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单词 strict/not strict
释义 strict/not strict1 people/organizations2 rules/laws/systems3 to treat someone strictly4 to deal very strictly with bad behaviour or crime5 punishments/criticism6 to make rules less strict7 to become less strict8 people/attitudes that are not strict9 criticism/punishment that is not strictrelated wordssee alsorule/regulation,obey,disobey,punish,tell sb off,1. people/organizations 人/组织 strict /strɪkt/ [adjective] someone who is strict makes people obey rules and refuses to let people disobey them - use this especially about parents, teachers, or organizations [尤指家长、老师或组织]严格的,严厉的 teachers need to be strict , but also fair. 老师需要严格,但也要公平。strict with i think you're too strict with your children. 我觉得你对你的孩子太严厉了。strict about the manager is very strict about people getting to work on time. 经理严格要求人们准时上班。 most schools are quite strict about the way students dress. 大多数学校对学生的衣着要求很严格。 strictly [adverb] they brought their children up very strictly. 他们对孩子从小要求很严。 firm /fɜːʳm/ [adjective] if you are firm with someone, you tell them that they must accept what you say because you are not going to change it 坚定的;坚决的 emily was polite but firm - her answer was ‘no’. 埃米莉很客气,但是态度坚决—她的回答是“不”。firm with you'll just have to be firm with him and tell him he can't have any more money. 你对他的态度一定要坚决,告诉他不会再给他钱了。 firmly [adverb] ‘no,’ she said firmly, ‘you can't go.’ “不行,”她坚定地说,“你不能去。” she told me quite firmly that she wasn't prepared to give any more time to the project. 她坚定地告诉我,这个项目她不准备投入更多的时间了。 tough /tʌf/ [adjective] informal determined that your orders or decisions will be obeyed, especially in order to make sure a situation or someone's progress improves - use this especially when you think that someone is right to be strict 【非正式】严厉的,强硬的[尤为确保某情况或某人的进度有改善:尤用于认为某人严厉是正确的] the chancellor has got to be tough and keep government spending down. 财政大臣必须严格控制政府的支出。tough on we need a government that is tough on crime. 我们需要一个严惩犯罪的政府。tough with she's quite tough with her students. 她对学生很严厉。 stern /stɜːʳn/ [adjective] written strict in a serious, disapproving, and unfriendly way 【书面】严厉的,苛刻的 her grandfather was a stern man who rarely smiled. 她祖父是个严厉的人,不苟言笑。 sheila walked into the museum, under the stern gaze of the curator. 希拉在馆长严厉的目光下走进了博物馆。 sternly [adverb] ‘what's all this nonsense about?’ asked my uncle sternly. “都在胡说些什么呀?”我叔叔严厉地问道。 harsh /hɑːʳʃ/ [adjective] cruel and not sympathetic in the way that you deal with bad behaviour or mistakes [对待不良行为或错误]严厉的,无情的 it may seem harsh to punish him, but he has to learn that this kind of behaviour is unacceptable. 惩罚他可能显得有点严厉,但是他必须知道,这样的行为是不能接受的。 her reaction to the child's bad behaviour was unnecessarily harsh. 她对孩子不良行为的反应过分严厉了。 harshly [adverb] he spoke firmly but not harshly. 他说话语气坚定,但是并不严厉。 authoritarian /ɔːˌθɒrɪˈteəriən, ɔːˌθɒrəˈteəriənǁɔːˌθɑː-, əˌθɔː-/ [adjective] forcing people to obey rules or laws, and punishing them severely if they do not 专制的 their father was authoritarian in the home, insisting on total obedience. 他们的父亲在家里很专制,坚持要他们绝对服从。 many people are now demanding a more democratic and less authoritarian form of government. 现在许多人都在要求有一个多一些民主、少一些专制的政府。authoritarian regime an extreme right-wing, authoritarian regime 一个极右翼的专制政权 be a stickler for /biː ə ˈstɪkləʳ fɔːʳ/ [verb phrase] to demand that people keep strictly to rules, customs etc, especially in a way that people think is unnecessary and old-fashioned 是主张严守…的人,是非常注重…的人[尤指过分地要求人们严格遵守规定、习俗等] the caretaker is a real stickler for rules. 管理员是一个严守规定的人。 my mother was a stickler for cleanliness. 我母亲有洁癖。 disciplinarian /ˌdɪsɪpləˈneəriən, ˌdɪsəpləˈneəriən/ [countable noun] a very strict person who believes that people should obey rules and orders, and who punishes those who do not 严格执行纪律者 the store manager was a disciplinarian, but was always fair to his staff. 