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单词 affectionate
释义 affectionate /əfekʃənət/ showing caring feelings and love for sb, for example by hugging or kissing them(通过拥抱或亲吻等)表示关爱的◆he is very affectionate towards his children.他非常疼爱自己的孩子。◆she gave him an affectionate kiss.她给了他一个亲昵的吻。▸ affectionately adverb◆she kissed him affectionately on the cheek.她亲昵地吻了一下他的脸。affectionate/əˈfekʃənət ||; əˈfɛkʃənət/adj showing that you love or like sb very much 疼爱(某人)的;情深的: ◇a very affectionate child 感情诚挚的孩子 ➔affectionately adv affectionatesee ⇨ love 5 af·fec·tion·ate /ə`fɛkʃənɪt; əˈfekʃənɪt/adjbehaving in a way that shows you love someone 亲切的,有感情的:◇an affectionate child 很有感情的孩子




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