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单词 marble
释义 marble nounadjective | ... of marble | verb + marble | marble + noun | preposition adjective➤cold, cool冰冷的/清凉的大理石◆the hotel is traditionally furnished, with cool marble floors.这家旅馆陈设风格传统,地面铺着清爽的大理石。➤coloured/colored, grey/gray, white, etc.彩色、灰色、白色等大理石▸➤veined有纹理的大理石▸➤polished打磨过的大理石➤gleaming闪亮的大理石➤smooth光滑的大理石▸➤carved雕花大理石... of marble➤block, slab一块大理石;一块大理石板verb + marble➤carve雕刻大理石▸➤carve sth from/in, make sth from/in/of/out of用大理石雕刻⋯;用大理石制作⋯◆a statue of cupid carved in black marble用黑色大理石雕成的丘比特像➤quarry开采大理石marble + noun➤quarry大理石采石场➤floor, pillar, sculpture, statue, etc.大理石地面/柱子/雕塑/雕像等preposition➤in marble用大理石◆sculptures in polished white marble用打磨过的白色大理石刻出的雕像marble/ˈmɑ:bl ||; ˈmɑrbḷ/noun1. [u] a hard attractive stone that is used to make statues and parts of buildings 大理石(用于制雕像及建筑): ◇a marble statue 大理石雕像 2. [c] a small ball of coloured glass that children play with 玻璃弹子;弹珠 3. marbles [u] the children's game that you play by rolling marbles along the ground trying to hit other marbles 弹子游戏;弹珠游戏 mar·ble /`mɑrbḷ; ˈmɑːbəl/n 1. [u] a hard rock that can be polished and used for making floors, statues etc 大理石 2. [c] a small coloured glass ball, used to play a children's game [儿童游戏用的]玻璃弹子[弹珠]




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