商店经理执行纪律非常严格,但是对待员工一向公平。strict disciplinarian she was a wonderful teacher, but a strict disciplinarian. 她是一名优秀的教师,但也是纪律严明的人。2. rules/laws/systems 规定/法律/制度 strict /strɪkt/ [adjective usually before noun] strict rules, laws, etc are very clear and must always be obeyed [规定、法律等]严格的 there are strict rules about the use of dangerous chemicals. 对于危险化学品的使用有严格的规定。 he had strict instructions to return the key to me. 他得到严格指示,一定要把钥匙交还到我手里。 strictly [adverb] smoking is strictly forbidden in this area. 这区域严禁吸烟。 tough /tʌf/ [adjective] tough laws or rules are very strict and do not allow much freedom [法律或规定]严格的,严厉的 the federal government is introducing tough new rules to control immigration. 联邦政府正在推行严格的移民管制新规定。 opposition leaders are demanding tougher laws against drinking and driving. 反对党领袖要求对酒后驾车实施更严厉的法律。 harsh /hɑːʳʃ/ [adjective] a harsh law or system of government has strict rules and severe punishments - use this about something that you think is unfair and too strict [法律或政府体制]严厉的,严酷的[用于表示某事不公平和太严厉] the government has brought in harsh measures to combat the rioting taking place in many cities. 政府已经采取严厉措施,打击发生在多个城市的骚乱。 a harsh military regime 无情的军事政权 harshly [adverb] many of the prisoners were treated very harshly. 许多囚犯受到虐待。 stringent /ˈstrɪndʒənt/ [adjective] controlled very strictly by rules that have very high standards 严格的,严酷的 stringent controls/measures/regulations etc there are now stringent controls on pollution from all power stations. 现在对所有发电站造成的污染有严格的控制。 stringent air safety regulations 严格的飞行安全法规 rigid /ˈrɪdʒɪd, ˈrɪdʒəd/ [adjective] rigid systems or rules are very strict and difficult to change [制度或规定]严格的,死板的 he built the team through hard training and rigid discipline. 他通过严格的培训,依靠严明的纪律,建立了这个团队。 it is not possible to lay down rigid rules on sentencing - judges must be free to use their discretion. 在判刑方面不可能有死板的规定,法官必须有自行决定的自由。 tight /taɪt/ [adjective] tight controls or limits are very strict about what is allowed and what is not allowed [控制或限制]严格的,严厉的 the report recommends tighter controls on the advertising of cigarettes. 报告建议对香烟广告实行更严格的管理。 laws controlling the emission of greenhouse gases are not nearly tight enough. 控制温室气体排放的法规远远不够严厉。 draconian /drəˈkəʊniən/ [adjective] formal draconian laws/measures/penalties etc laws or punishments that are extremely strict or cruel 【正式】严厉的法律/措施/惩罚等 the government has imposed draconian penalties for anyone found in possession of illegal drugs. 政府对被发现私藏毒品的人施以严厉的惩罚。 draconian measures have been implemented to control population growth. 已经采取了严厉的措施控制人口增长。3. to treat someone strictly 严格地对待某人 be hard on /biː ˈhɑːʳd ɒn/ [verb phrase] to treat someone very strictly and sometimes unfairly 对[某人]非常严厉;为难 sometimes i think you're too hard on that boy. 有时候我觉得你对那孩子太严了。 don't be too hard on her. she didn't mean to break it. 别太为难她了,她不是有意打破这东西的。 get tough with /get ˈtʌf wɪð/ [verb phrase] to begin to treat someone strictly because they have been doing something that is wrong or illegal 对…严厉起来,以强硬的方式对付[因某人做了错事或非法的事] at last the government is starting to get tough with dealers who sell dangerous second-hard cars. 政府终于开始对出售危险二手车的车商采取强硬手段了。 football clubs have been told that they must get tough with violent fans. 足球俱乐部被告知对闹事的球迷必须采取强硬手段。 stand/take no nonsense /ˌstænd, ˌteɪk nəʊ ˈnɒnsənsǁ-ˈnɑːnsens/ [verb phrase] if you say that you stand or take no nonsense, you mean you treat other people strictly, but in a way that makes people respect you 不允许胡来 i won't stand any nonsense. i want you all in bed by nine o'clock. 不许你们胡来,我要你们9点之前全给我上床睡觉。stand/take no nonsense from she was a very good teacher who would take no nonsense from her students. 