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单词 prize
释义 prize nounadjective | verb + prize | prize + verb | prize + noun | preposition adjective➤big, great, prestigious大奖;享有盛名的奖项➤fabulous令人难以置信的奖▸➤special特别奖➤ultimate终极大奖◆the presidency is the ultimate prize.总统的职位是最高的奖励。➤coveted令人垂涎的奖品◆she was the first woman to win this coveted prize.她是第一位赢得这个令人垂涎的奖项的女性。➤glittering (especially bre) 辉煌的成就◆he strove for the glittering prizes of politics.他力争在政界取得辉煌的成绩。➤first, first-place, grand, top头奖;最高奖;巨奖▸➤runner-up, second二等奖▸➤consolation安慰奖▸➤booby末名奖◆the booby prize was awarded to the worst singer in the competition.末名奖颁给了比赛中最差的歌手。➤cash, monetary, money (especially bre) 现金奖;奖金➤$1-million, etc. * 100 万美元等的奖金➤raffle抽奖的奖品verb + prize➤award (sb), give (sb)授予(某人)奖项➤offer提供奖金▸➤present颁奖◆the prize was presented by the mayor.奖项由市长颁发。➤capture, claim, collect, get, receive, take, win夺得/承兑/领取/获得/收到/拿走/赢得奖项▸➤accept领奖➤share分享奖项◆de klerk shared the peace prize with nelson mandela in 1993.德克勒克与纳尔逊・曼德拉分享了 1993 年的诺贝尔和平奖。prize + verb➤go to sb/sth奖项由⋯获得◆the prize went to the long-haired cat.奖项由那只长毛猫获得。➤be worth sth, total sth奖品价值⋯/总额达⋯◆a prize worth over $3 000价值 3,000 多美元的奖品prize + noun➤winner (usually prizewinner) 获奖者▸➤money奖金▸➤competition, draw (bre) 大奖赛;抽奖preposition➤prize for⋯领域的奖◆he won the nobel prize for literature.他荣获诺贝尔文学奖。➤prize in⋯的奖◆prizes in chemistry, physics and medicine化学、物理和医学奖prize verbpreposition | phrases preposition➤above比⋯更珍视◆a precious thing to be prized above all else比其他所有东西都更被看重的珍品➤as珍视为⋯◆the library is prized as the finest of its kind in england.这家图书馆被认为是英格兰同类图书馆中最好的。➤for因⋯而珍视◆the berries are prized for their healing properties.这些浆果因有治疗功能而备受喜爱。phrases➤highly prized, much prized备受青睐◆two fruits that are much prized on the island这个岛上人们非常喜爱的两种水果 prize /praɪz/ noun [countable] award or amount of money that is given to a person who wins a competition, etc. or who does very good work 奖;奖励;奖品;奖金◆the best slogan wins a prize. 最佳标语会得到一笔奖金。2.something very valuable or important that is difficult to obtain 难能可贵的事物;难以获得的重要事物 prize /praɪz/ adjective [only before noun] being a very good or valuable example of its kind 优秀的;模范的;出类拔萃的;◆this is a prize opportunity. 这是一个千载难逢的机会。◆if she leaves, the team will lose its prize asset. 如果她离开,这个团队将失去宝贵的资产。☞ prize☞ prizeprize [transitive, usually passive] to value sth highly珍视;高度重视◆an era when honesty was prized above all other virtues尊诚实为美德之首的时代◆oil of cedarwood is highly prized for its use in medicine and perfumery.雪松油可用于制药和香水,因此十分珍贵。 ➡ see also prized → dear prize [countable] something, such as money, given to sb who wins a competition or race or who does very good work; sth very important or valuable that is difficult to achieve or obtain奖金;奖赏;(不易获得的)珍贵事物◆she was awarded the nobel prize for literature.她获颁诺贝尔文学奖。◆he took first prize in the woodwind section.他获得木管乐器组一等奖。◆i won £500 in prize money.我获得了 500 英镑的奖金。◆win a car in our grand prize draw!抽中我们大奖的,得一辆汽车!◆world peace is the greatest prize of all.世界和平是最可贵的。 ➡ see also prizewinner → winner prize¹/praɪz ||; praɪz/noun [c] something of value that is given to sb who is successful in a race, competition, game, etc (优胜者所得的)奖品,奖金: ◇she won first prize in the competition. 她在比赛中赢得头奖。◇a prizewinning novel 一部获奖的小说 prize²/praɪz ||; praɪz/adj (only before a noun 只用于名词前) winning, or good enough to win, a prize 获奖的;该获奖的: ◇a prize flower display 获奖的花卉展品 prize³/praɪz ||; praɪz/verb [t] to consider sth to be very valuable 重视;珍视: ◇this picture is one of my most prized possessions. 这幅画是我最珍视的财产之一。 prize⁴/praɪz ||; praɪz/(especially us 尤为美) =priseprizesee ⇨ win 9☞ prize¹☞ prize²☞ prize³




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