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单词 wisdom
释义 wisdom nounadjective | verb + wisdom | wisdom + verb | preposition | phrases adjective➤deep, great, profound高度的智慧;大智慧;高深的知识▸➤accepted, common, conventional, folk, perceived, popular, prevailing, received, traditional普遍接受的观点;普遍看法;传统看法;民间智慧;公认的看法;广为流传的知识;流行的看法;大多数人的看法◆conventional wisdom has it that higher oil prices are bad for economic growth.人们普遍认为,高油价对经济增长不利。◆the received wisdom is that the book is always better than the film.人们普遍的看法是,小说总是比电影好看。➤practical实用知识➤homespun朴素智慧◆his journals are full of dubious pearls of homespun wisdom.他的日记中记下了许多朴素却不可靠的箴言。➤worldly处世本领◆he is too lacking in worldly wisdom to be a politician.他对人情世故知之甚少,当不了政治家。➤accumulated, collective积累的/集体智慧◆the accumulated wisdom of generations几代人积累的智慧➤ancient古老的智慧◆a bridge between ancient wisdom and modern insight is now being built.正在架设一座沟通古代智慧与现代见解的桥梁。➤innate, inner天生的/内在的智慧▸➤political政治智慧▸➤divine神灵的智慧verb + wisdom➤challenge, doubt, have doubts about, question挑战是否明智;怀疑是否明智;质疑是否明智◆many commentators doubted the political wisdom of introducing a new tax.许多评论家怀疑开征一项新税在政治上是否明智。➤accept相信智慧▸➤seek寻求智慧◆those who seek wisdom at the shrine will find it.那些去圣地寻求智慧的人最终会如愿以偿。➤dispense, impart提供/传授知识◆do you have any wisdom to impart on this subject?你对此有何见教?➤prove证实明智◆the latest unemployment figures prove the wisdom of the government's policy.最新的失业统计数字证明了政府政策的明智。wisdom + verb➤dictate sth, have it that..., hold sth (especially name) 明智的看法是⋯◆popular wisdom dictates that a father is essential in raising a son.人们普遍认为,父亲在抚养儿子的过程中至关重要。preposition➤according to... wisdom, contrary to... wisdom依照⋯看法;与⋯看法相反◆contrary to conventional wisdom, stress is not a bad thing.与传统的看法相反,压力并不是坏事。phrases➤a fount of wisdom (formal or humorous) , a source of wisdom智慧的源泉◆consultants are too often seen as the source of all wisdom.咨询人员往往被看成是无所不知的智者。➤in sb's wisdom (ironic) 以某人的智慧◆in their infinite wisdom, they closed the swimming pool at the busiest time of year.他们自作聪明,在一年中生意最好的时候关闭了游泳池。➤pearls of wisdom (ironic) 真谛;至理名言◆students eager to catch pearls of wisdom from the professor's lips渴望从教授口中得到至理名言的学生➤wit and wisdom聪明才智◆he entertained the audience for two hours with his wit and wisdom.他凭自己的聪明才智让观众开心了两个小时。➤with the wisdom of hindsight凭事后聪明◆it's easy enough to see what we should have done, with the wisdom of hindsight.凭事后智慧,很容易看出我们当初应该做什么。➤words of wisdom至理名言◆the former world champion imparted a few words of wisdom to the young runners.前世界冠军送给年轻赛跑运动员几句至理名言。 wisdom nounwisdom ♦︎ common sense ♦︎ sense ♦︎ realism ♦︎ pragmatism ♦︎ sanitythese are all words for a person's ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice.这些词均表示智慧、才智。patterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆wisdom / sense / realism / pragmatism in (doing) sth◆the wisdom / common sense / sense to do sth◆great wisdom / common sense / sense◆political / economic wisdom / common sense / sense / realism / pragmatism◆to have the wisdom / common sense / sense / realism / pragmatism◆to show (great) wisdom / common sense / sense◆to question / doubt / have doubts about the wisdom / common sense / sense / sanity of sth■ wisdom /wɪzdəm/ [uncountable] (rather formal or ironic) the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have; how sensible sth is智慧;才智;明智◆i was not quite so lacking in worldly wisdom (= knowledge of the world) as to accept this invitation from a complete stranger.我不至于那么不通世事,接受一个完全是陌生人的邀请吧。◆several people questioned the wisdom of building in that particular spot.一些人对在那个地点建楼是否明智持怀疑态度。◆do you have any more words of wisdom for us?您对我们还有别的忠告吗?