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单词 offer
释义 offer noun¹ 1of help or sth that is needed提供的帮助;给予之物adjective | verb + offer | preposition adjective➤generous, kind慷慨的提供;好心的给予▸➤conditional, unconditional (both especially bre) 有条件的/无条件的提供◆the company has made a conditional offer.该公司答应有条件地提供帮助。◆she received a conditional offer from the university of warwick. (bre) 她接到了沃里克大学附带条件的录取通知书。➤job就业机会的提供▸➤peace (usually peace offering) 和平提议verb + offer➤make (sb)(向某人)提议◆he made me an offer i simply couldn't refuse.他的提议让我简直无法拒绝。➤withdraw撤销提议▸➤get, have, receive获得/得到/接到提议▸➤accept, take, take up接受/采取/采纳提议▸➤decline, refuse, turn down婉拒/拒绝/驳回提议▸➤consider考虑提议preposition➤on offer供出售◆the range of goods on offer出售商品的范围➤offer from来自⋯的提供◆i had to turn down a job offer from a publisher because the pay was too low.我不得不拒绝一家出版商给我的工作机会,因为报酬太低了。➤offer of⋯的提供◆they refused our offer of help.他们拒绝接受我们提供的帮助。offer noun² 2special price/deal优惠adjective | preposition adjective➤special特价▸➤cheap (bre) 廉价◆the council do cheap offers on compost bins.市政会廉价提供堆肥桶。➤free免费赠送◆i got the conditioner in a free offer with my shampoo.我买洗发水时免费获赠了护发素。➤introductory推广优惠◆your first order is delivered free as an introductory offer.作为试销品,您首次订货可免费配送。preposition➤on offer (bre) 待售◆we have a number of bargains on offer.我们有许多要出售的便宜货。offer noun³ 3amount of money钱数adjective | verb + offer | offer + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤acceptable, attractive, fair, good, reasonable可接受的/有吸引力的/公道的/优惠的/合理的报价◆the company says it has made a good offer which cannot be improved upon.该公司称他们已经给出了优惠价,不能再优惠了。◆$500 is my best offer (= the highest price i will offer).500 美元是我出的最高价。➤tempting诱人的出价➤high, low高的报价;低的报价◆we realized we would not get a higher offer.我们意识到我们得不到更高的出价了。➤first, initial第一次/最初的报价◆don't just accept the first offer.不要直接接受第一次报价。➤final最后的报价▸➤firm, formal实盘;正式报价◆no one has made a firm offer.没有人报实盘。➤lucrative利润丰厚的报价▸➤pay (bre) 给予的工资◆the union has voted for industrial action after rejecting a pay offer.工会在拒绝资方的工资提议后投票决定举行罢工。➤takeover收购报价▸➤cash, tender (both business商业) 现金报价;投标价◆a cash offer of $21 a share每股 21 美元的现金价格➤contract (sport体育) 合同价格◆the rams have made him a two-year contract offer.拉姆斯公司给了他两年的合同价。verb + offer➤make (sb), put in(向某人)提出报价➤withdraw撤销报价▸➤get, receive收到报价▸➤consider, listen to考虑/听取报价◆i'll listen to any reasonable offer.我将考虑任何合理的报价。➤accept, take接受报价▸➤reject, turn down拒绝报价▸➤increase, up提高报价◆they just kept upping their offer until i had to say yes.他们一个劲地提高报价,直到我不得不接受。➤match使报价不相上下◆we should be able to match their offer for the player.我们应该能为那位球员开出和他们相同的报价。offer + noun➤price出价preposition➤under offer (bre) 已有人出价购买◆the property is currently under offer to a client.这处房产目前已有一位客户出价打算购买。➤offer for就⋯的报价◆several people put in an offer for the house.好几个人对这所房子提出了报价。➤offer of为数⋯的报价◆they accepted our offer of £80 000.他们接受了我们 8 万英镑的报价。phrases➤be open to offers (especially bre) 愿意考虑还价◆the asking price is £500 but i'm open to offers.要价是 500 英镑,但价钱还可以商量。➤or best offer (abbreviated to o.b.o) (name) 价格可议◆excellent condition. $1 000 or best offer.状况极佳,1,000 美元,价格可议。➤or near offer, or nearest offer (abbreviated to o.n.o) (bre) 或略低于此的价格◆they are selling their car for £2 500 or near offer.他们的车要卖 2,500 英镑或略低于此的价格。offer verb¹ 1give/provide sth; ask if sb would like sth提供;询问是否需要adverb | verb + offer | preposition adverb➤generously, graciously, kindly慷慨地/仁慈地/好心地提供◆she graciously offered to get pizza so i wouldn't have to cook.