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单词 set sth in motion / put sth in motion
释义 set sth in motion / put sth in motionidiom(setting, set, set or putting, put, put) (especially written) to make a process start or happen使开始;使发生◆the wheels of change have been set in motion.变革的车轮已经开动。ⓘ set/put sth in motion is usually used to talk about starting a process that consists of several steps. * set/put sth in motion 通常指启动一项由几个步骤组成的进程◆to set in motion preparations / a process / a chain of actions / steps / a procedure / measures开始准备;启动进程;开始一连串行动;开始采取措施;启动程序;开始实施措施




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