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单词 mask
释义 mask noun¹ 1cover for sb's face面具;面罩adjective | verb + mask | mask + verb | preposition adjective➤face, facial, full-face面罩;面膜;全面罩▸➤gas防毒面具▸➤breathing, oxygen呼吸/氧气面罩➤dust防尘口罩➤protective防护面罩▸➤surgical手术口罩➤hockey, ski曲棍球/滑雪面罩▸➤halloween万圣节面具verb + mask➤have on, wear戴着面罩▸➤don, put on戴上面具▸➤pull off, remove, strip off, take off, tear off摘掉面具;除去面具◆in the second part of the play, the actors take off their masks.在该剧的第二部份,演员们摘掉了面具。mask + verb➤conceal sth, cover sth, hide sth面具隐藏⋯;面具遮住⋯◆the man's face was hidden by a mask.那个男人的脸被面具遮住了。preposition➤behind a/the mask, beneath a/the mask在面具背后◆two eyes glared at him from beneath the mask.面具背后的两只眼睛瞪视着他。➤in a/the mask戴着面具◆two men in black masks两个戴着黑面罩的男人➤mask over面罩遮着⋯◆she wore a mask over her face.她脸上戴着一个面具。mask noun² 2sth that hides sb's real feelings掩饰情感之物adjective | mask + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤blank, cold, emotionless, expressionless, impassive, stony漠无表情的假面具;冷酷无情的假面具◆her face was a blank mask as she answered my question.她回答我的问题时脸上装出一副漠无表情的样子。mask + verb➤slip没有掩饰住◆for a moment her mask slipped, and i saw how scared she really was.有那么一瞬间她没有掩饰住,我看出她实际上非常害怕。preposition➤behind a/the mask在假面具背后◆behind the mask of friendliness, i know he really dislikes me.在友善的面具后面,我知道他其实并不喜欢我。➤mask for对⋯的掩饰◆his fooling around is a mask for his lack of confidence.他游手好闲是为了掩饰自己没有自信。phrases➤a mask of indifference冷漠的假面具◆he was hiding behind a mask of indifference but she wasn't fooled.他装出一副冷漠的样子,可是没有骗过她。mask verbadverb | verb + mask | preposition adverb➤completely完全掩盖➤not quite, partially, partly并未完全掩盖;部份遮盖▸➤barely几乎不能掩饰▸➤effectively有效地掩盖verb + mask➤tend to往往掩盖◆varnish tends to mask the natural grain of the wood.罩光漆往往会遮盖木材的天然纹理。preposition➤with以⋯作掩饰◆she masked her anger with a smile.她以微笑掩饰怒火。mask /mɑːsk; name mæsk/ [transitive] to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed掩饰,掩藏(感情、气味、事实等)◆she masked her anger with a smile.她用微笑来掩饰她的愤怒。◆spices were used to mask the unpleasant taste of the meat.加了香料来遮掩肉的怪味。mask [countable, usually singular] (literary) a manner or expression that hides your true character or feelings(对真实性格或情绪的)伪装,掩饰◆behind the mask of indifference she was grinning.她装出一副漠不关心的样子,其实在偷笑。◆the mask of politeness slipped for a moment.那彬彬有礼的伪装不小心露出了马脚,但只是片刻而已。mask¹/mɑ:sk; us mæsk ||; mæsk/noun [c] something that you wear that covers your face or part of your face. people wear masks in order to hide or protect their faces or to make themselves look different 面具;面罩;口罩 ☞ look at gas mask and goggles. 参看gas mask及goggles。 mask²/mɑ:sk ||; mæsk/verb[t] 1. to cover or hide your face with a mask 戴面罩、面具或口罩: ◇a masked gunman 蒙面枪手 2. to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc 掩饰(感受、气味、事实等): ◇he masked his anger with a smile. 他以微笑掩饰愤怒。 mask• ⇨ disguise/mask☞ mask¹☞ mask²




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