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单词 loaded
释义 loaded adjective¹ 1carrying a load负载verbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be有负载adverb➤heavily负载沉重◆a convoy of heavily loaded trucks负载沉重的卡车车队➤fully满载◆a fully loaded truck满载货物的卡车➤lightly负载轻preposition➤with装载着◆the van was loaded with crates of beer.厢式货车上载着一箱箱啤酒。loaded adjective² 2biased偏袒adverb | preposition adverb➤heavily, very偏见很深◆for me both were very loaded questions.对我来说,两个问题都很有偏见。➤rather, slightly相当不公;略有偏见▸➤culturally, emotionally, ideologically, politically, symbolically文化上/感情上/意识形态上/政治上/象征意义上有偏见的◆try to avoid politically loaded terms like 'nation'.尽量避免使用像 nation 这样有政治偏见的词。preposition➤against对⋯不利◆the odds were slightly loaded against us.情况对我们稍有不利。➤in favour/favor of (especially bre) 偏向⋯◆the legislation is heavily loaded in favour / favor of employers.这项立法严重偏向雇主。loaded [not before noun] (informal) very rich非常富有◆let her pay-she's loaded.让她付钱吧 - 她钱多得很。loaded/ˈləʊdɪd ||; ˈlodɪd/adj1. loaded (with sth) carrying a load; full and heavy 载着或满载(货物或人)的 2. (used especially about a gun or a camera) containing a bullet, a film, etc (尤指枪或照相机)子弹上膛的,有胶卷的 3. giving an advantage 偏袒;有利于: ◇the system is loaded in their favour. 这制度对他们很有利。 4. (informal 非正式) (not before a noun 不用于名词前) having a lot of money; rich 钱很多;富有 loaded• ⇨ be loaded (down) with• ⇨ be loaded/be rolling in it• ⇨ bombed/loaded/wasted• ⇨ leading/loaded question load·ed /`lodɪd; ˈləʊdɪd/adj 1. containing bullets or film [枪]装了子弹的; [照相机]装有胶卷的:◇is the camera loaded? 照相机装上胶卷了吗? 2. carrying a load of something 有负载的,装着货的:◇a loaded truck 装了货的卡车 3. loaded with informal containing a lot of something 【非正式】 充满…的:◇the shelves were loaded with trophies. 架子上摆满了奖杯。 4. spoken informal very rich 【口,非正式】 富有的,很有钱的:◇his grandmother's loaded. 他的祖母[外祖母]很有钱。 5. loaded question a question that is unfair because it makes you give a particular answer 不公正的问题[诱导人以某种方式回答]




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