她好心地提出去买比萨饼,省得我做饭。➤helpfully出于帮忙提出➤freely免费提供◆hospitality was freely offered to refugees.可免费招待难民。verb + offer➤be able to, be unable to, can能够/不能/可以提供◆the protection that life insurance can offer寿险所能提供的保障➤appear to, seem to好像能提供◆the plan seemed to offer real advantages.这个计划好像确实能带来好处。➤fail to未能提供▸➤be pleased to (formal) , would like to乐于/愿意提供◆i refer to your recent application and interview and am pleased to offer you the post of editor.参考了你最近的申请和面试表现,我很乐于请你担任编辑一职。➤aim to, seek to意欲提供▸➤claim to声称能提供◆they claim to offer a more comprehensive service than other companies.他们声称能提供比其他公司更全面的服务。➤be expected to, be likely to预计/很可能提供◆this investment is likely to offer a higher return.这项投资很可能会带来较高的回报。➤be compelled to, be forced to, be obliged to不得不提供▸➤feel compelled to, feel obliged to觉得必须/觉得有义务提供◆she felt obliged to offer him a bed for the night.她感觉不得不让他留宿一晚。➤have little to, have a lot to, have nothing to, have something to, etc.没多少、有许多、没东西、有东西等可提供◆this player has proved that he still has a lot to offer (= can still play well).该运动员证明了他仍有很大潜力。➤have sth to有⋯提供◆a chance to see what the college has to offer students一个可了解该学院能为学生提供什么的机会preposition➤to提供给◆she offered drinks to her guests.她给客人端了些饮料。offer verb² 2say that you will pay a certain amount出价verb + offer | preposition verb + offer➤be able to, be unable to, can能够/不能/可以出价▸➤be prepared to, be ready to, be willing to准备出价;愿意出价◆would they be prepared to offer any more?他们准备出更高的价钱吗?preposition➤for为⋯出价◆they have offered over £500 000 for the house.他们出价五十多万英镑购买这所房子。offer /ɒfə(r); name ɔːf-; ɑːf-/ verb [transitive] offer sth (to sb) (for sth) | offer sb sth to say that you are willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb 主动提出;自愿给予◆they decided to offer ms keen the job. 他们决定让基恩女士做这份工作。◆they decided to offer the job to ms keen. 他们决定把这份工作给基恩女士。◆he offered $4 000 for the car. 他出价 4 000 元买这辆汽车。◆taylor offered him 500 dollars to do the work. 泰勒愿意出 500 元聘请他做这件工作。◆the ceo has offered to resign. 首席执行官已提出辞职。 make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth 提供(东西或机会);供应◆the hotel offered excellent facilities for business people. 这家旅馆为商务人士提供优良的服务设施。◆the new shares will be offered at 66 cents each. 新股以每股 66 分发行。◆the job didn't offer any prospects for promotion. 这份工作没有任何晋升的希望。offer /ɒfə(r); name ɔːf-; ɑːf-/ noun [countable] act of saying that you are willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb 主动提议;建议◆she has received a firm job offer. 她得到了一份正式的工作邀请。◆you can't just turn down offers of work like that. 你不能就那样谢绝别人给你的一份份工作。◆the offer of a 3% pay rise 加薪 3% 的提议◆an offer to raise salaries 增加工资的提议⨁ to make / receive / renew / withdraw an offer提出/采纳/重新/撤销建议 ⨁ to accept / decline / refuse / reject / turn down an offer接受/谢绝/拒绝建议 ⨁ a job / pay offer给予工作/报酬 amount of money that sb is willing to pay for sth 出价;报价◆i've had an offer of $2 500 for the car. 有人向我出价 2 500 元买这辆汽车。◆the offer has been withdrawn. 那个报价已被撤销。◆shareholders have voted to reject the $45-a-share offer. 股东投票反对每股 45 元的报价。◆the original price was $3 000, but we're open to offers (= willing to consider offers less than that). 原价为 3 000 元,但价钱还可以商量。  ➡  o.n.o. ⨁ to make / receive / renew / withdraw an offer作出/接受/重新/撤销报价 ⨁ to accept / decline / refuse / reject / turn down an offer接受/谢绝/拒绝报价 ⨁ to improve / increase / raise an offer提高报价 ⨁ a cash / hostile / takeover offer现金/恶意收购;收购要约 3.a reduction in the normal price of sth, usually for a short period of time (通常为短期的)减价,削价;特价◆this offer is valid until the end of the month. 