ⓘ conventional/received wisdom is the view or belief that most people hold; the phrase is often used to show that the speaker disagrees with this view. * conventional/received wisdom 指大多数人的看法,常用于表示说话人与大多数人的看法不同◆conventional wisdom has it that all sense of community has gone, but that is not the case where i live.人们普遍认为社区感已不复存在,但是我住的地方不同。■ common sense [uncountable] the ability to think about things in a practical way and make sensible decisions常识◆if any problems arise, just use your common sense.如有问题出现,按常识处理即可。◆we prefer to take a common sense approach to raising children.我们希望按常理养育孩子。 ➡ see also common → normal ■ sense [uncountable] good understanding and judgement; the ability to know what is sensible or practical见识;良好的判断;判断力◆you should have the sense to take advice when it's offered.你要知道好歹,别人给你忠告,你就该接受。◆there's no sense in worrying about it now.现在大可不必为此犯愁。◆he was respected for his humour and his good sense.大家都为他的幽默和明智而折服。◆i wish you'd talk sense (= talk sensibly).希望你能正经说话。opp nonsense → nonsense ■ realism /riːəlɪzəm, bre also rɪəlɪzəm-->/ [uncountable] a way of accepting and dealing with situations as they really are without being influenced by your emotions or by false hopes务实作风;现实主义方式◆there was a new mood of realism among the leaders at the peace talks.参加和平谈判的领导人中有一种务实的新气象。■ pragmatism /prægmətɪzəm/ [uncountable] (formal) a way of solving problems and dealing with situations that is based on what is practically possible rather than on ideas and theories实用主义;务实思想;实用观点◆the new government needs pragmatism, not some vague ideology.新一届政府需要务实思想,而不是一些含糊的意识形态。■ sanity /sænəti/ [uncountable] (rather formal) the state of being sensible and reasonable明智;理智;通情达理◆we need a return to economic sanity.我们需要经济的理性回归。opp madness ⓘ madness is crazy or stupid behaviour that could be dangerous. * madness 指可导致危险的疯狂或愚蠢的行为◆it would be sheer madness to trust a man like that.相信那样一个人简直是疯了。◆in a moment of madness she had agreed to go out with him.由于一时糊涂,她答应和他约会。wisdom /wɪzdəm/ [uncountable] the knowledge that a society or culture has gained over a long period of time(社会或文化长期积累的)知识,学问,智慧◆we need to combine ancient wisdom and modern knowledge.我们需要把古代智慧与现代知识融为一体。 ➡ see also wise → wise wisdom /wɪzdəm/ [uncountable] (rather formal or ironic) the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have; how sensible sth is智慧;才智;明智◆i was not quite so lacking in worldly wisdom (= knowledge of the world) as to accept this invitation from a complete stranger.我不至于那么不通世事,接受一个完全是陌生人的邀请吧。◆several people questioned the wisdom of building in that particular spot.一些人对在那个地点建楼是否明智持怀疑态度。◆do you have any more words of wisdom for us?您对我们还有别的忠告吗?ⓘ conventional/received wisdom is the view or belief that most people hold; the phrase is often used to show that the speaker disagrees with this view. * conventional/received wisdom 指大多数人的看法,常用于表示说话人与大多数人的看法不同◆conventional wisdom has it that all sense of community has gone, but that is not the case where i live.人们普遍认为社区感已不复存在,但是我住的地方不同。wisdom/ˈwɪzdəm ||; ˈwɪzdəm/noun [u] the ability to make sensible decisions and judgements because of your knowledge or experience 智慧: ◇i don't see the wisdom of this plan(= i do not think that it is a good idea). 我看不出这个计划的明智之处。 ☞adjective wise 形容词为wise wisdomsee ⇨ intelligent 10 wis·dom /`wɪzdəm; ˈwɪzdəm/n 1. [u] knowledge or the ability to make good decisions because you have had a lot of experience 智慧,才智 2. the wisdom of sth whether something is sensible and based on good judgement 某事是否明智:◇some people doubted the wisdom of his decision. 一些人怀疑他的决定是否明智。 ☞ wisdom




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