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单词 model
释义 model noun¹ 1copy of sth复制品adjective | verb + model | model + noun | preposition adjective➤full-scale, scale原尺寸/缩尺模型▸➤three-dimensional三维模型▸➤detailed仿真模型▸➤working工作模型▸➤clay, plastic, wooden, etc.泥制、塑料、木制等模型verb + model➤assemble, build, construct, make组装模型;建造模型;制作模型model + noun➤aeroplane, airplane, car, railroad, railway, train飞机模型;汽车模型;铁路模型;火车模型preposition➤model of⋯的模型◆she made a fantastic clay model of her dog.她照着自己的狗做了一个维妙维肖的泥塑。model noun² 2type of product产品类型adjective | verb + model adjective➤de luxe, luxury, popular豪华型;大众型➤basic, standard基本型;标准型▸➤latest, new最新型号;新款verb + model➤do, make, produce, release制作/制造/生产/发布某型号产品◆they do several other models of washing machine.他们还生产其他几种型号的洗衣机。◆later that year, ibm released a similar model at a lower price.那年晚些时候,国际商用机器公司发布了一款价格更为低廉的相似产品。➤sell售卖某型号产品▸➤design, develop设计/开发某型号产品▸➤recall召回某型号产品◆they're recalling their new model for modifications to the engine.他们正召回新款汽车以对其发动机加以改进。model noun³ 3example实例adjective | verb + model | model + noun | preposition adjective➤excellent, good杰出的/优秀的典范➤role行为榜样➤simple简单的范式◆we follow a simple accounting model.我们采用一种简单的核算模式。➤classical, standard, traditional经典/标准/传统模式◆the standard economic model of supply and demand标准的供求关系经济模型➤alternative可替换模式◆they offer an alternative model of married life.他们提供了婚姻生活的另一种模式。➤conceptual, experimental, statistical, theoretical概念/实验/统计学/理论模型➤explanatory解释性模型▸➤business, clinical, economic, mathematical, medical, political, scientific商业模型;临床模式;经济模型;数学模型;医学模式;政治模式;科学模式▸➤computer计算机模型verb + model➤give sb, present, propose, provide (sb with)(给某人)提供范例;提出范例◆the tape provides a model for students to copy.磁带为学生提供了模仿的范例。➤construct, develop构建/开发模型◆she developed a computer model to help farmers with pest control.她开发了一个帮助农民控制虫害的计算机模型。➤adapt, refine, simplify修改/改善/简化模型▸➤copy仿效范例▸➤adopt, use采用/使用范例➤fit适合模型◆the book fits the classic model of a postmodern narrative.该书属于后现代叙事的经典模型。➤be based on范例基于⋯model + noun➤citizen, pupil, student (especially name) 模范公民;模范学生◆in school, he works hard and is a model student.在学校,他学习用功,是一名模范学生。➤home (name) 模范之家preposition➤model of⋯的模范◆she was a model of restraint.她极有克制力,堪称典范。➤model for供⋯仿效的模范◆successful schools must be used as models for the rest.其他学校须效仿成功的学校。model noun⁴ 4person who models模特adjective | verb + model | model + verb adjective➤artist's, glamour/glamor, photographic艺术模特儿;(为拍照而裸露上身的)性感女模;摄影模特儿▸➤female, male女时装模特儿;男时装模特儿▸➤top顶尖的时装模特儿▸➤catwalk, fashion, runway (name) 时装模特儿verb + model➤photograph, pose, shoot给模特儿拍照;让模特儿摆姿势model + verb➤pose for sb/sth, sit for sb/sth模特儿为⋯摆出姿势/为⋯坐着◆the model sits for me for three hours every day.模特儿每天要坐 3 个小时让我创作。  ➡ note at job model verbadverb | preposition adverb➤closely严格地模仿➤loosely粗略地模仿➤accurately, realistically精确地/真实地模拟◆we can accurately model the development process.我们可以精确地模拟那个发展过程。➤consciously, explicitly有意/明显地模仿◆they tried to model the election campaign consciously on clinton's success.他们试图有意识地仿效克林顿的成功竞选之路。preposition➤on, upon仿效⋯◆we aim to model the system on one used in french hospitals.我们打算仿照法国医院所使用的系统。model /mɒdl; name mɑːdl/ noun [countable] 1.a particular design or type of product 型号;款式◆the latest models will be on display at the motor show. 最新型号将在车展上展出。◆prices are down on basic models. 普通型的价格下调了。