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单词 observe
释义 observe verb¹ 1notice/watch注意;看adverb | verb + observe | preposition | phrases adverb➤carefully, closely仔细地/密切地观察▸➤precisely准确地观察▸➤directly直接地观察◆it is not possible to observe this phenomenon directly.不可能直接观察到这一现象。➤clearly清楚地注意到▸➤actually事实上注意到◆it is the parents who actually observe these problems in their children.真正注意到孩子们这些问题的是父母。➤just, simply只是观察◆you can learn a lot by simply observing.仅仅通过观察就能学到很多东西。➤generally, normally, typically, usually通常观察➤repeatedly反复观察▸➤quietly静静地看◆she stood there, quietly observing the domestic scene.她站在那儿默默地看着家中的这一幕。➤secretly秘密观察▸➤experimentally实验观察◆this phenomenon has been observed experimentally.这一现象已进行过实验观察。➤recently近期观察verb + observe➤be able to能够观察▸➤be possible to有可能观测▸➤be difficult to难以观测▸➤be interesting to观察⋯很有意思◆it is interesting to observe the reaction of the children to these changes.观察孩子们对这些变化的反应很有意思。➤expect to期望观察➤need to需要观察➤get to得以观察➤continue to继续观察preposition➤among在⋯中观察◆a similar pattern was observed among hispanics.在拉丁裔人群中观察到一种类似的模式。➤for注意观察⋯◆the patient should be observed for signs of an allergic reaction.应注意观察患者是否出现过敏反应的迹象。➤from从⋯观察◆unaware that she was being observed from the window不知道别人正透过窗户观察她phrases➤be commonly observed, be frequently observed, be widely observed常常被/经常被/被广泛观察到◆this ritual is commonly observed among several ethnic groups.这种仪式常常可在几个不同族群中看到。➤be easily observed, be readily observed容易被观察到➤be occasionally observed, be rarely observed偶尔/难得被观察到➤an opportunity to observe sb/sth, time to observe sth观察⋯的机会/时机observe verb² 2make a remark评论adverb | preposition adverb➤astutely, correctly, keenly, rightly, shrewdly精明地/正确地/机敏地/恰当地/高明地评论◆she correctly observed that there was very little difference between the two parties on domestic policies.她恰如其分地指出两个政党在国内政策上鲜有分歧。➤drily, wryly冷冷地评论;讥讽▸➤coolly冷静地评论◆'you took your time,' he observed coolly.“你不必着急。”他沉着地说。➤mildly, quietly温和地评论▸➤sadly悲伤地评论➤famously作出著名的评论◆the only certainties in this world, as benjamin franklin famously observed, are death and taxes.这个世界上确定无疑的事,如本杰明・富兰克林那句名言所说,唯有死亡和税收。preposition➤to对⋯说◆'it's easy to say that,' she observed to michael, 'but can you prove it?'“那样说说很容易,”她对迈克尔说,“但是你能证明吗?”observe verb³ 3obey rules遵守规则adverb | verb + observe | phrases adverb➤correctly, faithfully, scrupulously, strictly正确地遵守;忠实地奉行;一丝不苟地遵守;严格地遵守◆this procedure must be correctly observed.必须正确遵守这一程序。verb + observe➤fail to未能遵守phrases➤failure to observe sth没有遵守⋯◆failure to observe club rules may result in expulsion.不遵守俱乐部规定者可能会被开除会籍。observe /əbzɜːv; name əbzɜːrv/ [transitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (formal) to say or write what you have noticed about a situation说起;谈论;评论◆she observed that it was getting late.她说天色晚了。  ➡ see also observation → statement noun note 辨析 comment, remark or observe?if you comment on sth you say sth about it; if you remark on sth or observe sth, you say sth about it that you have noticed: there is often not much difference between them. however, while you can refuse to comment, you cannot 'refuse to remark' or 'refuse to observe'. * comment on 表示谈论某事,remark on 或 observe 表示谈论或评论注意到的事物。这几个词通常无太大区别。不过,拒绝评论可以用 refuse to comment,不能用 refuse to remark 或 refuse to observe◆he refused to remark/observe until after the trial. observe /əbzɜːv; name əbzɜːrv/ [transitive] (formal) to act according to a law, agreement or custom遵守(法律、协议或习俗)◆will the rebels observe the ceasefire?叛乱者会遵守停火协议吗?◆we observed a two-minute silence for the victims of the bombing.我们为轰炸的罹难者默哀两分钟。observe /əbzɜːv; name əbzɜːrv/ [transitive, intransitive] (not usually used in the progressive tenses通常不用于进行时) (formal) to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about them(尤指为更多了解而)观察,注视,监视◆the patients were observed over a period of several months.这些病人被观察了数月之久。◆he observes keenly, but says little.他观察敏锐,但言语寥寥。 ➡ see also observation → inspection , observe → notice verb observe /əbzɜːv; name əbzɜːrv/ [transitive] (not used in the progressive tenses不用于进行时) (formal) to see or notice sb/sth看到;注意到;观察到◆have you observed any changes lately?最近你注意到什么变化没有?◆he was observed to enter the bank.有人看到他走进了银行。◆all the characters in the novel are closely observed (= seem like people in real life).这部小说中的人物个个栩栩如生。ⓘ this pattern is only used in the passive.此句型仅用于被动语态。  ➡ see also observe → look verb 1 , observer → witness observe/əbˈzɜ:v ||; əbˈzɝv/verb[t] 1. to watch sb/sth carefully, especially to learn more about him/her/it 观察,观测(尤指为了更好地了解某人或某事物): ◇we observed the birds throughout the breeding season. 整个繁殖季节我们都在观察那些鸟类。 2. (formal 正式) to see or notice sb/sth 看到;注意到: ◇a man and a woman were observed leaving by the back door. 有人看到有一男一女从后门离开。 3. (formal 正式) to make a comment 发表评论: ◇‘we're late,’ she observed. “我们迟到了。”她说。 4. (formal 正式) to obey a law, rule, etc 遵守,奉行(法律、规则等): ◇to observe the speed limit 遵守车速限制 observesee ⇨ notice/not notice 1 ⇨ obey 2 ⇨ religion 6 ⇨ watch 1 ob·serve /əb`zɜv; əbˈzɜːv/v [t] 1. to watch someone or something carefully 观察:◇psychologists observing child behaviour 观察儿童行为的心理学家 2. formal to see or notice something 【正式】 看到; 注意到:◇i observed the suspect entering the house. 我看到疑犯进了那间屋。 3. formal to say something 【正式】 说:◇"we're already late," hendry observed. “我们已经迟到了。”亨德里说。 4. to obey a law, agreement, or religious custom 遵守,奉行[法律、协议或宗教习俗]:◇both sides are observing the ceasefire. 双方都遵守停火协定。




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