她是一名很好的老师,绝不允许学生胡来。 rule with a rod of iron /ˌruːl wɪð ə ˌrɒd əv ˈaɪəʳnǁ-ˌrɑːd-/ [verb phrase not in progressive] to control an organization or group of people very strictly, by always punishing people if they do not obey you 用高压手段统治,用铁腕管理 their mother ruled their life with a rod of iron. 他们的母亲严厉地控制着他们的生活。 the secret police ruled the city with a rod of iron. 秘密警察使用高压手段控制着这个城市。 keep a tight rein on /kiːp ə ˌtaɪt ˈreɪn ɒn/ [verb phrase] to strictly control someone's behaviour, for example by not allowing them to do things without asking your permission 对[某人的行为]严加管束,牢牢地控制 they keep a very tight rein on their children. 他们对孩子管得非常严。 the government has promised to keep a tight rein on public spending. 政府承诺要对公共支出严加控制。4. to deal very strictly with bad behaviour or crime 非常严厉地处理不良行为或犯罪行为 come down hard on /ˌkʌm daʊn ˈhɑːʳd ɒn/ [verb phrase] to deal very strictly with a bad behaviour or crime by punishing people severely for it 严厉惩罚[不良行为或犯罪行为] you'll find that mr evans comes down very hard on people who don't do their job properly. 你会发现,埃文斯先生会非常严厉地惩罚不好好干活的人。 the authorities are really coming down hard on tax evasion. 当局会严惩逃税行为。 crack down on /ˌkræk ˈdaʊn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to start dealing with an illegal activity in a much stricter way than before 严厉打击[违法行为] the athletics federation plans to crack down on drug and steroid abuse by athletes. 体育运动联合会打算严惩运动员滥用违禁药物和类固醇。 the government has promised to crack down on crime. 政府承诺要严厉打击犯罪行为。 city authorities were quick to crack down on the rioters. 市政府当局很快就把暴乱分子镇压了。 crack-down /ˈkræk daʊn/ [countable noun] in the first week of the police crack-down, over 500 car thieves were arrested. 在警方严打运动的头一个星期里,有五百多名盗车贼被拘捕。crack down on a crack-down on drug dealers 严打贩毒分子的行动 clamp down on /ˌklæmp ˈdaʊn ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to treat a particular crime or activity much more strictly than before to stop it from becoming more common 严厉打击[某类犯罪或活动] new laws will clamp down on the illegal smuggling of cigarettes and tobacco. 新的法律将严厉打击非法走私香烟和烟草。 recently the courts have clamped down on joy-riding. 最近法庭对偷车兜风的行为进行了严惩。 clamp-down /ˈklæmp daʊn/ [countable noun] clamp down on children's organizations are calling for a clamp-down on tv violence. 儿童机构在呼吁禁止电视暴力。 tighten up /ˌtaɪtn ˈʌp/ [transitive phrasal verb] to make rules, laws, or controls more strict so that it is harder for people to break them 加强,使更加严格 the prime minister has promised to tighten up the law on carbon dioxide emissions. 首相承诺要更严格执行控制二氧化碳排放的法规。tighten up on the music industry is determined to tighten up on the illegal copying of cds. 音乐行业下决心加紧打击盗版光盘。5. punishments/criticism 惩罚/批评 severe /sɪˈvɪəʳ, səˈvɪəʳ/ [adjective] use this to describe a punishment or criticism that is very strict [惩罚或批评]严厉的,重的 there are very severe penalties for drug dealing. 对贩毒的惩罚非常严厉。 many people feel the punishment should have been more severe. 许多人都认为处罚应该更严厉一些。 the organization has been the subject of severe criticism for the way it treated its staff. 这个机构如此对待员工,受到了严厉的指责。 severely [adverb] anyone caught breaking the rules will be severely punished. 违反规定者将受到严惩。 heavy /ˈhevi/ [adjective] use this to describe a punishment that is strict [处罚]重的,严厉的 heavy fine companies that continue to cause pollution will now face heavy fines. 现在,继续造成污染的公司将面临重罚。heavy penalty there are heavy penalties for anyone caught in possession of counterfeit money. 被发现持有伪钞者将予严惩。 stiff /stɪf/ [adjective] use this to describe an official punishment that is more strict than usual [官方的惩罚]重的,严厉的 stiff fine motorists who do not obey the rules will face stiff fines of up to £3000. 不遵守规定的司机将面临高达3,000英镑的重罚。stiff penalty magistrates now have the power to impose stiff penalties on the parents of children who fail to turn up for school. 