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单词 naturally
释义 naturallyadverb◆she was naturally gifted when it came to music.她有音乐天赋。naturallyadverb◆naturally occurring chemicals天然存在的化学物质naturallyadverb◆naturally, i get upset when things go wrong.事情出了错,我当然会心烦。◆this leads naturally to my next point.这必然引出我的下一个论点。naturallyadverb◆she was naturally gifted when it came to music.她有音乐天赋。naturallyadverb◆naturally occurring chemicals天然存在的化学物质naturallyadverb◆naturally, i get upset when things go wrong.事情出了错,我当然会心烦。◆this leads naturally to my next point.这必然引出我的下一个论点。naturally/ˈnætʃrəli ||; ˈnætʃrəlɪ/adv1. of course; as you would expect 当然;必然: ◇the team was naturally upset about its defeat. 球队被打败,队员当然感到沮丧。 2. in a natural way; not forced or made artificially 天然;天生;非人为: ◇naturally wavy hair 天生的鬈发◇vera is naturally a very cheerful person. 薇拉天生是个很开朗的人。 3. in a way that is relaxed and normal 自然的;像平常一般: ◇don't try and impress people. just act naturally. 不要企图引人注意,表现得像平常一般就行了。 naturally• ⇨ come naturally nat·u·ral·ly /`nætʃərəlɪ; ˈnætʃərəli/adv 1. used to say that something is what you would expect 当然:◇naturally we're very disappointed. 当然,我们觉得非常失望。 2. if something happens naturally, it happens without people trying to make it happen, or without using drugs, chemicals etc 自然地,天然地:◇naturally curly hair 天生卷发◇in the past, pests were controlled naturally. 从前,害虫是通过自然的方法控制的。◇sodium chloride is found naturally in many foods. (=it exists in many foods) 许多食物中天然含有氯化钠。 3. used to talk about someone's usual character, or about things that someone has always been good at doing 天生地:◇he's naturally very shy. 他天生很害羞。◇a naturally gifted soccer player 天才足球员◇sth comes naturally to sb making money comes naturally to her. 她天生就会赚钱。 4. in a relaxed way, without trying to look or sound different from usual 自然地,不做作地:◇try to speak as naturally as possible. 说话尽量自然一点。 ☞ naturally




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