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单词 grab
释义 grab verbadverb | verb + grab | preposition | phrases adverb➤suddenly突然抓住▸➤quickly迅速抓住verb + grab➤try to试图抓住▸➤manage to成功地抓住◆he managed to grab a couple of hours' sleep.他抓紧时间睡了几个小时。preposition➤at抓住⋯◆i grabbed at his arm as he ran past.他跑过的时候,我抓住了他的胳膊。➤by抓住⋯◆as he walked past the boys, one of them grabbed him by the arm.他走过那些男孩身边时,其中一人抓住了他的胳膊。➤from从⋯抢去◆somebody tried to grab her handbag from her.有个人想抢她的手提包。phrases➤grab hold of sth握紧⋯◆he grabbed hold of a handrail to save himself from falling.他紧紧抓住扶手以免摔倒。grab(-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] to get your hands on and hold or pull sb/sth suddenly, firmly or roughly抓住;攫取◆she grabbed the child's hand and ran.她抓住孩子的手就跑。◆he grabbed hold of me and wouldn't let go.他抓住我不松手。◆someone grabbed me from behind.有人从后面抓住我。◆don't grab-there's plenty for everyone.别抢 - 多着呢,人人有份。◆she grabbed at (= tried to grab) the branch, missed and fell.她伸手抓树枝,但没抓住,跌倒了。grab(-bb-) [transitive, intransitive] (rather informal) to be quick to make use of an opportunity to do or have sth抓住,把握(机会)◆this was my big chance and i grabbed it with both hands.这是我的大好机会,我紧紧抓住了。◆he'll grab at any excuse to avoid hard work.他会找各种借口来逃避苦差事。grab/græb ||; græb/verb (grabbing;grabbed) 1. [i,t] grab sth (from sb) to take sth with a sudden movement 抓取;攫取 · ◇helen grabbed the toy car from her little brother. 海伦一把抢走她弟弟的玩具汽车。◇ grab hold of his arm in case he tries to run! 如果他想要跑,你就抓住他的胳膊!◇someone had arrived before us and grabbed all the seats. 有人比我们先到,把所有的座位都占了。 [t] (figurative 比喻) ◇he grabbed the opportunity of a free trip to america. 他抓住免费赴美的机会。 [t] (figurative 比喻) ◇i'll try to grab the waitress's attention. 我会试着引起女服务员的注意。 ☞look at snatch. 参看snatch。 2. [i] grab at/for sth to try to get or catch sb/sth 想取得或抓住: ◇jonathan grabbed at the ball but missed. 乔纳森抓球落空。 3. [t] to do sth quickly because you are in a hurry 赶;匆忙地做: ◇i'll just grab something to eat and then we'll go. 我会赶快吃点东西,然后我们就走。 grab /græb ||; græb/ noun [c]:◇she made a grab for the boy but she couldn't stop him falling. 她赶忙去伸手抓那男孩,可是仍然阻止不了他跌倒。 grabsee ⇨ hold 3 ⇨ take 11☞ grab¹☞ grab²




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