⨁ basic / cheaper / popular / standard models基本/廉价/大众/标准型号 ⨁ luxury / more expensive models奢侈/豪华型 ⨁ current / the latest / new / old / previous models当前/最新/新/老/旧型号 ⨁ to design / develop / make / produce a model设计/开发/制造/生产某种型号 2.a simple description of a system, used for explaining how sth works or calculating what might happen, etc. (计算)模型◆business plans built on a variety of financial models 基于多种财务模型建立起来的商业计划◆the bank has been working on a new forecasting model. 这家银行正在建立新的预测模型。⨁ an economic / a financial / mathematical / statistical model经济/金融/数学/统计模型 ⨁ a business / management / marketing / strategic model商业/管理/营销/策略模型 3.a copy of sth, usually smaller than the original object (某物品的)模型◆$3 million was spent on developing a working model of the device. 花费了 300 万元开发这种装置的工作模型。◆the architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex. 建筑师为将要建设的大型购物中心制作了一个比例模型。4.a particular system or way of doing sth that can be copied by other people 范例;典范◆their independent gas and electricity market has provided a model for many other countries. 他们独立的天然气和电力市场成了别国仿效的范例。 demo model ◇ demonstration model ◇ pricing model model /mɒdl; name mɑːdl/ verb [transitive] (-ll-, name -l-) to create a copy of an activity, a situation, etc. so that you can study it before dealing with the real thing 将…做成模型◆the program can model a typical home page for you. 这个程序可以为你制作典型主页的模板。☞ model☞ modelmodel nounmodel ♦︎ pattern ♦︎ prototype ♦︎ precedent ♦︎ blueprint ♦︎ templatethese are all words for sth that can be copied by other people.这些词均表示样本、范例、模板。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆a model / pattern / prototype / precedent / blueprint / template for sth◆to provide / serve as / act as a model / prototype / precedent / blueprint / template◆to develop / create a model / prototype / blueprint / template◆to set a pattern / precedent◆to follow / copy a model / pattern / precedent / blueprint / template■ model [countable] an example of sth such as a system that can be copied by other people样本;范例◆the nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed.这个国家的宪法成了别国仿效的范例。  ➡ see also model yourself/sth on sb/sth → follow 4 , model → example 2 ■ pattern [countable, usually singular] an excellent example of sth such as a system that other people should copy范例;典范;样板◆this system sets the pattern for others to follow.这个系统堪为他人仿效的典范。note 辨析 model or pattern?a system or organization is/provides a model but sets a pattern for people to follow. a pattern is always an excellent example and one that people should follow; a model is an example that people do follow, although this is usually because it works well.表示某一系统或组织可供人仿效可以说 be/provide a model 或 set a pattern。pattern 总是指人们应该仿效的优秀榜样、典范; model 指通常因运转良好而确实为人们所仿效的范例。■ prototype /prəʊtətaɪp; name proʊtətaɪp/ [countable] the first design of sth from which other forms are copied or developed原型;雏形;最初形态◆he produced designs for the prototype of the modern bicycle.他设计了现代自行车的雏形。■ precedent /presɪdənt/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) an official action or decision that has been taken in the past and that is seen as an example or rule to be followed in a similar situation later可援用参考的具体例子;实例;范例◆the ruling set a precedent for future libel cases.这项裁决为今后的诽谤案提供了判例。◆the decision of the local authority was based on historical precedent.地方当局的决定是以历史前例为依据的。■ blueprint /bluːprɪnt/ [countable] a plan which shows what can be achieved and how it can be achieved; a model showing how sth should be done or made行动方案;计划蓝图;模型;模板◆the government has published a blueprint for an integrated transport system.