此优惠有效期至本月月底。◆they have an offer on sugar at the moment. 他们目前正在打折卖糖。◆bargain offers on home entertainment 家庭娱乐产品大减价⨁ a bargain / free / an introductory offer降价优惠;免费赠品;试销优惠 act of saying that sth is available for sale 报盘◆the offer closes on march 12th. 此报盘截止日期为 3 月 12 日。 ●on offer1.that can be bought, used, etc. 提供的;可买到的;可使用的◆the range of games on offer will appeal to all age groups. 现有的各种游戏将吸引各个年龄层次的人。 (especially bre) on sale at a lower price than normal for a short period of time (短期内)打折销售;削价出售◆this software package is on offer this week. 这个软件包本周特价销售。●under offer (bre) if a house or other building is under offer, sb has agreed to buy it at a particular price (房屋或其他建筑物)已有买主出价,正在洽售中 counter-offer ◇ general offer ◇ open offer ◇ share offer ◇ special offer ◇ stock offer ◇ tender offer ◇ trial offer ☞ offer☞ offeroffer noun 1➤an offer of help主动提出帮忙➤an offer of £2 500 for the car出价 2 500 英镑买这辆汽车offer ♦︎ approach ♦︎ overture ♦︎ advances ♦︎ proposalthese are all words for an act of suggesting that you do sth for sb, or that sb does sth with you.这些词均表示主动提议、建议、要求。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an offer / an approach / overtures / advances / a proposal to sb◆an offer / overtures / a proposal of sth◆an offer / a proposal of marriage◆(a) friendly offer / approach / overtures◆to make / receive an offer / an approach / overtures / advances / a proposal◆to reject sb's offer / approach / overtures / advances / proposal◆to respond to / spurn sb's offer / overtures / advances / proposal◆to accept / decline / refuse / turn down an offer / a proposal■ offer [countable] an act of suggesting that you do sth for sb or that you give sth to sb主动提议;建议◆thank you for your kind offer of help.谢谢你好意提出帮忙。◆i accepted her offer to pay.她要付款,我同意了。◆i took him up on his offer of a loan.他主动借钱给我,我接受了。◆you can't just turn down offers of work like that.人家给你工作,你不能就那样一一谢绝呀。■ approach [countable] (rather formal) an act of speaking to sb about sth, especially when making an offer or request接洽;建议;要求◆the club has made an approach to a local company for sponsorship.俱乐部已经向一家本地公司寻求赞助。◆she resented his persistent approaches.她对他没完没了的纠缠极为反感。▸ approach verb [transitive] ◆we have been approached by a number of companies that are interested in our product.一些对我们的产品感兴趣的公司已和我们接洽。■ overture /əʊvətʃʊə(r), əʊvətjʊə(r); name oʊvərtʃər, oʊvərtʃʊr/ [countable, usually plural] a suggestion or action by which sb tries to make friends, start a business relationship or have discussions with sb else友好姿态;建议◆he began making overtures to a number of merchant banks.他开始主动同一些投资银行接触。◆maggie was never one to reject a friendly overture.玛吉从来不会拒绝别人友好的表示。note 辨析 approach or overture? approach is often used to talk about a more businesslike way of speaking to sb; overture suggests more of an attempt to persuade sb to like you or want to do business with you. * approach 常意味着公事公办的口吻,overture 多意味着企图博得某人好感或想博得某人与你做生意。■ advances [plural] (rather formal) attempts to start a sexual relationship with sb勾引;求爱;追求◆he had made advances to one of his students.他曾追求过他的一个学生。◆she rejected his sexual advances.她拒绝了他的性要求。ⓘ advances are often described as amorous or sexual, but even when no adjective is used, the sexual meaning is understood. * advance 前常用 amorous 或 sexual 来修饰,但即使前面没有形容词,性的含义也是可以领会的。■ proposal [countable] an act of formally asking sb to marry you求婚◆she had been hoping for a sweet old-fashioned proposal of marriage.