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单词 rota
释义 rota noun (bre) adjective | verb + rota | rota + noun | preposition | phrases adjective➤daily, weekly, etc.每日、每周等轮值表▸➤duty勤务轮值表▸➤cleaning卫生值日表verb + rota➤have有轮值表▸➤draw up, work out订出轮值表◆i've been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.我被要求订出一份卫生值日表。rota + noun➤scheme, system轮值方案/制度preposition➤on the rota在轮值表上▸➤rota for⋯的轮值表◆are you on the rota for cooking?你轮值做饭吗?phrases➤on a rota basis轮值◆we share the babysitting duties on a rota basis.我们轮流照看小孩。rota/ˈrəʊtə ||; ˈrotə/(us also 美亦作 roster) noun [c] a list of people who share a certain job or task and the times that they are each going to do it 值班表;值勤人员名单: ◇we organize the cleaning on a rota. 我们安排轮流打扫卫生。 ro·ta /`rotə; ˈrəʊtə/n [c]bre a list of people's names showing the jobs they must do and when they must do them 【英】 勤务表; 值勤表; roster ame 【美】




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