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单词 joy
释义 joy nounadjective | verb + joy | joy + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤pure, real, sheer, true, unadulterated, unalloyed, utter纯粹的快乐;全然的快乐;十足的快乐▸➤ecstatic, great, overwhelming, wild狂喜;大喜➤unbridled, unfettered, unrestrained尽情的欢乐➤indescribable, inexpressible无以言表的快乐▸➤simple简单的快乐➤childlike孩童般的快乐◆his childlike joy was infectious.他孩童般的快乐很有感染力。➤sudden突如其来的快乐▸➤inner (name) 内心的喜悦verb + joy➤bring sb给某人带来欢乐◆her books have brought great joy to millions of people.她的书给数百万人带来了极大的快乐。➤experience, feel体验/感到快乐◆the pure joy i felt at being free again重获自由时我感到的纯粹的快乐➤share, spread分享/散播欢乐◆we want children to share the joy of music-making.我们想让孩子们分享音乐创作的快乐。➤be filled with, be full of充满快乐▸➤convey, express传达/表达快乐➤imagine想像快乐◆imagine our joy when we saw each other again.想像一下我们再次见面时的那种快乐。➤discover, find, get, rediscover, take发现/找到/得到/重新发现/获得快乐◆i find joy in many kinds of music.我享受多种不同的音乐。◆she got no joy out of working.她从工作中得不到快乐。◆i took a real joy in telling them the truth.把真相告诉他们让我非常开心。joy + verb➤go快乐消失◆all the joy had gone out of his life.他的生命中已不再有半点儿快乐。preposition➤to your joy令⋯高兴的是◆she found to her joy that the house had a large patio.她欣喜地发现这房子有个大露台。➤with joy欣喜地◆i could have shouted with joy.我差点儿高兴得叫起来。➤joy at因⋯感到的快乐◆protesters expressed joy at the government's decision.抗议者对政府的决定表示高兴。phrases➤dance, jump, sing, weep, etc. for joy高兴得跳起舞来/跳起来/唱起来/哭起来等◆i literally jumped for joy when i heard the news.听到这消息时我几乎高兴得跳了起来。➤joy and sorrow, joys and sorrows快乐与悲伤◆over the years we have shared our joys and sorrows.这些年来,我们共同经历了快乐与悲伤。➤a joy to behold, see, watch, etc.看得见的快乐◆the children's expressions were a joy to behold.孩子们的表情看了令人心情舒畅。➤your pride and joy (= a person or thing that makes you feel great pride or satisfaction) 令人自豪/满意的⋯ ◆pablo was the couple's pride and joy.巴勃罗是夫妇俩的骄傲和快乐。➤tears of joy喜悦的泪水 joy noun  ➡ see also the entry for satisfaction另见 satisfaction 条joy ♦︎ delight ♦︎ ecstasy ♦︎ bliss ♦︎ euphoriathese are all words for a feeling of great happiness.这些词均表示兴奋喜悦的感觉。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆sb's joy / delight / euphoria at sth◆sheer / pure joy / delight / ecstasy / bliss◆to feel / be filled with joy / delight / ecstasy■ joy [uncountable] a feeling of great happiness高兴;愉快;喜悦◆the pure joy i felt at being free again我因重获自由而产生的由衷喜悦之情◆i literally jumped for joy (= was very happy and showed it) when i heard the news.听到那消息我简直高兴得跳了起来。 opp grief → grief  ➡ see also joyful → happy ■ delight [uncountable] a feeling of great pleasure高兴;愉快;喜悦◆alex squealed with delight when he saw the monkeys.亚历克斯看到猴子高兴得大声尖叫起来。◆she takes great delight in proving others wrong.她以证实别人出错为一大快事。  ➡ see also delight → delight verb , delight in sth → enjoy ■ ecstasy /ekstəsi/ [uncountable, countable] a feeling or state of very great happiness狂喜;陶醉;沉迷◆kate closed her eyes in ecstasy at the thought of a cold drink.一想到喝冷饮,凯特就兴奋得闭上眼睛沉醉其中。 ➡ see also ecstatic → excited ■ bliss [countable] a feeling of great happiness高兴;愉快;喜悦◆the first six months of marriage were sheer bliss.婚后起初半年无比幸福。 ➡ see also blissful → happy note 辨析 joy, delight or bliss? joy and delight are livelier feelings than bliss: you can dance/jump/sing/weep for joy or scream/squeal/whoop with delight. bliss is more peaceful. * joy 和 delight 所表示的喜悦比 bliss 更活跃热情些,可以说 dance/jump/sing/weep for joy (高兴得手舞足蹈/跳起来/唱起来/哭起来),也可以说 scream/squeal/whoop with delight (高兴得尖叫起来); bliss 则比较平静◆married / wedded / domestic bliss婚后/家庭的幸福■ euphoria /juːfɔriə/ [uncountable] a feeling of great happiness and excitement that usually lasts only a short time(通常指短暂的)狂喜,激动兴奋◆i was in a state of euphoria all day.我整天沉浸在极度兴奋之中。◆euphoria soon gave way to despair.极度喜悦很快就变成了绝望。 ➡ see also euphoric → excited joy [uncountable] a feeling of great happiness高兴;愉快;喜悦◆the pure joy i felt at being free again我因重获自由而产生的由衷喜悦之情◆i literally jumped for joy (= was very happy and showed it) when i heard the news.听到那消息我简直高兴得跳了起来。 opp grief → grief  ➡ see also joyful → happy joy [countable] a thing or person that brings you great enjoyment or happiness令人高兴的人(或事);乐事;乐趣◆the joys and sorrows of childhood童年的欢乐和悲伤◆a dancer who is a joy to watch让观众愉悦快乐的舞者 opp grief , sorrow → grief note 辨析 pleasure, delight or joy?a delight or joy is greater than a pleasure; a person, especially a child, can be a delight or joy, but not a pleasure; joys are often contrasted with sorrows, but delights are not. * delight 和 joy 比 pleasure 语义强; delight 和 joy 可指人,尤其是小孩子,但是 pleasure 不可以。joys 常与 sorrows 形成反义对比,delights 不这样用。joy/dʒɔɪ ||; dʒɔɪ/noun1. [u] a feeling of great happiness 欢欣;喜乐: ◇we'd like to wish you joy and success in your life together. 我们祝你们俩一起生活快乐,事事如意。 2. [c] a person or thing that gives you great pleasure 使人高兴的人或事物: ◇the joys of fatherhood 当爸爸的乐趣◇that class is a joy to teach. 教那班学生是赏心乐事。 3. [u] (brit 英) (informal 非正式) (used in questions and negative sentences 用于疑问句及否定句) success or satisfaction 成功;满意: ◇‘i asked again if we could have seats with more legroom but got no joy from the check-in clerk.’ 我又问了一次登机手续人员,可不可以给我们安排到有较大伸脚空间的位子,可是没有得到满意的答复。 jump for joy→jump¹sb's pride and joy→pride¹joysee ⇨ happy 7 joy /dʒɔɪ; dʒɔɪ/n 1. [c,u] a feeling of great happiness and pleasure, or something that gives you this feeling 欢欣,喜悦; 使人高兴的事,乐趣:◇she cried with joy when she heard the news. 她听到这个消息后欢喜得哭了起来。 2. [u] bre spoken success in what you are trying to do 【英口】成功:◇i've looked everywhere for those keys but i haven't had any joy. 我到处找那几把钥匙,可是毫无结果。 3. be a joy to watch/teach etc spoken used to say that you enjoy watching, teaching etc someone or something very much 【口】 观看[某物]/教[某人]等是件乐事




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