她一直期待着那种甜蜜的旧式求婚方式。ⓘ proposal also has the much more frequent and general meaning of a formal suggestion or plan. * proposal 更常见、更通用的意思是提议、提案。  ➡ see also proposal → proposal ▸ propose verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆he was afraid that if he proposed she might refuse.他担心他若求婚,她会拒绝。◆she proposed to me!她向我求婚了!◆to propose marriage求婚offer noun 2➤an offer of help主动提出帮忙➤an offer of £2 500 for the car出价 2 500 英镑买这辆汽车offer ♦︎ bid ♦︎ tenderthese are all words for the act of offering a particular amount of money to buy sth, or to do work or provide services for a particular amount of money.这些词均表示出价、投标。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆an offer / a bid / a tender for sth◆a competitive offer / bid / tender◆to put in / receive / accept an offer / a bid / a tender◆to invite offers / bids / tenders◆to make / withdraw an offer / a bid■ offer [countable] an amount of money that sb is willing to pay for sth出价;报价◆i've had an offer of £2 500 for the car.有人向我出价 2 500 英镑买这辆汽车。◆they made me an offer i couldn't refuse.他们开出了一个使我不能拒绝的报价。◆the original price was $3 000, but i'm open to offers (= willing to consider offers that are less than that).原价为 3 000 元,但价钱还可以商量。■ bid [countable] (especially business尤用于商业 or journalism新闻) an offer by a person or company to pay a particular amount of money for sth; an offer to carry out work or provide goods or a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies买方的出价;投标◆the company mounted a hostile takeover bid for its rival.该公司向竞争对手出价进行敌意收购。◆at the auction (= a public sale where things are sold to the person who offers most), the highest bid for the picture was £200 000.拍卖会上,这幅画的最高出价为 20 万英镑。◆any more bids?还有谁出更高的价吗?◆the company submitted a bid for the contract to clean the hospital.该公司投标承包这所医院的清洁工作。◆ (name also) a bid on the contract投标争取这份合同▸ bid verb [intransitive, transitive] ◆they successfully bid for the contract.他们投标成功,拿到了合同。 (name also) ◆they successfully bid on the contract.他们投标成功,拿到了合同。◆which other cities are bidding to host the 2016 olympics?还有哪些城市在申办 2016 年奥运会?■ tender [countable] (especially bre, rather formal, business商业) a formal offer to carry out work or provide goods or a service for a particular price, in competition with other companies投标◆the local authority has invited tenders for the supply of school meals.地方当局已就校餐的供应事宜进行招标。◆cleaning and laundry services have been put out to tender (= companies have been asked to make offers to supply these services).清洁和洗衣工作已对外招标。▸ tender verb [intransitive] ◆local firms were invited to tender for the building contract.本地公司获邀投标承包建筑工程。offer verb 1➤offer good facilities/prospects提供优良的设施/良好的前景➤offer to help/offer sb a job主动提出帮忙;给某人一份工作offer ♦︎ extend ♦︎ hold out sth ♦︎ tender ♦︎ volunteerthese words all mean to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth.这些词均表示提供东西或机会。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to offer / extend a / an invitation / welcome◆to offer / extend aid / credit / hospitality / sympathy / condolences / congratulations◆to offer / hold out the hope / possibility / prospect of sth◆to offer / tender advice◆to offer / volunteer a / an suggestion / opinion◆to offer / volunteer information◆to offer / tender your apologies / resignation■ offer [transitive] to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth提供(东西或机会);供应◆the hotel offers excellent facilities for families.这家旅馆为入住的家庭提供一流的服务设施。◆the job didn't offer any prospects for promotion.