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单词 advocate
释义 advocate noun¹ 1sb who supports sth支持者adjective | advocate + verb | preposition adjective➤ardent, effective, firm, great, outspoken, powerful, staunch, strong, tireless, vocal热情的/事实上的/坚定的/伟大的/坦率的/强有力的/忠实的/坚强的/精力充沛的/敢于直言的支持者◆she's a staunch advocate of free trade.她是自由贸易的坚定拥护者。➤chief, leading, prominent首要的/主要的/重要的倡导者➤long-standing长期的支持者advocate + verb➤argue, claim, say支持者辩称;倡导者宣称;拥护者说preposition➤advocate for⋯的倡导者◆he is one of the leading advocates for a more modern style of worship.他是主张采用更为现代的礼拜仪式的重要倡导者之一。➤advocate of⋯的倡导者◆an advocate of pacifism和平主义的倡导者advocate noun² 2lawyer律师adjective➤solicitor (bre) 事务律师▸➤judge军法官  ➡ note at professional (for verbs) advocate verbadverb | phrases adverb➤strongly强烈地主张◆heart specialists strongly advocate low-cholesterol diets.心脏病专家大力提倡低胆固醇饮食。➤openly, publicly公开/当众主张phrases➤be widely advocated得到广泛拥护◆these policies have been widely advocated.这些政策已得到广泛的拥护。 advocate noun  ➡ see also the entries for activist and supporter另见 activist 条和 supporter 条advocate ♦︎ proponent ♦︎ lobbyist ♦︎ champion ♦︎ exponent ♦︎ promoterthese are all words for a person who supports an idea and tries to persuade others that it is good or important.这些词均表示支持者、倡导者。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an advocate / a lobbyist / a champion for sth◆a leading / great advocate / proponent / champion / exponent / promoter◆a / the principal / main advocate / proponent / exponent / promoter◆an enthusiastic advocate / proponent / exponent◆an outspoken advocate / proponent / champion◆a powerful advocate / exponent / promoter◆a / the chief advocate / proponent / exponent / promoter◆a prominent advocate / lobbyist / exponent◆advocates / proponents / lobbyists argue sth■ advocate /ædvəkət/ [countable] a person who supports or speaks in favour of sb or of a public plan or action(个人、公共计划或行动的)拥护者,支持者◆he is one of the leading advocates for a more modern style of worship.他是倡导敬拜方式现代化的主要人物之一。◆she became a firm advocate of overseas ventures.她成为海外投资的坚定支持者。■ proponent /prəpəʊnənt; name prəpoʊnənt/ [countable] (rather formal) a person who supports and speaks in favour of an idea or course of action(观念或行动方式的)支持者,倡导者◆she is among the most outspoken proponents of the plan.她是最敢于坦言支持该计划的人之一。opp opponent → protester ■ lobbyist /lɒbiɪst; name lɑːbiɪst/ [countable] a person who tries to influence politicians or the government and persuade them to support an idea or course of action(游说从政者或政府支持某观点或行动方式的)说客◆the plan has caused uproar among environmental lobbyists.该计划已经在推动环保的人士中引起轩然大波。■ champion [countable] a person who fights for, or speaks in support of, a group of people or a belief(某一群体或信念的)捍卫者,拥护者◆she was a champion of the poor all her life.她终生都是穷苦人的卫士。■ exponent /ɪkspəʊnənt; name ɪkspoʊnənt/ [countable] (rather formal) a person who supports an idea, belief or theory and tries to explain it to others and persuade them that it is good(观点、信仰或理论的)倡导者,鼓吹者◆huxley was an exponent of darwin's theory of evolution.赫胥黎是达尔文进化论的倡导者。■ promoter /prəməʊtə(r); name prəmoʊtər/ [countable] a person who tries to persuade others about the value or importance of sth倡导者,支持者(认为某事有价值或很重要)◆she is a leading promoter of european integration.她是欧洲一体化的主要倡导者。 advocate /ædvəkət/ [countable] a person who supports or speaks in favour of sb or of a public plan or action(个人、公共计划或行动的)拥护者,支持者◆he is one of the leading advocates for a more modern style of worship.他是倡导敬拜方式现代化的主要人物之一。◆she became a firm advocate of overseas ventures.她成为海外投资的坚定支持者。 advocate /ædvəkət/ [countable] a person who defends sb in court; (in scotland) a lawyer who has the right to argue cases in higher courts辩护律师;出庭辩护人;(苏格兰)大律师◆those charged should be represented by trained, qualified legal advocates.那些被告应该要有训练有素的合格律师为他们辩护。note 辨析 lawyer, attorney, solicitor, counsel, barrister or advocate? lawyer is a general term for a person who is qualified to advise people about the law, to prepare legal documents or represent people in court. in american english, attorney can be used in the same way as lawyer. in england and wales, a lawyer who is qualified to speak in the higher courts is called a barrister. in scotland, this is called an advocate. counsel is the formal legal word for a lawyer who is representing sb in court. solicitor is the british term for a lawyer who gives legal advice and prepares documents, and sometimes has the right to speak in court, especially a lower court. * lawyer 是个统称,指有资格提供法律咨询、为当事人准备法律文件或代表当事人出庭的律师。在美式英语中,attorney 与 lawyer 用法相同;在英格兰和威尔士,有资格在高级法院出庭辩护的律师称作 barrister,而在苏格兰这种律师称作 advocate ; counsel 为正式法律术语,指代表当事人出庭的律师; solicitor 为英国法律术语,指提供法律咨询、准备法律文件、有时有权出庭(尤在初级法院)辩护的律师。 advocate /ædvəkeɪt/ [transitive] (formal) to support or recommend sth publicly拥护;公开支持;提倡◆the group does not advocate the use of violence.该团体不支持使用暴力。 ➡ see also the entry for support 1另见 support 条第 1 义advocate¹/ˈædvəkeɪt ||; ˈædvəˌket/verb [t] (formal 正式) to recommend or say that you support a particular plan or action 提倡,支持(某计划或行动) advocate²/ˈædvəkət ||; ˈædvəkɪt/noun[c] 1. an advocate (of/for sth/sb) a person who supports or speaks in favour of sb or of a public plan or action 拥护者;提倡者 2. a lawyer who defends sb in a court of law 辩护律师 advocatesee ⇨ support 1     • • •• ⇨ be an advocate of☞ advocate¹☞ advocate²




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