政府公布了建设综合联运体系的方案。◆they see the device as the blueprint for all future chip design.他们把这个装置视为未来所有芯片设计的模板。■ template [countable] a thing that is used as a model for producing other similar examples样板;范例;模板◆if you need to write a lot of similar letters, set up a template on your computer.如果你需要写许多类似的信件,就在计算机上设一个模板。model [countable] a particular design or type of product, especially a vehicle or machine, that is made by a particular company(尤指某公司生产的车辆或机器的)型号,款式◆the latest models will be on display at the motor show.最新的车型将会在汽车展上展出。model [countable] a copy of sth, usually smaller than the original object(通常比实物小的)模型◆they have a working model (= one in which the parts move) of a water mill.他们有一个能转动的水磨坊模型。◆i used to build model aeroplanes.我过去经常制作飞机模型。◆the architect had produced a scale model of the proposed shopping complex (= in which all the parts are the correct size in relation to each other.) 建筑师为提建的购物中心做了一个比例模型。model [countable] (approving) a person or thing that is considered an excellent example of sth模范;典型◆her essay was a model of clarity.她的文章是明白晓畅的范例。◆he's a model student.他是模范生。ⓘ model is always used in the phrase a model of sb/sth or like an adjective before another noun. * model 总是用在短语 a model of sb/sth 中,或像形容词一样置于另一名词前◆a model farm (= one that has been specially designed to work well) 模范农场  ➡ see also model → model noun model [countable] an example of sth such as a system that can be copied by other people样本;范例◆the nation's constitution provided a model that other countries followed.这个国家的宪法成了别国仿效的范例。  ➡ see also model yourself/sth on sb/sth → follow 4 , model → example 2 model(-ll-, name -l-) [transitive] (computing计算机 or technical术语) to create a copy of an activity or situation, especially using a computer, so that you can study it before dealing with the real thing(尤指用计算机)将⋯制成模板,复制◆the program can model a typical home page for you.这个程序可以使用模板帮你制作一个标准的主页。▸ model noun [countable] ◆a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food测算食物中农药安全含量的数学模型modelnoun [countable] ◆a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food测算食物中农药安全含量的数学模型modelnoun [countable] ◆a mathematical model for determining the safe level of pesticides in food测算食物中农药安全含量的数学模型model¹/ˈmɒdl ||; ˈmɑdḷ/noun[c] 1. a copy of sth that is usually smaller than the real thing 模型: ◇a model aeroplane 飞机模型 ☞picture at sport 见sport插图 2. one of the machines, vehicles, etc that is made by a particular company (机器、车辆等的)型号: ◇the latest models are on display at the show. 展览会展出了最新的型号。 3. a person or thing that is a good example to copy 模范;榜样: ◇a model student 模范学生◇children often use older brothers or sisters as role models (= copy the way they behave). 孩子们常把哥哥姐姐当作效法的榜样。 4. a person who is employed to wear clothes at a fashion show or for magazine photographs 时装模特儿 5. a person who is painted, drawn or photographed by an artist (绘画或拍照时用的)模特儿 model²/ˈmɒdl ||; ˈmɑdḷ/verb (modelling;modelled (us 美) modeling;modeled) 1. [t] model sth/yourself on sb/sth to make sth/yourself similar to sth/sb else 以…为榜样;仿效;模仿: ◇the house is modelled on a roman villa. 这房子是仿照古罗马庄园设计建造的。 2. [i,t] to wear and show clothes at a fashion show or for photographs 做模特儿 [t] ◇to model swimsuits 做游泳衣模特儿 3. [i,t] to make a model of sth 做模型 · ◇this clay is difficult to model. 这种黏土很难用来做模型。 modelsee ⇨ copy 4 ⇨ perfect 1 ⇨ type 3     • • •• ⇨ role model☞ model¹☞ model²☞ model³




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