这份工作提供不了任何升迁的希望。◆he did not offer any explanation for his behaviour.他没有对自己的行为作出任何解释。■ extend [transitive] (formal) to offer or give sth to sb, especially as a way of welcoming sb or expressing kind feelings towards them提供,给予(尤指为了表示欢迎或善意)◆we extend our sympathy to the families of the victims.我们对罹难者的家人深表同情。◆the bank refused to extend credit to them (= to lend them money).银行拒绝向他们提供信贷。ⓘ extend is a more formal way of saying offer when you are talking about aid, credit, hospitality, a welcome or an invitation, or expressions of feelings including greetings, congratulations, condolences and sympathy.与 aid、credit、hospitality、welcome、invitation 等词搭配时,又或是与 greeting、congratulation、condolence、sympathy 等表示感情的词搭配时,extend 是比 offer 较正式的说法。■ hold out sth phrasal verb(held, held)to offer a chance, hope or possibility of sth提供机会;给予希望;使有可能◆doctors hold out little hope of her recovering.医生对她的痊愈不抱什么希望。ⓘ hold out is usually followed by hope, but other possible collocates are possibility, promise and prospect. * hold out 通常后接 hope,而其他可搭配的词还有 possibility、promise 和 prospect。■ tender [transitive] (formal) to offer or give sth to sb提议;提供;提出◆he has tendered his resignation to the prime minister.他已向首相递交辞呈。ⓘ tender is a more formal way of saying offer when you are talking about giving your resignation or apologies.与 resignation 或 apology 搭配时,tender 是比 offer 较正式的说法。■ volunteer /vɒləntɪə(r); name vɑːləntɪr/ [transitive] (written) to suggest sth or tell sb sth without being asked主动建议(或告诉)◆nobody asked her, and she didn't volunteer any information.没有人问她,她也未主动提供任何信息。ⓘ people typically volunteer a statement, a suggestion, information, a comment or an opinion. * volunteer 通常与 statement、suggestion、information、comment 或 opinion 等词搭配。offer verb 2➤offer good facilities/prospects提供优良的设施/良好的前景➤offer to help/offer sb a job主动提出帮忙;给某人一份工作offer ♦︎ hold sth out ♦︎ bid ♦︎ volunteerthese words are all used for saying that sb is willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb.这些词均表示主动提出、自愿给予。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆to offer sth / hold sth out to sb◆to offer sth / bid / volunteer for sth◆to offer / volunteer to do sth◆to offer / volunteer help / your services◆to offer / hold out your hand◆to offer / hold out a plate / glass◆to offer / bid £2 000 / a sum■ offer [transitive] to say that you are willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb主动提出;自愿给予◆he offered £4 000 for the car.他出价 4 000 英镑买这辆汽车。◆they are offering a reward for the return of their cat.他们正在悬赏寻猫。◆they decided to offer the job to jo.他们决定把这份工作给乔。◆they decided to offer jo the job.他们决定让乔做这份工作。◆the kids offered to do the dishes.孩子们主动要求洗盘子。◆'i'll do it,' she offered.“这个我来做吧。”她主动说。■ hold sth out phrasal verb(held, held)to put your hand or arms, or sth in your hand, towards sb, especially to give or offer sth伸出手(或胳膊);递出东西◆he held out the keys and i took them.他伸手把钥匙递过来,我接了。◆i held out my hand to steady her.我伸出手扶住她。■ bid (bidding, bid, bid) [transitive, intransitive] to offer to pay a particular price for sth, especially at an auction出(某个数额的)价;(尤指拍卖中)喊价ⓘ an auction is a public event at which things are sold to the person who offers the most money for them. * auction 指拍卖◆i bid £2 000 for the painting.我出 2 000 英镑买这幅画。◆we wanted to buy the chairs but another couple were bidding against us.我们想买下那几把椅子,但另一对夫妇在同我们竞价。ⓘ bid is usually used in a situation in which several people want to buy the same thing. * bid 通常指好几个人竞买同一件物品。