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单词 jug
释义 jug noun  ➡ see also pitcher adjective | verb + jug | preposition adjective➤earthenware, glass, plastic陶壶;玻璃壶;塑料壶▸➤cream, milk, water, wine奶油壶;牛奶壶;广口水壶;酒壶➤gallon, half-gallon, three-litre/three-liter, etc. * 1 加仑、半加仑、3 升等的壶▸➤measuring (bre) 量壶verb + jug➤fill, fill up, pour sth into装满壶;把⋯倒进壶◆i filled up my water jug.我把水壶灌满了。◆he filled a jug with juice. (especially bre) 他把壶里倒满了果汁。➤pour, tip把壶倾斜◆she poured a jug of water over his head.她把一壶水倒在了他的头上。➤empty, pour sth from, pour sth out of把壶倒空;从壶里倒出⋯preposition➤jug of一壶⋯◆a jug of milk一罐牛奶jug [countable] (especially bre) a container for holding and serving liquids which has a handle and a lip (= a shaped opening on the side at the top) for pouring(有柄有嘴的)壶,罐◆pour the milk into a measuring jug.把牛奶倒入一个量壶。◆she spilled a jug of water.她把一罐水弄洒了。ⓘ the usual american english word for jug in this meaning is pitcher. in american english a jug is also a large plastic bottle used to hold milk or fruit juice; in british english this is a plastic milk bottle/container. a smaller container for milk or juice made of cardboard is called a carton in both british and american english.美式英语中表达此义的常用词是 pitcher。美式英语中,jug 还指用来装牛奶或果汁的大塑料瓶,这种瓶子在英式英语中叫做 plastic milk bottle/container。较小的装牛奶或果汁的包装硬纸盒在英式和美式英语中都叫 carton。  ➡ see also carton → packetjug/dʒʌg ||; dʒʌg/(us 美 pitcher) noun [c] a container with a handle used for holding or pouring liquids (有柄的)壶: ◇a milk jug 牛奶壶◇a jug of water 一壶水 jug /dʒʌg; dʒʌɡ/n [c]a container used for pouring liquids 罐,壶




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