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单词 strict
释义 strict adjectivestrict ♦︎ tough ♦︎ harsh ♦︎ rigid ♦︎ stringent ♦︎ punitive ♦︎ firm ♦︎ severethese words all describe a person or a set of rules that must be obeyed.这些词均表示人或规则是严格的、严厉的。synonym scale 词义标尺下图显示这些词所表达严格的程度firm ○ strict ○ tough ○ stringent ○ harsh ○ punitive ○ severepatterns and collocations 句型和搭配◆strict / tough / harsh / firm / severe with sb / sth◆strict / tough / harsh / severe on sb / sth◆strict / tough / harsh / rigid / firm / severe discipline◆a tough / harsh / severe penalty / sentence◆strict / tough / rigid / stringent / firm controls◆strict / tough / rigid / stringent / severe restrictions◆strict / rigid / stringent / severe limits◆strict / tough / rigid / stringent rules / standards◆strict / tough / harsh / stringent conditions / legislation◆a strict / harsh / punitive regime◆tough / harsh / stringent / punitive / firm measures◆tough / punitive / firm action◆harsh / stringent / severe criticism◆increasingly strict / tough / harsh / stringent / punitive / severe◆extremely strict / tough / harsh / rigid / severe◆excessively / unnecessarily strict / harsh / rigid■ strict (of rules or instructions) that must be obeyed exactly; (of a person) demanding that rules, especially about behaviour, should be obeyed(规则或指示)严格的;(人)要求严格的,严厉的◆she left strict instructions that she must not be disturbed.她留下严格的指示,不准打扰她。◆she's on a very strict diet.她正严格节食。◆they were always very strict with their children.他们对子女一向十分严格。◆she's very strict about things like homework.她对作业之类的事要求非常严格。◆i had a very strict upbringing.我小时候家教很严。opp lenient → lenient ▸ strictly adverb◆the industry is strictly regulated.这个行业管理得很严格。◆she was brought up very strictly.她从小家教很严。■ tough /tʌf/ (rather informal) demanding that particular rules be obeyed and not showing sympathy for any problems or suffering that this may cause严厉的;强硬的◆don't be too tough on him-he was only trying to help.不要对他太严厉 - 他只是想帮忙而已。◆the government has promised to get tough on crime.政府已经承诺要严厉打击犯罪。◆the school takes a tough line on (= punishes severely) cheating.学校对作弊行为的惩罚很严厉。◆there will be tough new controls on car emissions.对汽车尾气的排放量将有新的严格控制。◆courts are imposing tougher penalties for street crime.法院正在对街头犯罪实行更严厉的惩治。ⓘ tough can describe the people who make or enforce the rules, the rules themselves, or the punishment for not obeying the rules. * tough 可描述制订或实施规则的人、规则本身或者对违反规则的惩罚。 opp soft → lenient ■ harsh (usually disapproving) (of a judgement, punishment or situation) extreme and cruel or unkind, especially more extreme than is appropriate for the situation(评价、惩罚或局势)残酷的,严酷的,严厉的◆it may seem a bit harsh to criticize him after his death.在他去世后对他进行批评可能会显得有点残酷。◆he later regretted his harsh words.过后他对自己的刻薄言辞感到后悔。◆he accused her of being unduly harsh.他指责她过分严厉。◆we had to face up to the harsh realities of life sooner or later.我们迟早都得正视严酷的生活现实。opp lenient → lenient ▸ harshly adverb◆don't judge him too harshly.不要过分苛刻地批评他。■ rigid /rɪdʒɪd/ (often disapproving) (of rules or methods) that must be obeyed or followed exactly and are difficult to change(规则或方法)死板的,僵化的◆his rigid adherence to the rules made him unpopular.他对规则的刻板坚持使得他不受欢迎。◆the warriors were governed by a rigid code of ethics.武士受制于一套严格死板的道德规范。