /ˈgrəʊ ɪn, ˈgeɪn ɪn/ [verb phrase] to gradually get more of a useful or valuable quality 变得[更有用、更有价值等] the festival has been growing in popularity. 这个节日变得更受欢迎了。 the business has continued to grow in productivity and profitability. 该企业的生产力和利润在继续增加。 she gradually gained in self-confidence and ability. 她的自信心和能力在慢慢提高。 more /mɔːʳ/ [] use this to show that there is more of a quality or feeling than at another time 更多地;更加 it will gradually become more cloudy later in the day. 晚些时候云会越来越多。more ... than i guess marlene is more neurotic than she used to be. 我估计马琳的神经质比过去更为严重了。a lot/much/far more everything was much more difficult than it is these days. 比起现在,以前事事都要困难得多。more and more the train went more and more slowly, and finally stopped completely. 火车越开越慢,最后完全停了下来。 we became more and more determined to succeed. 我们要成功的决心越来越坚定。 increasingly /ɪnˈkriːsɪŋli/ [adverb] if someone or something is becoming increasingly difficult, important etc, they are continuing to become more difficult, more important etc as time passes 渐增地,越来越 as she watched him, jody felt increasingly sure that she had made the right choice. 乔迪看着他,感到越来越确定她的选择是正确的。become/get increasingly it is getting increasingly difficult for the us to remain competitive in consumer products. 美国要在消费产品上保持竞争力是越来越难了。 heightened /ˈhaɪtnd/ [adjective only before noun] heightened feelings are felt more strongly [感情等]更强烈的 heightened concerns about crime and violence in schools 对学校内犯罪和暴力更强烈的担忧 a heightened awareness of healthy eating may lead to considerable benefits. 对健康饮食更强的意识可能带来相当大的好处。6. more than someone or something else 多于另一人或物的 more /mɔːʳ/ [adverb] having a particular quality or characteristic to a greater degree than someone or something else 更 you can see the buildings from the ground, of course, but they look more dramatic from the air. 你当然可以从地面上看到这些建筑物,但从空中看它们更壮观。more than anthony needs to practise more than the other students, but he gets it right in the end. 安东尼比其他学生需要更多的练习,但他最终做对了。more ... than she's more intelligent than her brothers. 她比她的兄弟更聪明。 most women felt that female bosses were ‘more involved’ than their male counterparts. 大多数女性都感到女老板比她们的男老板“更投入”。much/far/a little/a lot more people here are far more friendly than they are in england. 这儿的人比英格兰人友好得多。 the old version of tomb raider was a lot more limited in scope than this one. 《古墓丽影》的旧版比起这个版本内容要局限得多。more like i think you look more like your aunt margaret than your sister does. 我觉得你比你姐姐更像你姨妈玛格丽特。 more /mɔːʳ/ [quantifier] more than another person, thing, or place 更多的 the students with more experience help the newcomers get to grips with the course. 有更多经验的学生帮助新来者掌握这门课程。more than so claire earns more than you? 那么,克莱尔挣得比你多? in the study, men showed more concern than the women who took part. 在这项研究中,参与的男性比女性显示出更多的关心。 greater /ˈgreɪtəʳ/ [adjective] use this about a feeling, quality, or amount that is larger than someone or something else's 更深刻的[感情等];更大的[数量、数目等] greater than his understanding of chinese philosophy is greater than any westerner's i've met. 比起我所认识的所有西方人,他对中国哲学的理解要深刻得多。greater something than we enjoy greater freedom than women in many other countries. 我们享有的自由比其他许多国家的女人更多。 higher /ˈhaɪəʳ/ [adjective] use this about prices, speeds, or amounts that are bigger than someone else's 更高的[价格、速度或数量] we tried to calculate the effect of a higher minimum wage on employment and hours worked. 我们想计算出更高的最低工资对就业及工作时间的影响。 janette's sat scores were higher than anyone elses. 珍妮特的学业能力倾向测验成绩比其他人都高。higher something than in the 1960s, japan achieved a higher rate of economic growth than most other countries. 在20世纪60年代,日本取得了比绝大多数其他国家更高的经济增长率。 to a greater extent/degree /tʊ ə ˌgreɪtər ɪkˈstent, dɪˈgriː/ [adverb] happening more in one situation than in another - used in literary and scientific contexts 更大程度地[尤用于文学和科学文章] this theme is developed in the novels of d.h. lawrence, and to a greater extent e.m. forster. 这一主题在d.h.劳伦斯的小说中得以展开,在e.m.福斯特的小说里则得到进一步的发挥。to a greater extent/degree than women, to a greater degree than men, tend to start abusing alcohol when they are under pressure at work. 在工作中遇到压力时,女性在更大程度上比男性更容易开始酗酒。☞ more¹☞ more²




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