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单词 sink¹
释义 sink¹ /sɪŋk; sɪŋk/v sank /sæŋk; sæŋk/ or sunk /sʌŋk; sʌŋk/, sunk, sinking 1. [i,t] to go down, or make something go down, below the surface of water (使)下沉,(使)沉没:◇the boat sank after hitting a rock. 小船触礁后沉没了。◇+ to he watched his keys sink to the bottom of the river. 他看着自己的钥匙沉到了河底。 2. [i] a) to move down into a chair, onto the floor etc because you are weak or tired [因为虚弱或疲倦而]坐下; 倒下:◇+ into/down etc lee sank into a chair and went to sleep. 李倒在一张椅子上睡着了。 b) to move to a lower level 降低,下降[至某一高度]:◇the sun sank beneath the horizon. 太阳沉入了地平线以下。◇house prices in the area are sinking fast. 这地区的房价跌得很快。 3. your heart sinks/your spirits sink if your heart or your spirits sink, you suddenly become unhappy or annoyed, especially because you know you will have to do something boring or difficult [尤因得知必须做无聊或困难的事]心情变得沉重/情绪变得低落→ see also 另见 sinkingsink inif information, news etc sinks in, you finally realize the effect it will have [信息、消息等]终于被理解; 被察觉到:◇her mother died last week but it's only just starting to sink in. 她母亲是上个星期过世的,不过她现在才刚刚开始感觉到母亲真的不在了。sink into1 [t sink into] to gradually get into a worse state 逐渐陷入[更糟的状况]:◇she could see him sinking into depression. 她看得出他在渐渐的消沉下去。2 [t sink sth into sth] to spend a lot of money on a business, in order to make more money 把[资金]大量投入…:◇they had sunk thousands into the business. 他们在生意中投入了不少钱。3 sink your teeth/a knife etc into sth to put your teeth or something sharp into someone's flesh, into food etc 用牙齿咬某物/用刀切入某物等:◇the dog sank its teeth into her arm. 那只狗在她手臂上狠狠地咬了一口。




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