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单词 monopoly
释义 monopoly noun¹ 1control by one company由一家公司控制adjective | verb + monopoly | monopoly + noun | preposition adjective➤effective, near, virtual有效的/近乎/实质上的垄断▸➤absolute, total完全的垄断▸➤government, state政府垄断;国家专营▸➤local, national地方的/全国范围的垄断➤natural自然垄断◆water is a natural monopoly.供水是自然垄断行业。verb + monopoly➤enjoy, exercise, have, hold享有专营权;实行垄断;居于垄断地位◆the company has a virtual monopoly in world markets.这家公司实际上垄断着国际市场。➤create, establish, gain, get, secure, set up建立垄断地位;获得专营权▸➤keep, maintain, preserve, retain保持垄断地位;维持垄断地位▸➤lose失去垄断地位▸➤give sb, grant sb给予某人专营权▸➤challenge挑战垄断地位◆companies who are challenging the state monopolies挑战国家垄断地位的那些公司➤break, break up, end打破垄断;结束垄断◆attempts to break the company's monopoly of the sugar industry打破该公司在食糖业垄断地位的种种努力monopoly + noun➤position垄断地位◆the company was able to exploit its monopoly position.这家公司得以利用其垄断地位。➤control, power垄断控制/势力◆the company used its monopoly control to charge exorbitant fees.该公司利用其垄断控制地位收取奇高的费用。preposition➤monopoly in在⋯方面的垄断◆they created a monopoly in the export of wool.他们垄断了羊毛出口。➤monopoly of⋯的垄断◆one company holds a monopoly of the raw materials.一家公司垄断着原材料。➤monopoly on⋯上的垄断◆the company lost its monopoly on exporting beer to india.这家公司失去了向印度出口啤酒的专营权。➤monopoly over对于⋯的垄断◆they will fight to maintain their monopoly over local bus services.他们会拚命维护在当地公交行业的垄断地位。monopoly noun² 2organization组织adjective➤public, state, state-controlled, state-owned国家垄断组织;国有垄断组织◆the privatization of state-owned monopolies such as the gas and electricity industries煤气、电力等国有垄断行业的私有化➤giant, powerful垄断巨头;势力强大的垄断组织▸➤private私人垄断组织▸➤statutory合法的垄断组织➤gas, oil天然气/原油垄断企业◆the giant gas monopoly gazprom天然气垄断巨头俄罗斯天然气工业股份公司➤media媒体垄断组织◆it was one of the first new-media companies to take on latin america's media monopolies.那是首先向拉丁美洲媒体垄断巨头发起挑战的新媒体公司之一。monopoly /mənɒpəli; name mənɑːp-/ noun [countable] (plural monopolies) (economics 经济学) the complete control of trade in particular goods or the supply of a particular service; the type of goods or service that is controlled in this way 垄断;专卖◆they have a virtual monopoly in pc operating systems. 他们几乎垄断了个人电脑操作系统。◆electricity, gas and water were considered to be natural monopolies. 电力、燃气和供水过去被认为是自然垄断行业。◆health care has long been a public/state monopoly (= owned and controlled by the government). 医疗保健长期以来完全由政府管理。◆ending the monopoly on letter deliveries would cost the company millions. 终止对邮件投递业务的垄断将给这家公司造成数百万元的损失。⨁ to create / extend / have a monopoly建立/扩大/拥有垄断 ⨁ to break (up) / end / lose a monopoly打破/结束/丧失垄断 2.sth that is completely controlled or owned by one person or group, so that other people do not or cannot share it 独有;独占◆managers do not have a monopoly on stress. 并非只有经理才有压力。◆the fight against corruption is not the monopoly of industrialized countries. 并非只有工业化国家才需要惩治腐败。⨁ to have / hold a monopoly拥有/持有垄断权 bilateral monopoly ◇ commercial monopoly ◇ legal monopoly ☞ monopolymonopoly/məˈnɒpəli ||; məˈnɑpḷɪ/noun [c] (plural monopolies)a monopoly (on/in sth) 1. the control of an industry or service by only one company; a type of goods or a service that is controlled in this way 垄断;专卖;垄断或专卖的商品或服务: ◇the company has a monopoly on broadcasting international football. 公司享有独家转播国际足球赛的权利。 2. the complete control, possession or use of sth; something that belongs to only one person or group and is not shared 独占;独有;独占或独有的东西monopolysee ⇨ control/not control 6 mo·nop·o·ly /mə`nɑpḷɪ; məˈnɒpəli/n 1. [c] the control of all or most of a business activity [对商业活动的]垄断专营:◇+ on/of until recently, bell telephone had a monopoly on telephone services. 直到最近为止,贝尔电话公司一直垄断电话服务业。 2. [singular 单数] when one person or organization has or controls something so that no one else can share it 独占; 控制:◇adequate health care should not be the monopoly of the rich. 充分的医疗保健服务不应为富人所独享。 monopolyn [u]trademark a game using artificial money in which you try to get more money and property than your opponents 【商标】 大富翁游戏




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