▸ rigidly adverb◆the speed limit must be rigidly enforced.必须严格执行限速规定。■ stringent /strɪndʒənt/ (formal) (of rules or procedures) that must be obeyed or followed exactly(规则或程序)严格的,严厉的◆there are stringent quality control procedures.有一些严格的质量控制程序。◆safety standards were less stringent in those days.那时的安全标准没那么严格。■ punitive /pjuːnətɪv/ [usually before noun] (formal) intended as a punishment; (of taxes or charges) very high and that people find very difficult to pay惩罚性的;处罚的;(征税或收费)苛刻的◆punitive action will be taken against the hooligans.那些流氓将会受到惩治。◆ (name) they could impose punitive tariffs of up to 100% on imports.他们可以向进口商品征收 100% 的惩罚性关税。ⓘ punitive taxes, tariffs, charges, damages or sanctions are or seem to be designed to punish sb or to put them at a disadvantage. for example, a government might impose punitive tariffs on goods from a particular country as part of a trade dispute. * punitive taxes/tariffs/charges/damages/sanctions (惩罚性征税/关税/收费/损害赔偿金/制裁)都是(或似乎是)用来惩罚某人或者使其处于不利地位,例如,在贸易争端中,一国的政府可能会对来自特定国家的货物征收惩罚性关税。■ firm (often approving) (of sb's behaviour) strong and in control(行为)牢牢控制的,严格的◆people are looking towards him for firm leadership.人们都盼望他是个严格的领导。◆parents must be firm with their children.父母对子女必须严格。▸ firmly adverb◆'i can manage,' she said firmly.“我应付得了。”她坚定地说。■ severe punishing sb in an extreme way when they break a particular set of rules(惩罚)严厉的,重的◆he received a severe reprimand for his behaviour.他因为自己的行为而受到严厉的斥责。◆the courts are becoming more severe on young offenders.法庭对青少年犯罪者的处罚趋于严厉。▸ severely adverb◆anyone breaking the law will be severely punished.违法者将受到严惩。strict(of rules or instructions) that must be obeyed exactly; (of a person) demanding that rules, especially about behaviour, should be obeyed(规则或指示)严格的;(人)要求严格的,严厉的◆she left strict instructions that she must not be disturbed.她留下严格的指示,不准打扰她。◆she's on a very strict diet.她正严格节食。◆they were always very strict with their children.他们对子女一向十分严格。◆she's very strict about things like homework.她对作业之类的事要求非常严格。◆i had a very strict upbringing.我小时候家教很严。opp lenient → lenient ▸ strictly adverb◆the industry is strictly regulated.这个行业管理得很严格。◆she was brought up very strictly.她从小家教很严。strict/strɪkt ||; strɪkt/adj1. not allowing people to break rules or behave badly 严厉的;严格的: ◇samir's very strict with his children. 沙米尔对孩子的管教很严格。◇i went to a very strict school. 我上了一所很严格的学校。 2. that must be obeyed completely 必须严格遵守的: ◇i gave her strict instructions to be home before 9.00. 我严格规定她必须在9点钟之前回家。 3. exactly correct; accurate 完全正确的;精确的: ◇a strict interpretation of the law 对法律的精确诠释 ☞ strict/not strict strict /strɪkt; strɪkt/adj 1. a strict person makes sure that people always obey rules and do exactly what they say, and does not let people behave badly [人]严格的; 严厉的:◇her parents are very strict. 她的父母非常严格。 2. a strict rule, order etc must be obeyed completely [规定、命令等]需严格执行的,严格的:◇i have strict instructions not to let you leave the building. 我有严格指示,不准你离开大楼。 3. always behaving according to a particular set of rules or religious beliefs [对规则、信仰]严格遵守的:◇a strict vegetarian 严格的素食者 4. very exact and correct 严谨的; 精确的:◇it's not a restaurant in the strictest sense of the word — it's more like a cafe. 从最严格的意义上说这不是餐馆 — 它更像咖啡馆。 ☞ strict




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