地方法官现在有权对失学儿童的父母处以严厉的惩罚。stiff sentence for crimes involving the use of guns, the sentences are particularly stiff. 对于持枪犯罪行为,量刑特别重。6. to make rules less strict 放宽规定 relax /rɪˈlæks/ [transitive verb] to make rules, laws, or controls less strict 放宽[规定、法律或控制] the government proposes to relax the rules on bringing pets into the country. 政府提议放宽携带宠物入境的规定。 local residents are protesting against plans to relax laws controlling pub opening hours. 当地居民正在抗议把控制酒吧营业时间的法规放宽的计划。7. to become less strict 变得宽松 relent /rɪˈlent/ [intransitive verb] to change your mind and decide to be less strict about something [对某事]变宽容;变温和 marjorie finally relented and agreed to meet him. 玛乔丽终于软下心来,答应见他。 prison officials relented and allowed wilson to receive visits from his family. 监狱的官员动了恻隐之心,允许威尔逊接受家人探访。 he begged and begged to be allowed to go to the game, and in the end i relented. 他一再恳求我允许他去观看比赛,最后我心软了。 soften /ˈsɒfənǁˈsɔː-/ [intransitive/transitive verb] to become less strict and more sympathetic towards someone [对某人]变温和,态度缓和 the inspector looked angry but then softened when he saw the boy's frightened expression. 督学一脸怒容,但是当他看到小男孩那惊恐的表情时,又心软下来了。 the government seems to have softened its attitude towards single parents. 政府对单亲父母的态度好像软化了。 mellow /ˈmeləʊ/ [intransitive verb] to change your attitude and become less strict, especially over a long period of time 变温和[尤指经过很长一段时间] she's mellowed a lot since she retired. 她退休以后性情温和多了。mellow with age/time he hasn't always been so understanding. he's really mellowed with age. 他并不是一直都这么通情达理。年纪大了,他就变得平和了。 go easy on /ˌgəʊ ˈiːzi ɒn/ [verb phrase] especially spoken to treat someone less strictly than usual, especially because they have special problems or difficulties 【尤口】对…宽容[尤指对有特殊问题或困难的人] go easy on her. she's had a very difficult time since her parents died. 对她宽容些吧,父母亲死后,她一直很难过。 i think you should go easy on jim. 我觉得你应该对吉姆宽容一些。 ease up on /ˌiːz ˈʌp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to stop treating someone so strictly, especially because they do not deserve it or because they are affected badly by it 对…宽容些[尤因某人不应受到这样的对待,或因他们被严重影响了] i've decided we need to ease up on sally and take the pressure off her for a while. 我拿定主意了,我们要对萨莉宽容些,减轻一下她的压力。 let up on /ˌlet ˈʌp ɒn/ [transitive phrasal verb] to treat someone less strictly, especially temporarily after a period of strict treatment [暂时]宽容地对待[某人;尤指经过一段时间的严格对待后] if you let up on him he'll have a chance to show that he can behave himself. 如果你对他放松一些,不要管得太严,他就会有机会证明他是可以规矩一点的。 she never lets up on those poor kids! 她从来都不放过那些可怜的孩子!8. people/attitudes that are not strict 人/态度不严格的 lenient /ˈliːniənt/ [adjective] not strict in the way that you punish people or control their behaviour [惩罚人或控制其行为的方式]宽大的,宽容的 the younger teachers generally had a more lenient attitude towards their students. 年轻教师对待学生的态度一般都会宽容一些。lenient with some police officers have criticized judges for being too lenient with car thieves and burglars. 一些警察指责法官对盗车贼和入室行窃的人量刑太轻。 leniently [adverb] the courts will often deal quite leniently with first-time offenders. 法院对初犯者往往会从宽处理。 leniency [uncountable noun] when someone is not strict: 宽大处理 this report shows that wealthy people are treated with more leniency when they break the law. 这篇报道说明,有钱人犯法会得到更宽大的处理。 easy-going /ˌiːzi ˈgəʊɪŋ◂/ [adjective] someone who is easy-going does not care about being strict, and is usually calm and relaxed 随和的 our parents are pretty easy-going, and they don't mind if we stay out late. 我们的父母十分随和,我们很晚回家也没有关系。 soft /sɒftǁsɔːft/ [adjective] someone who is soft seems weak because they are not strict enough with other people 不够严厉的,软弱的 he doesn't have the right personality to be an army officer, he's too soft. 他的个性不适合当军官,他太软弱了。