■ volunteer /vɒləntɪə(r); name vɑːləntɪr/ [intransitive, transitive] to offer to do sth without being forced to do it or without getting paid for it自愿做;义务做;无偿做◆several staff members volunteered for early retirement.几个职员自愿提前退休。◆jill volunteered to organize a petition.吉尔自告奋勇组织请愿。◆he volunteered his services as a driver.他自愿充当司机服务大家。▸ volunteer noun [countable] ◆are there any volunteers to help clear up?有自愿帮忙打扫的人吗?◆volunteer carers / helpers义务护理员/援助者offer [countable] an act of suggesting that you do sth for sb or that you give sth to sb主动提议;建议◆thank you for your kind offer of help.谢谢你好意提出帮忙。◆i accepted her offer to pay.她要付款,我同意了。◆i took him up on his offer of a loan.他主动借钱给我,我接受了。◆you can't just turn down offers of work like that.人家给你工作,你不能就那样一一谢绝呀。offer [countable] an amount of money that sb is willing to pay for sth出价;报价◆i've had an offer of £2 500 for the car.有人向我出价 2 500 英镑买这辆汽车。◆they made me an offer i couldn't refuse.他们开出了一个使我不能拒绝的报价。◆the original price was $3 000, but i'm open to offers (= willing to consider offers that are less than that).原价为 3 000 元,但价钱还可以商量。offer [transitive] to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth提供(东西或机会);供应◆the hotel offers excellent facilities for families.这家旅馆为入住的家庭提供一流的服务设施。◆the job didn't offer any prospects for promotion.这份工作提供不了任何升迁的希望。◆he did not offer any explanation for his behaviour.他没有对自己的行为作出任何解释。offer [transitive] to say that you are willing to do sth for sb or give sth to sb主动提出;自愿给予◆he offered £4 000 for the car.他出价 4 000 英镑买这辆汽车。◆they are offering a reward for the return of their cat.他们正在悬赏寻猫。◆they decided to offer the job to jo.他们决定把这份工作给乔。◆they decided to offer jo the job.他们决定让乔做这份工作。◆the kids offered to do the dishes.孩子们主动要求洗盘子。◆'i'll do it,' she offered.“这个我来做吧。”她主动说。offer¹/ˈɒfə(r); us ˈɔ:f- ||; ˈɔfɚ/verb1. [t] offer sth (to sb) (for sth);offer (sb) sth to ask if sb would like sth or to give sb the chance to have sth 问某人是否需要某物;(向某人)提供…机会: ◇he offered his seat on the bus to an old lady. 在公共汽车上他把座位让给一位老太太。◇i've been offered a job in london. 有人请我到伦敦工作。◇he offered (me) £2000 for the car and i accepted. 他出价2000英镑向我购买这部汽车,我接受了。 2. [i] offer (to do sth) to say or show that you will do sth for sb if he/she wants 表示或显示愿意做某事: ◇i don't want to do it but i suppose i'll have to offer. 我不想做那件事,但我认为我还是应该自动请缨。◇my brother's offered to help me paint the house. 我的哥哥表示愿意帮我油漆房子。 3. [t] to make sth available or to provide the opportunity for sth 提供(某物);提供机会: ◇the job offers plenty of opportunity for travel. 那份工作提供很多出差的机会。 offer²/ˈɒfə(r); us ˈɔ:f- ||; ˈɔfɚ/noun[c] 1. an offer (of sth);an offer (to do sth) a statement offering to do sth or give sth to sb (做某事或给予某事物的)提议: ◇she accepted my offer of help. 她接受了我的提议,让我帮她忙。◇thank you for your kind offer to help. 谢谢你愿意提供帮助的好意。 we can make, accept, refuse, turn down or withdraw an offer. 我们可以作出(make)、接受(accept)、拒绝(refuse/turn down)或收回(withdraw)一个提议(offer)。 2. an offer (of sth) (for sth) an amount of money that you say you will give for sth 开价;出价: ◇they've made an offer for the house. 他们出价想买下那座房子。◇we've turned down (= refused) an offer of £90000. 我们拒绝了90000英镑的开价。 3. a low price for sth in a shop, usually for a short time 优惠价(通常是短期的): ◇see below for details of our special holiday offer. 有关节日特别优惠的详情,请参阅下文。 on offer 1. for sale or available 出售;提供: ◇the college has a wide range of courses on offer. 学院有多项课程可供选择。 2. (especially brit 尤为英) for sale at a lower price than usual for a certain time (在一段时间内)削价出售: ◇this cheese is on offer until next week. 