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单词 incident
释义 incident nounadjective | verb + incident | incident + verb | incident + noun | preposition adjective➤major, serious重大/严重事件➤little, minor, small, trivial (especially bre) 小事件;次要事件;微不足道的事件➤further进一步的事件◆after nearly falling twice, she managed to make it to the top of the cliff without further incident.她两次差点儿跌落,此后总算攀上了崖顶,没再发生其他意外。➤entire, whole整个事件◆he came to regret the whole incident.他开始对整件事情感到后悔。➤actual, real, real-life真事;真实事件◆the story is based on an actual incident.这篇小说是根据真实事件创作的。➤alleged据称发生过的事➤recorded, reported有记录的/报道过的事件➤latest, recent最新的/最近的事件➤past过去的事件▸➤bad, horrible, horrific, nasty, terrible, ugly, unpleasant, unsavoury (bre) 坏事;恐怖的事;令人讨厌的事;令人不快的事◆some of the worst incidents of urban violence几起最为恶劣的市区暴力事件➤traumatic痛苦难忘的事件➤violent暴力事件➤deadly, fatal, tragic致命的事故;悲剧事件➤dramatic戏剧性事件➤controversial (especially bre) 有争议的事件➤famous, high-profile著名/引人注目的事件➤infamous声名狼藉的事件➤regrettable, unfortunate令人遗憾的/不幸的事件➤embarrassing令人难堪的事件➤bizarre, curious, mysterious, strange, unusual奇异的事件;神秘的事情;奇怪的事;不寻常的事件➤amusing好笑的事件➤separate, unrelated独立的/不相关的事件◆the police said that two men had been arrested in unrelated incidents.警方称两名男子因不相关的事件而被捕。➤isolated孤立的事件◆it is feared that the attack may not have been an isolated incident.人们担心此次袭击也许不是一起个别事件。➤domestic国内事件➤racial种族事件➤border边境事件◆talks were called off following a border incident.边境事件发生后,会谈取消了。➤diplomatic, international外交/国际事件◆an error in the translation nearly caused a diplomatic incident.一个翻译错误几乎酿成一场外交事件。➤security安全事件◆no major security incidents happened at the olympic games that year.那年的奥运会上没发生重大的安全事件。➤terrorist恐怖事件➤nuclear核事件➤bombing, shooting, stabbing爆炸/枪击/刺伤事件➤pollution (bre) 污染事件➤friendly-fire友军火力误伤事件➤alcohol-related涉酒事件➤off-the-ball (bre, sport体育) 无球跑位事故◆she received a serious jaw injury in an off-the-ball incident.她在无球跑位时出了事,下颌严重受伤。verb + incident➤cause, create, provoke引起事件;制造事端;激起事变➤be responsible for对事件负责◆the group is believed to have been responsible for several terrorist incidents.据信该组织对数起恐怖事件负有责任。➤be involved in卷入⋯事件◆the tennis star became involved in an incident with the umpire.这位网球明星卷入了一起对抗裁判的事件。➤experience经历事件◆he was asked whether he had ever experienced any incidents of discrimination.他被问到是否经历过歧视。➤deal with, handle处理事件◆the incident was extremely well handled.这一事件处理得极为妥当。➤avoid, prevent避免/防止事件➤regret对事件感到后悔➤see, witness目睹事件➤recall, remember回忆/记得事件◆he recalled a similar incident 14 months earlier.他记起了 14 个月前发生的一起类似事件。➤forget忘记事件➤describe, recount, relate描述/叙述/讲述事件◆she described the incident as outrageous.她对事件的描述是“骇人听闻”。◆they all laughed as he recounted the amusing incident.听他讲述那件好玩的事情,他们都笑了。➤discuss, talk about讨论/谈论事件➤cite引述事件➤explain解释事件➤downplay, play down (especially bre) 淡化事件◆the government's desire to play down the incident政府淡化该事件的愿望➤report报告/报道事件◆the pedestrian who had nearly been run over reported the incident to the police.那位差点儿被撞倒的行人向警方报告了此事。➤investigate调查事件➤be hurt in, be injured in, be killed in在事件中受伤;在事件中死亡➤survive经历事件而幸存➤pass off without, pass without, proceed without (especially name) 平安顺利地进行◆the demonstration passed without incident.游行示威很顺利,中间没出什么乱子。incident + verb➤happen, occur, take place事件发生➤arise, arise from sth, arise out of sth事件(因⋯)发生◆incidents arising out of an industrial dispute由劳资纠纷引发的事件➤involve sb/sth事件牵涉⋯◆a minor incident involving a bus涉及一辆公共汽车的小事件➤cause sth, lead to sth, prompt sth, result in sth, spark sth事件造成⋯;事件引起⋯;事件促使⋯;事件引发⋯◆the incident sparked a riot which lasted three days.事件引发了一场持续 3 天的暴乱。➤demonstrate sth, illustrate sth, prove sth, show sth事件表明⋯/阐明⋯/证明⋯/说明⋯◆saturday's incident illustrates the fragility of the peace in the country.星期六的事件显示了该国和平的脆弱性。incident + noun➤room (bre) 事件调查室◆an incident room was set up at a police station near the site of the crash.在距离失事现场附近的警局设立了一个事件调查办公室。preposition➤incident with (often humorous) 与⋯有关的事故◆his back still hurts from an incident with a vacuum cleaner.因为吸尘器事件他的背还在疼。➤following an/the incident事件之后◆he was asked to leave the club following an incident with a knife.在一场刀子引起的意外之后,他被要求离开俱乐部。➤in an/the incident在事件中◆three soldiers were wounded in the incident.在这起事件中有 3 名士兵受伤。➤over an/the incident为了某事件◆she was never disciplined over the incident.她一直没有因为那次事件受处罚。➤without incident平安无事◆the patrol had covered 200 miles without incident.已经巡逻 200 英里了,平安无事。incident /ɪnsɪdənt/ [countable, uncountable] (rather formal) something that happens, especially sth unusual or unpleasant; a serious or violent event, such as a crime, accident or attack发生的事情(尤指不寻常或不愉快的);严重事件,暴力事件(如犯罪、事故或袭击等)◆his bad behaviour was just an isolated incident.他的不良行为只是个案。◆there was a shooting incident near here last night.昨晚这附近发生了枪击事件。◆the demonstration passed off without incident.这次示威和平地结束了。incident/ˈɪnsɪdənt ||; ˈɪnsədənt/noun [c] (formal 正式) something that happens (especially sth unusual or unpleasant) 事件(尤指奇特的或不愉快的): ◇there were a number of incidents after the football match. 足球赛结束以后,发生了多起不愉快事件。◇a diplomatic incident (= a dangerous or unpleasant situation between countries) 外交事件 incidentsee ⇨ happen 7 in·ci·dent /`ɪnsədənt; ˈɪnsɪdənt/n [c]something unusual, serious, or violent that happens [异常的、严重的或暴力的]事件:◇anyone who saw the incident should contact the police. 任何目睹这一事件的人应与警方联络。




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