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单词 offence
释义 offence noun¹ 1 (bre) (name offense) illegal act违法行为adjective | verb + offence/offense | preposition adjective➤grave, heinous, major, serious严重的罪行;滔天大罪▸➤lesser, minor, petty, trivial轻微的罪行;轻罪▸➤alleged涉嫌违法➤first初犯▸➤federal, statutory (bre) 联邦罪行;制定法上的犯罪▸➤arrestable, bookable (in football/soccer足球) (bre) , capital, firing, impeachable, imprisonable, indictable, punishable, sackable (bre) 够拘捕条件的罪行;(足球赛中)需要记名的犯规;死罪;可导致解雇的行为;可弹劾的罪行;够拘押条件的罪行;可起诉的罪行;应予惩罚的罪行;可导致开除的错误◆the offence is punishable by up to three months' imprisonment.这种犯罪行为最多可判 3 个月监禁。➤criminal, disciplinary (bre) 刑事犯罪;违纪行为▸➤driving, political, sex, sexual, terrorist违章驾驶;政治罪;性犯罪;恐怖主义罪◆motorists may be fined on the spot for driving offences such as speeding.驾驶员超速等违章行为可当场予以罚款。➤felony (name) 重罪▸➤non-violent, violent非暴力/暴力犯罪▸➤drug, drug-related毒品罪;涉毒犯罪verb + offence/offense➤be, constitute犯罪;构成犯罪➤commit犯下罪行preposition➤offence against违反⋯的罪行◆offences against public decency有伤风化的犯罪行为  ➡ note at crime (for verbs) offence noun² 2 (bre) (name offense) hurt feelings伤感情verb + offence/offense | preposition | phrases verb + offence/offense➤cause, give冒犯;得罪▸➤take生气preposition➤offence at因⋯生气◆he takes offence at the slightest joke against him.一丁点儿玩笑他也会生气。➤offence to对⋯的冒犯◆i didn't mean to give offence to anyone.我无意冒犯任何人。phrases➤no offence, no offence intended, no offence meant没有冒犯的意思;无意冒犯◆no offence intended, but are you sure your calculations are right?请不要见怪,但你确定你的计算准确无误吗?offence noun³ 3 (bre) (name offense) (name) attacking players; attacking play攻击型选手;攻击性打法adjective | verb + offense adjective➤opposing对抗性攻击◆the ability to disrupt opposing offences扰乱对抗性攻击的能力➤balanced平衡进攻verb + offense➤spark突然发起进攻◆the move didn't spark the offence as hoped.这一行动未能如愿发起一场进攻。➤initiate发起进攻◆competent passers who can initiate the offence能主动进攻的传球高手➤disrupt扰乱进攻◆their ability to disrupt the offence扰乱进攻的能力offence (name spelling offense) /əfens/ noun [countable] an act that is illegal or against the rules 违法行为;违规行为◆sending insulting emails is a disciplinary offence. 发送侮辱性的电子邮件是一种违规行为。◆it was not clear that he had committed an offence. 他违规与否尚不清楚。⨁ a criminal / disciplinary / minor / serious offence刑事罪;违规;轻/重罪 ⨁ to commit an offence违规 ☞ offenceoffence (bre) (name offense) [countable] (rather formal) an illegal act or activity that can be punished by law罪;罪行◆it is a criminal offence to inflict cruelty on any wild animal.残忍对待任何野生动物均属犯刑事罪。◆he was given a warning since it was a first offence (= the first time that he had been found guilty of a crime).因属初犯,他被给予警告。◆the rebels could face charges of treason, a capital offence (= one for which sb may be punished by death).叛乱者可能会面临叛国罪的指控,这乃是死罪。▸ offend verb [intransitive] ◆ (formal) he started offending at the age of 16.他 16 岁就开始犯法。note 辨析 crime or offence?in everyday language, crime is used more often than offence to talk about more serious illegal acts, such as murder or rape. offence is used more frequently to talk about illegal activities such as driving too fast, carrying a gun and using drugs.在日常用语中,crime 较 offence 更多用于指比较严重的违法行为,如谋杀或强奸; offence 更常指超速驾驶、非法持有枪支、吸毒等非法活动 (bre) ◆a driving / motoring offence违章驾驶 (name) ◆a traffic offense违章驾驶 (bre) ◆a firearms offence枪支犯罪 (bre) ◆a drugs offence毒品犯罪 (name) ◆a drug offense毒品犯罪however, in legal contexts, offence is the preferred technical term for all illegal acts and activities.不过,在法律语境下倾向于用 offence 这一术语指称所有非法行为和活动。offencenoun [uncountable] ◆i'm sure he meant no offence when he said that.我相信他那么说并无冒犯的意思。◆the photo on the cover of the book may cause offence to some people.这本书封面上的照片可能会引起一些人的反感。◆no one will take offence (= feel offended) if you leave early.你若早退谁也不会介意的。offencenoun [uncountable] ◆i'm sure he meant no offence when he said that.我相信他那么说并无冒犯的意思。◆the photo on the cover of the book may cause offence to some people.这本书封面上的照片可能会引起一些人的反感。◆no one will take offence (= feel offended) if you leave early.你若早退谁也不会介意的。offence/əˈfens ||; əˈfɛns/(us 美 offense) noun 1. [c] (formal 正式)an offence (against sth) a crime; an illegal action 罪行;违法行为: ◇to commit an offence 犯法◇a criminal/minor/serious/sexual offence 刑事罪行;轻微罪行;严重罪行;性犯罪 2. [u] offence (to sb/sth) the act of upsetting or insulting sb 冒犯;得罪;使不悦: ◇i didn't mean to cause you any offence. 我不是有意使你不高兴的。 take offence (at sth) to feel upset or hurt by sb/sth 对…感到生气;受…的伤害 offencesee ⇨ crime 1 ⇨ illegal 2     • • •• ⇨ capital offence• ⇨ cause offence• ⇨ take offence of·fence /bre 【英】, offense ame 【美】 /ə`fɛns; əˈfens//n 1. [c] a crime 罪行,违法行为:◇a serious offence 重罪◇commit an offence if you lie to the police, you are committing an offence. 向警方撒谎是犯法的。 2. take/cause offence to feel offended or to offend someone 生气/得罪:◇a lot of women took offence at rawling's speech. 许多妇女都被罗林的话激怒了。 ☞ offence




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