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单词 joint²
释义 joint²n [c] 1. a part of the body where two bones meet 骨关节:◇the hip joint 髋关节 2. a place where two things or parts of an object are joined together [两个物体或部分的]接合处:◇one of the joints between the pipes was leaking. 这些管子有一接合处漏了。 3. bre a large piece of meat with a bone in it for cooking 【英】 [带骨的]一大块肉:◇a joint of beef 一大块牛肉 4. informal a place such as a bar, club, or restaurant 【非正式】 [酒吧、俱乐部、餐厅等]公共场所:◇a hamburger joint 汉堡包店 5. informal a cigarette that contains cannabis 【非正式】 [含大麻的]香烟




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