soft on they accused the government of being too soft on crime. 他们指责政府对待犯罪太心慈手软。 tolerant /ˈtɒlərəntǁˈtɑː-/ [adjective] allowing people to do, say, or believe what they like without fear of being punished or criticized 宽容的,宽宏大量的 i've tried to adopt a fairly tolerant attitude towards his behaviour. 对于他的行为,我已经尽量采取相当宽容的态度了。tolerant of she's not very tolerant of other people's failings. 她对待别人的缺点不是很宽容。tolerant towards you should try to be more tolerant towards other people. 你应该尝试待人更宽容一些。 tolerance /ˈtɒlərənsǁˈtɑː-/ [uncountable noun] behaviour or an attitude that allows people to do, say, or believe what they like without fear of being punished or criticized 宽容,容忍 tolerance was not a quality you associated with my parents. 宽容这种品质,你在我父母身上是找不到的。tolerance of the government is beginning to show more tolerance of opposition groups. 政府对于反对派渐渐地表现出了更多的宽容。tolerance towards the school encourages an attitude of tolerance towards all people. 学校鼓励大家对所有人持宽容的态度。 liberal /ˈlɪbərəl/ [adjective] willing to understand and respect other people's ideas, opinions, and behaviour, even if you do not approve of them 思想开明的,开通的 i was fortunate enough to have very liberal parents. 我很幸运,父母的思想非常开明。 he has quite liberal views for someone of his generation. 像他这一代的人,他的思想是很开明的。 broad-minded /ˌbrɔːd ˈmaɪndə̇d/ [adjective] willing to accept and respect other people's beliefs or behaviour although they many be very different from your own 胸怀宽广的;气量大的 my mother's quite broad-minded. she understands my decision to bring up my baby on my own. 我母亲心胸开阔,她理解我自己带孩子的决定。 permissive /pəʳˈmɪsɪv/ [adjective] a permissive society or person allows behaviour, especially sexual behaviour, that many other people disapprove of [社会或人]放任的;性开放的[尤指许多人反对的性行为] in the permissive society of the 1960s anything was possible. 在20世纪60年代那个开放的社会里,什么事情都有可能发生。 it's not always true that young people have a more permissive attitude towards sex. 说年轻人对性行为的态度更加开放,这并非总是对的。 permissiveness [uncountable noun] some parents are worried that their children might be corrupted by western permissiveness. 有些父母担心,他们的孩子会被西方自由开放的思想带坏。 lax /læks/ [adjective] not strict enough, especially through laziness or carelessness 松懈的,不严格的[尤因懒惰或不小心] the report criticizes the lax security at many prisons. 这篇报告批评许多监狱戒备松懈。lax about i think the school has been too lax about bad behaviour in the past. 我觉得学校过去对不良行为太宽松了。 laxity [uncountable noun] formal she accused henry of moral laxity. 她指责亨利道德败坏。 over-indulgent /ˌəʊvər ɪnˈdʌldʒənt◂/ [adjective] allowing someone, especially a child, to behave in whatever way they want because you love them [尤指对孩子]过于放纵的 parents can easily fall into the trap of being over-indulgent with their first child. 父母很容易对第一个孩子过于娇纵。 she was brought up by a succession of over-indulgent relations. 她连续由好几个亲戚抚养长大,这些亲戚都对她过于娇宠。9. criticism/punishment that is not strict 批评/惩罚不严厉的 light /laɪt/ [adjective] the sentence was surprisingly light for such a serious offence. 这么严重的罪行,其判刑之轻让人吃惊。 some ministers are suggesting that there should be much lighter penalties for first-time offenders. 有些部长建议,对初犯者应该大大减轻判刑。 lenient /ˈliːniənt/ [adjective] an official punishment that is lenient is not severe [判刑]宽大的,轻微的 the prosecution lawyer challenged the sentence as being unduly lenient. 控方律师提出质疑,认为判刑过轻了。 he was given a comparatively lenient fine. 他被处以相对较轻的罚金。 mild /maɪld/ [adjective] criticism or a punishment that is mild is not strict, especially in a way that is surprising [批评]温和的;[处罚]轻微的 many drug dealers are prepared to take the risk because they know that if they are caught the punishment will be mild. 许多毒贩都甘愿冒此风险,因为他们知道即使被抓获,判刑也是很轻的。 her proposals were welcomed by most people, with only mild criticism from a few of her opponents. 她的提议广受欢迎,只有少数对手提出了温和的批评。




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