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单词 incidence
释义 incidence nounadjective | verb + incidence | incidence + verb | incidence + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤great, high很高的发生率;高发生率◆there is a greater incidence of cancer in the families of radiation workers.接触放射性物质的工作人员,其家属的癌症发病率要更高一些。➤peak发生率高峰➤low低发生率➤growing, increased, increasing, rising增长的发生率;增加的发生率;上升的发生率➤decreased, reduced降低了的发生率➤actual实际发生率➤overall总体发生率➤annual年度发生率➤recorded, reported有记录的/报道的发生率◆the highest reported incidence of air pollution有报告以来最高的空气污染发生率verb + incidence➤have, show有⋯发生率;显示发生率◆the country had the lowest incidence of aids cases proportional to its population.相对于人口而言,该国艾滋病发病率是最低的。◆the medical histories of our patients show a high incidence of past diseases.我们的病人病历表明他们大都有既往病史。➤increase提高发生率➤decrease, reduce减少发生率➤find发现发生率◆they found an increased incidence of childhood leukaemia in some areas.他们发现有些地区儿童白血病发病率上升。➤measure测算发生率➤compare比较发生率◆we compared the incidence of coronary heart disease and total mortality.我们把冠心病的发病率与总死亡率作了比较。➤analyse/analyze, assess, determine, examine, investigate分析/评估/查明/调查/研究发生率➤explain解释发生率◆the lack of vitamins may explain the higher incidence of heart disease.缺乏维生素也许是心脏病发病率较高的原因。incidence + verb➤increase发生率上升➤decrease, fall发生率降低incidence + noun➤rate发生率◆an incidence rate of 4 or 5 per 10 000 of the population发生概率为每 1 万人中 4 至 5 人preposition➤incidence among在⋯当中的发生率◆the incidence of cancer among people人的癌症发病率➤incidence in⋯中的发生率◆the study noted an increased incidence of heart disease in women.该研究发现女性心脏病发病率有所上升。phrases➤a decrease in the incidence of sth, an increase in the incidence of sth, a variation in the incidence of sth⋯发生率的降低/增加/变化incidence/ˈɪnsɪdəns ||; ˈɪnsədəns/noun1. [sing] (formal 正式)an incidence of sth the number of times sth (usually sth unpleasant) happens; the rate of sth 发生率(一般指不好的事情): ◇a high incidence of crime/disease/unemployment 高犯罪率╱发病率╱失业率 2. [u] (technical术语) the way in which a ray of light meets a surface (光线的)射入: ◇the angle of incidence 入射角 ➔incident adj the incident ray (= the one that meets a surface) 入射线◇the incident angle (= at which a ray of light meets a surface) 入射角 ☞picture at reflection 见reflection插图 incidencesee ⇨ amount 6 in·ci·dence /`ɪnsədəns; ˈɪnsɪdəns/n [singular 单数]formal how often something happens 【正式】 发生率,程度:◇an unusually high incidence of childhood cancer 儿童癌症异常高的发病率




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