这种干酪现正减价出售,直到下星期为止。 or nearest offer; ono→near¹offer1 when you offer something to someone2 when you offer to help3 to offer money for something4 something that you offerrelated wordssee alsogive,help,buy,1. when you offer something to someone 向某人提供某物 offer /ˈɒfəʳǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [transitive verb] to say that someone can have something if they want it 提供;给予 offer somebody something she didn't even offer me a cup of tea. 她甚至没给我泡杯茶。 i've been offered the job! 他们给我这份工作了! can i offer you a ride? 我载你一程,好吗? why don't you offer them a drink while i finish getting dinner ready? 我在准备晚餐,你招呼他们喝点东西吧。offer something to somebody unfortunately, they offered the contract to someone else. 很不幸,他们把合同给了别人。 would you like ...? /wʊd juː ˈlaɪk/ spoken say this as a polite way of offering something to someone 【口】你要…吗?[有礼貌地向某人提供某物] we have some maps of the city - would you like one? 我们有本市的地图—你要吗? would you like fries with that? 要配薯条吗? can i get you ...? /kən aɪ ˈget juː/ spoken say this when you are offering someone a drink or food, for example at a party 【口】我给你拿…好吗? can i get you some coffee? 我给你倒杯咖啡吧。 what can i get you? there's beer or wine. 要给你拿点什么吗?有啤酒和葡萄酒。 help yourself /ˌhelp jɔːʳˈself/ spoken say this to tell someone they can take anything they want from the food and drink that is available 【口】自己取[食物和饮品] there's plenty of food, so help yourself. 有足够的食物,自己来吧。help yourself to help yourself to some salad. 吃点沙拉吧。 have /hæv/ spoken say this to persuade someone to take some food or drink that you are offering 【口】吃;喝 have some of the pie - my mom made it. 吃点馅饼—我妈妈做的。 go on, have another beer. 来吧,再喝杯啤酒。2. when you offer to help 主动提出帮助 offer /ˈɒfəʳǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to say that you will do something in order to help someone 提出;愿意[做某事] she was the kind of teacher who was always ready to offer advice and encouragement. 她是那种随时都会给你建议和鼓励的老师。offer to do something i offered to help her with the dishes. 我主动提出帮她洗盘子。thanks for offering ‘do you want me to look after the children next week?’ ‘no, but thanks for offering.’ “下个星期要我帮忙看孩子吗?”“不用了,谢谢你的好意。 volunteer /ˌvɒlənˈtɪəʳǁˌvɑː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to offer to do something, especially something difficult or unpleasant 自愿[做某事]:自愿效劳,自告奋勇[尤指困难或令人不快的事] volunteer to do something jill volunteered to go with me to the hospital. 吉尔主动提出陪我去医院。 will anyone volunteer to help me clean up this mess? 有谁愿意帮我把这乱糟糟的地方收拾干净?volunteer for no one volunteered for night duty. 没有人自愿值夜班。 come forward /ˌkʌm ˈfɔːʳwəʳd/ [verb phrase] british to offer to give help, information, money etc, especially after someone has publicly requested something 【英】自告奋勇,主动提供[尤指在有人公开提出要求之后] the number of operations may have to be limited unless more blood donors come forward. 除非有更多的人自愿来捐血,否则只能限制手术的数量。come forward to do something none of the parents came forward to help with the school party. 没有一个家长自告奋勇为这次学校聚会提供帮助。come forward with the negotiations will come to an end unless someone comes forward with a new proposal. 除非有人提出新的建议,否则谈判将到此为止。 let me /ˈlet miː/ spoken say this when you are offering to help someone, especially when you want to be kind or friendly to them 【口】让我[做某事] let me drive you to the station. 让我开车送你去车站吧。 let me give you a hand with that, mate. 老兄,让我帮你一把吧。 why don't you let me cook dinner tonight? 今天晚上不如让我来做晚饭吧。 