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单词 justified
释义 justified adjectiveverbs | adverb | preposition verbs➤be, feel, prove, seem合理;感到正当;证明正当;好像合乎情理adverb➤amply有充足理由◆the suspicion proved amply justified.事实证明这个怀疑非常合理。➤completely, entirely, fully, perfectly, quite, totally完全有理由;颇有道理;很有道理▸➤hardly几乎没有道理▸➤partially, partly部份合理▸➤clearly显然有道理▸➤easily容易证明有道理◆a logical and easily justified decision一项合乎逻辑又容易证明合理的决定➤economically, ethically, financially, legally, morally, rationally, scientifically, theoretically经济上合理的;合乎伦理的;法律上有理的;合乎道德的;理性的;合乎科学道理的;理论上正确的◆can her actions be morally justified?她的行为合乎道德原则吗?preposition➤in做⋯合理◆she felt fully justified in asking for a refund.她觉得要求退款完全合理。justified /dʒʌstɪfaɪd/ [not usually before noun] having a good reason for doing sth; existing or done for a good reason有正当理由;事出有因;合乎情理◆she felt fully justified in asking for her money back.她认为有充分的理由要求退款。◆i don't think the death penalty is ever justified.我认为死刑从来就不是合理的。opp unjustified → unjustified justifiedsee ⇨ right 6 jus·ti·fied /`dʒʌstəˏfaɪd; ˈdʒʌstɪfaɪd/adjif something is justified, there are good reasons for it 合理的,有正当理由的:◇your complaints are certainly justified. 你的抱怨绝对是有理由的。→ opposite 反义词 unjustified




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