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单词 monopsony
释义 monopsony /mənɒpsəni; name mənɑːp-/ noun (plural monopsonies) (economics 经济学) 1. [uncountable] a situation where there is only one buyer in a particular market or where one buyer controls most of a market 买方独家垄断的市场结构◆monopsony is the equivalent on the buying side of a monopoly on the selling side. 垄断性购买对于卖方来说相当于买方垄断。2. [countable] a person or an organization that is the only buyer or the main buyer in a particular market (特定市场的)单一买主◆the large wine makers were accused of being a monopsony, exercising huge buying power over grape growers. 大型酿酒商被指控为单一买主,对葡萄种植者施加了巨大的买方垄断力。 ▸ monopsonist noun [countable] ◆a monopsonist who is the sole buyer of labour in a local geographical market 劳动力市场的唯一买主☞ monopsony




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