can ido something/would you like me to do something also shall i do something british /ˌkæn aɪ ˈduː something, wʊd juː ˌlaɪk miː tə ˈduː something, ˌʃæl aɪ ˈduː something/ [verb phrase] say this when you are offering to do something for someone 要我做某事吗? can i take your bag - it looks heavy. 要我帮你拿袋子吗—好像很重。 would you like me to mail that letter for you? i'm going into town. 要我帮你寄那封信吗?我要进城去。 shall i make a copy for you? 要我给你拷贝一份吗? ‘can i get you anything else?’ the waiter asked. “还要给你拿点别的东西吗?”服务员问道。3. to offer money for something 出钱获得某物 offer /ˈɒfəʳǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [transitive verb] to say that you will pay someone a particular amount of money in exchange for something 出价,开价 offer somebody something chaldon was offered a huge salary to become team manager. 他们给查尔登出很高的薪金让他当球队领队。offer (somebody) something for something police are offering a reward for information about the shooting. 警方悬赏奖金给提供枪击案情报的人。 some guy offered me £2,000 for the car. i just laughed and hung up the phone. 有个家伙出2,000英镑要买我的车,我笑笑就把电话挂了。 make an offer /ˌmeɪk ən ˈɒfəʳǁ-ˈɔː-/ [verb phrase] to offer a particular amount of money in order to buy a house, car etc 出价[买房子、汽车等] make an offer for/on has anyone made an offer yet for the house? 有人出价买这幢房子了没有?make an offer of immediately after they were shown the property, they made an offer of $165,000. 他们看了这幢物业之后,立即出价165,000美元。make somebody a generous offer i'm prepared to make you a very generous offer. 我准备给你出一个高价。 bid /bɪd/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to offer to pay a particular amount of money for something you want to buy, in competition with other people 出价,开价;投标 bid $10/£20 etc for something at the auction, i bid £50 for a small antique mirror, but it ended up selling for over £200. 拍卖会上我出价50英镑竞投一面小古董镜,可它最后卖了两百多英镑。 baxley international said on friday that it bid $11 million in cash and stock to acquire the los angeles-based company. 巴克斯利国际公司星期五表示,它将用1,100万美元的现金加股票收购这家总部设在洛杉矶的公司。bid for something competition between the two companies bidding for the contract is fierce. 两家公司间投标争取这项合同的竞争很激烈。bid against somebody san diego is asking private companies to bid against city workers to run one of the city's three water treatment plants. 圣迭戈要求私人公司投标,与市政人员争夺该市三大污水处理厂之一的经营权。 bidder [countable noun] the equipment will be auctioned off to the highest bidder the person who bids the highest amount. 这台设备将拍卖给出价最高的人。4. something that you offer 你所提供的东西 offer /ˈɒfəʳǁˈɔː-, ˈɑː-/ [countable noun] something that someone has offered to give you or do for you, such as money, help, or advice 提议;提供帮助 a good offer i'll sell the car if i get a good offer. 如果有好价钱,我就把这辆车卖掉。offer of since the story ran in local papers, the family has received several offers of help. 这则报道在本地报纸上刊登以后,已有多方表示愿意帮助这家人。accept an offer say yes to it 接受报价 pan am accepted an offer to sell its african and asian routes. 泛美航空公司接受报价,同意出售它的非洲和亚洲航线。turn down/refuse/reject an offer say no to it 拒绝提议[建议] how could you refuse such a fantastic offer? 这么棒的提议,你怎么能拒绝呢? bid /bɪd/ [countable noun] an offer to pay a particular amount of money for something, when other people are also offering different amounts of money, and hoping to buy it 出价,开价;投标 bid for the highest bid for the painting was £400. 那幅画的最高出价是400英镑。put in/submit/make a bid say how much you will pay 出价 a number of companies have submitted bids to buy the supermarket chain. 有几家公司投标竞买那个超级市场连锁集团。☞ offer¹☞ offer²




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