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单词 withdrawal
释义 withdrawal noun¹ 1removing/leaving移开;撤离adjective | verb + withdrawal | preposition adjective➤eventual, imminent最终的/迫近的撤退▸➤abrupt, immediate, precipitous, rapid, sudden突然/立即/贸然/快速/出其不意的撤退▸➤gradual, phased逐渐撤退;分阶段撤回▸➤complete, full, total, unconditional全面撤退;全部退出;无条件撤退▸➤partial部份撤回▸➤strategic, tactical战略/战术撤退➤planned根据计划的撤退▸➤voluntary主动撤出➤unilateral单方面撤出▸➤ignominious (formal) 不光彩的撤出◆the un were faced with an ignominious withdrawal or a long-term military presence.联合国要么选择不光彩地撤军,要么选择维持长期驻军。➤military, troop撤军verb + withdrawal➤advocate, call for, demand主张/呼吁/要求撤出◆the party is calling for the phased withdrawal of troops from the island.该党呼吁分阶段从岛上撤军。➤agree to同意撤退➤order命令撤出▸➤announce宣布撤出▸➤make进行撤退◆the police were forced to make a tactical withdrawal.警方被迫进行战术性撤退。preposition➤withdrawal by⋯的撤出◆a withdrawal by government troops政府军的撤出➤withdrawal from从⋯的撤退◆the army's withdrawal from the occupied territories军队从被占领土的撤出withdrawal noun² 2from a bank account提款adjective | verb + withdrawal | preposition adjective➤cash (especially bre) 提取现金➤atm (especially name) 从自动取款机里取钱verb + withdrawal➤make提款preposition➤withdrawal from从⋯的提款◆she made a withdrawal of £250 from her bank account.她从银行账户上提取了 250 英镑。withdrawal noun³ 3stopping戒除adjective | verb + withdrawal | withdrawal + noun | preposition adjective➤abrupt突然戒掉▸➤alcohol, caffeine, drug, nicotine戒酒;戒咖啡;戒毒;戒烟verb + withdrawal➤go through, suffer经历戒瘾期;忍受戒瘾之苦withdrawal + noun➤symptoms戒断症状◆he was suffering from withdrawal symptoms.他正忍受着种种戒断症状之苦。preposition➤withdrawal from戒除⋯◆she was still suffering withdrawal from nicotine.她仍然在忍受戒烟之苦。 withdrawal /wɪðdrɔːəl; wiθd-/ noun1. [countable, uncountable] the act of taking an amount of money out of your bank account, a pension plan, etc.; the amount of money that you take out 提款;取款◆you can make withdrawals of up to €250 a day. 每天最多可以提款 250 欧元。◆there is no charge for cash withdrawals. 现金提款免收手续费。◆there is a withdrawal penalty if you take your money out early. 如果提前取款须支付取款罚金。 opp deposit (commerce 商业) [uncountable, countable] the act of moving or taking sth away or back 收回;撤回◆the withdrawal of an offer 发盘的撤回◆the withdrawal of a product from the market 从市场召回产品◆the manufacturers found a fault and carried out a voluntary product withdrawal. 制造商发现了一个缺陷并主动召回产品。  ➡  recall 3. [uncountable] the act of no longer taking part in sth or being a member of an organization 撤出;退出◆the company's withdrawal from the merger agreement 这家公司退出合并协议 in-service withdrawal ☞ withdrawalwithdrawal /wɪðdrɔːəl, wɪθdrɔːəl/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the withdrawal of troops撤军◆us withdrawal from vietnam美军撤离越南withdrawal /wɪðdrɔːəl, wɪθdrɔːəl/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆his withdrawal from the election他从竞选中退出withdrawal /wɪðdrɔːəl, wɪθdrɔːəl/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the withdrawal of troops撤军◆us withdrawal from vietnam美军撤离越南withdrawal /wɪðdrɔːəl, wɪθdrɔːəl/ noun [uncountable, countable] ◆his withdrawal from the election他从竞选中退出withdrawal/wɪðˈdrɔ:əl ||; wɪðˈdrɔəl/noun1. [c,u] moving or being moved back or away from a place 撤退;撤走;撤离: ◇the withdrawal of troops from the war zone 部队从战区撤离 2. [c] taking money out of your bank account; the amount of money that you take out (银行账户的)提款;提款金额: ◇to make a withdrawal 提款 3. [u] the act of stopping doing sth, especially taking a drug 戒除,脱瘾(尤指戒毒): ◇when he gave up alcohol he suffered severe withdrawal symptoms. 他戒酒的过程中,出现了严重的脱瘾症状。 with·draw·al /wɪð`drɔəl; wɪðˈdrɔːəl/n 1. [c,u] when someone takes money out of a bank account 提取存款:◇i'd like to make a withdrawal, please. 我想提款,谢谢。 2. [c,u] when military forces are moved out of an area 撤军,撤退,撤出:◇the withdrawal of nato forces from bosnia 北约部队从波斯尼亚撤退 3. [c,u] when someone stops doing something, for example helping someone 收回,取消:◇the withdrawal of government aid 政府援助的撤销 4. [u] the set of unpleasant physical and mental feelings an addict gets when he or she tries to stop taking a drug 戒毒,脱瘾(过程):◇withdrawal symptoms (=the things that happen) 脱瘾症状




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