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单词 modesty
释义 modesty nounadjective | verb + modesty | modesty + verb | preposition adjective➤characteristic, natural, typical特有的/天生的/典型的谦逊◆she accepted their congratulations with typical modesty.她以典型的谦虚姿态接受了他们的祝贺。➤false虚假的谦逊➤feminine女性的谦和◆her strong will was hidden behind apparent feminine modesty.她的坚强意志隐藏在娇柔谦和的外表之下。verb + modesty➤display, show表现得谦逊➤preserve保持端庄◆i wore a towel to preserve my modesty.为了不失体面,我围了一条大毛巾。modesty + verb➤forbid sb羞怯使某人无法⋯◆modesty forbade me from mentioning that my novel had been published.我不好意思提起我的小说已经出版了。preposition➤with modesty谦逊地◆she spoke with characteristic modesty.她以特有的谦逊口吻讲话。➤modesty about对⋯不夸耀◆his modesty about his achievements他不夸耀自己的成就modesty /mɒdəsti; name mɑːdəsti/ noun [uncountable] ◆he accepted the award with characteristic modesty.他以一贯的谦逊态度接受了这个奖。◆i hate false (= pretended) modesty.我讨厌虚伪的谦逊。 opp pride , vanity → pride opp proud , self-important → proud 2 modesty /mɒdəsti; name mɑːdəsti/ noun [uncountable] ◆he accepted the award with characteristic modesty.他以一贯的谦逊态度接受了这个奖。◆i hate false (= pretended) modesty.我讨厌虚伪的谦逊。 opp pride , vanity → pride opp proud , self-important → proud 2 modestysee ⇨ modest 3 mod·es·ty /`mɑdəstɪ; ˈmɒdɪsti/n [u] 1. the quality of not talking proudly about your achievements, abilities etc 谦虚,谦逊 2. when someone is not willing to show their body or talk about anything connected with sex 衣着端庄; [性方面的]羞怯




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