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单词 rotate
释义 rotate verbadverb | verb + rotate | preposition adverb➤quickly, rapidly迅速旋转▸➤gently, slowly轻轻转动;慢慢旋转▸➤freely自由旋转▸➤back and forth前后旋转verb + rotate➤allow sth to让⋯旋转◆it is best to allow the rotor to rotate freely.最好让转子自由旋转。preposition➤around绕⋯旋转◆the blades rotate around a central point.桨叶绕着中心点旋转。➤on以⋯为中心旋转◆the earth rotates on its axis.地球绕地轴自转。➤through旋转过⋯◆the handle rotates through 360 degrees.这个把手可旋转 360 度。 rotate /rəʊteɪt; name roʊteɪt/ verb [intransitive, transitive] if a job rotates, or if people rotate a job, they regularly change the job or regularly change who does the job (工作)由…轮值;(人员)轮换,轮值◆the eu presidency rotates among the members. 欧盟主席的职位由其成员国轮流担任。◆we rotate the night shift so no one has to do it all the time. 我们轮流上夜班,这样就不会有人总值夜班了。 ▸ rotating adjective [only before noun] ◆a rotating presidency 轮值主席职位☞ rotaterotate /rəʊteɪt; name roʊteɪt/ [intransitive, transitive] to move in a circle around a fixed central point; to make sth do this旋转;转动;使旋转◆make sure that the propellor can rotate freely.确保螺旋桨能够旋转无碍。◆the earth takes 24 hours to rotate on its axis.地球自转一周需要 24 个小时。◆rotate the wheel through 180 degrees.把方向盘转动 180 度。▸ rotation noun [uncountable, countable] ◆the length of a day is based on the rotation of the earth on its axis.一天的长度是根据地球自转而定的。◆this switch controls the number of rotations per minute.这个开关控制着每分钟的转数。rotate/rəʊˈteɪt ||; ˈrotet/verb[i,t] 1. to turn in circles round a central point; to make sth do this (使)旋转: ◇the earth rotates on its axis. 地球绕地轴自转。 2. to happen in turn or in a particular order; to make sth do this (使)轮流或按顺序发生 · ◇we rotate the duties so that nobody is stuck with a job they don't like. 我们轮换职务,这样谁也不会固定在一个不喜欢的工作。 rotatesee ⇨ change/not change 13 ro·tate /`rotet; rəʊˈteɪt/v [i,t] 1. to turn around a fixed point, or to make something do this (使)旋转,(使)转动:◇the earth rotates every 24 hours. 地球每 24 小时自转一圈。◇rotate the handle to the right. 将把手向右转动。 2. if a job or the use of something rotates, or if someone rotates it, different people do the job or different things are used in a regular order (使)轮流做…,交替:◇the eu's rotating presidency 欧盟轮值主席职位




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